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Nova Squadron RP-GSF Recruiting


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Siepher flies into the battle in his K-52 Strongarm dubbed Sky Hammer, in tow is a few members of Nova with him the comms flire up, "This is Shadow Squad leader, all gunships on my mark, our target is that satellite, we must capture it at all costs.", Siepher says. 2 scouts fly past him engines firing at a speed so fast they appear in a flash. Leonio in his quarrel hits his rotation thrusters, "I got one commander." Siepher fires a proton torpedo at the other scout, it tried to avoid the lock on, but the missle hit to fast. Siepher screams over the comm, "All gunships fire up slug rails! Hit those turrets! Take em out!!"


The gunships all come to a stop, and particles gather at the tips of the cannons, and then a blast is let loose, "Sir all 3 turrets down.", Leonio says. Siepher orders, "All fire up feed back shields, hit that satellite hard!"


Does this interest you, if so Nova Squadron is for you. We are an RP-GSF guild in it's rebuilding phase. We recently acquired our guild bank and Stronghold on Coruscant. I am Siepher Lune, maybe you heard of me, but I hope not, as a gunship pilot, I'd rather be not seen :sick:. However I recently joined Nova Squadron as an officer to help rebuild one of the best GSF guilds on the server. I am currently looking for roleplayers or GSF pilots of all skill levels to help join us.


New to rp, no problem, new to GSF I know first hand how hard it is to get good in GSF with people who have been doing it since launch almost 2 years ago. Having a ship with no mods against pilots who have maxed out everything, but don't worry about that win or loose you'll still get requisition to build your ships, and practice makes perfect. I'm not saying I'm the best pilot out there, but I know a trick or 2. We are looking for people to help lead our wings, as well as pilots who just wish to fly and or role play. Each type of ship Bombers, Strikes, Scouts, Gunners, will have a division commander, so we can be one of the best if not the best star fighter guild on the Ebon Hawk server.


So space is wide open, and the pvp is bar none in GSF, it's really is more about skill then gear, however gear helps a lot, it isn't mandatory, I have personally had some of my best matches in un-modded ships. If interested in joining us look me up in game, or post in this forum and I'll find you. My main is Siepher, and my alts are Anakoni and Tohn'i, maybe you remember Tohn'i from The WIndwalkers rp-gsf, it was a while ago, but I hope I left an impact.


Hope to see you flying with us, keep the space lanes safe.


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Many kilometers from Nova Squadron's victory, a lone Imperial scout sits dark and silent. Its occupant leans forward in the pilot seat to tap a few buttons, then speaks a simple message into her communicator.


"Holorecord complete. Reactivation of Nova Squadron confirmed. Returning to base."


All at once, the scout's twin engines fire and the ship whirls about. In the blink of an eye, it disappears into the vastness of space, leaving a faint purplish ion trail that swirls momentarily and then is gone.


(( See you guys in space! ))

Edited by Ymris
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