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Precision/Gore Change idea


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So, I had a small idea to buff Combat Sentinels and Carnage Marauders, and the idea was to buff Precision/Gore to have a greater impact, perhaps the most distinguishing ability the Combat/Carnage tree has. Another player had suggested something but I had an idea of my own so I want to mention them both here:


A) Precision/Gore now last 3 attacks rather than 3 seconds. This prevents the ridiculous CC blocking that can happen at times and ruin your entire rotation as well as your best spell. Overall effect should be limited to something like 6 seconds but it would give a bit more opportunity.

B) Precision/Gore is now a buff to Master Strike/Ravage. Increase the cooldown to 30 seconds, but your next Master Strike/Ravage makes you immune to CC and adds a percentile Armor Penetration, Maybe not 100% but certainly 50% or so.


Any thoughts on this?

Edited by Kuronan
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Hu no. Just no, players must be able to counter attacks and right now a STUN is the only thing that can break a precion window, its off gcd its instant players that stun us right we trigger precision are simply playing it smart, it has happened to me sometimes and im first thought " you lucky bastard" sents are in a good spot imo, i play one.
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