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you know where everyone is inquisitors


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because they're the single most OP class in huttball and that is all we get 90% of the time. Huttball and nothing but huttball.




Can get redue the warzones so that we get something other then freaking huttball all the time and I can finally go pvp in a place where knockbacks are stupid overpowered because they don't follow the resolute thing DR.



DR only affects stuns, doesn't seem to effect knockbacks or knockdowns. Which is why you seem to be CC'd all the time.



WTB DR to knockbacks!

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People say inq's are op... the republic have the exact same class but with different visuals and names on their abilities.


Plus you say their moves are OP, but there are so many of them you dont know if it is just 1 or 3 doing the attacks.

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because they're the single most OP class in huttball and that is all we get 90% of the time. Huttball and nothing but huttball.




Can get redue the warzones so that we get something other then freaking huttball all the time and I can finally go pvp in a place where knockbacks are stupid overpowered because they don't follow the resolute thing DR.



DR only affects stuns, doesn't seem to effect knockbacks or knockdowns. Which is why you seem to be CC'd all the time.



WTB DR to knockbacks!


Redue the warzones? Do you mean reduce the warzones? Redo the warzones? Im not sure what you mean, but the reason why you get huttball all the time is because it is the onl WZ that allows same server same faction battles. Since Republic faction is outnumbered, it resorts to huttball to allow for all the Imps queueing. Its a design flaw that Bioware was made well aware of during beta. Unfortunately Bioware, in all its arrogance, chose to ignore this along with several other gamebreaking items. Like the warzone exp bug.

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yeah it's reasons like that which is making me think this game won't really be that successful and is doomed to go free to play. Bioware just isn't listening at all. Like period. I though blizzard had a habit of not listening to testers, bioware doesn't even listen to bug reports.



Looks like Trion is the only company that actually listens to the people who play it with feedback.

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yeah it's reasons like that which is making me think this game won't really be that successful and is doomed to go free to play. Bioware just isn't listening at all. Like period. I though blizzard had a habit of not listening to testers, bioware doesn't even listen to bug reports.



Looks like Trion is the only company that actually listens to the people who play it with feedback.


it takes more then a week to properly nerf a class.


if they're OP, it'll be fixed next patch probably.


even WoW never got class balancing down.

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because they're the single most OP class in huttball and that is all we get 90% of the time. Huttball and nothing but huttball.




Can get redue the warzones so that we get something other then freaking huttball all the time and I can finally go pvp in a place where knockbacks are stupid overpowered because they don't follow the resolute thing DR.



DR only affects stuns, doesn't seem to effect knockbacks or knockdowns. Which is why you seem to be CC'd all the time.



WTB DR to knockbacks!


there are no DR on any CC when your CC bar is filled your immune to all CC all they do is interupt whateva skill u usen.


hutball is the only WZ that allows same faction fights and there are loads more imperial then republic on most servers is why hutball qs alot.


if they ever implement DR on CC i will un sub that day cause the way they are doing is fine and works great.


at least when i use my 4 second stun its 4 secs and if u [ay attention and not bash buttons the cc bar is shown on your target ur attacken. so L2P.

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yeah it's reasons like that which is making me think this game won't really be that successful and is doomed to go free to play. Bioware just isn't listening at all. Like period. I though blizzard had a habit of not listening to testers, bioware doesn't even listen to bug reports.



Looks like Trion is the only company that actually listens to the people who play it with feedback.


yea and look at Rift its amess in balance issues and never will get right

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had a hutball game where enemy team was 8 inquis.




everyone knew that INQ was going to be the most played just cause they are most played does not mean they R OP. if 3 sors are usen there force lightenen on u guess what u gona walk slow and die fast.


they cant put dr on slow movement abilities cause if they did that Operatives would be SOLd

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