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What are the chances of Lana reconciling with a Republic PC?


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Given that she's literally my only option as a female PC, I don't know how much I want to do with a Republic character until I have an answer on this... which won't come until more content is released, but what are the odds of it, do you think?
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Given that she's literally my only option as a female PC, I don't know how much I want to do with a Republic character until I have an answer on this... which won't come until more content is released, but what are the odds of it, do you think?


50/50. It's not as if Bioware won't make another Same Sex NPC for both sides in a future ex-pac. I wouldn't really dwell on the matter. Focus on having fun. :)

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Given that she's literally my only option as a female PC, I don't know how much I want to do with a Republic character until I have an answer on this... which won't come until more content is released, but what are the odds of it, do you think?


On the Empire side, she's pretty dedicated to the Empire and is a patriot. From that, I'd say the chances are very slim to none that she would defect to the Republic just to be with your Republic toon.


On the other hand..... Major, major Spoiler follows. Seriously, do not look at this, if you don't want to be spoiled.



At the end of the Ziost story. If you play a Sith Inquisitor (I don't know about the other classes). Darth Nox chews her @55 out and tells her to resign her position as the Minister of Sith Intelligence. She resigns to her fate and agrees to resign from her post for her mishandling of the whole thing. She goes to report to Darth Marr to give her resignation, and that's the last time your toon talks to Lana Beniko.


We will see what Darth Marr had to say about her colossal failure, and what he's decided to do about her in the next expansion.


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On the Empire side, she's pretty dedicated to the Empire and is a patriot. From that, I'd say the chances are very slim to none that she would defect to the Republic just to be with your Republic toon.


On the other hand..... Major, major Spoiler follows. Seriously, do not look at this, if you don't want to be spoiled.



At the end of the Ziost story. If you play a Sith Inquisitor (I don't know about the other classes). Darth Nox chews her @55 out and tells her to resign her position as the Minister of Sith Intelligence. She resigns to her fate and agrees to resign from her post for her mishandling of the whole thing. She goes to report to Darth Marr to give her resignation, and that's the last time your toon talks to Lana Beniko.


We will see what Darth Marr had to say about her colossal failure, and what he's decided to do about her in the next expansion.





No, the Inquisitor doesn't. You have the *choice* to tell her that and I suppose you have the *choice* on other classes, but the Inquisitor dos not automatically do that. (And happens to have other possible titles than Nox hmph. Sorry, but pet peeve right there :/)


(And tbh it's not really Lana's colossal failure, your character failed as much as she did and if you're a Sith you're actually higher ranked, so if it's anyone's colossal failure it'd be your Sith's.)


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No, the Inquisitor doesn't. You have the *choice* to tell her that and I suppose you have the *choice* on other classes, but the Inquisitor dos not automatically do that. (And happens to have other possible titles than Nox hmph. Sorry, but pet peeve right there :/)


(And tbh it's not really Lana's colossal failure, your character failed as much as she did and if you're a Sith you're actually higher ranked, so if it's anyone's colossal failure it'd be your Sith's.)


Man's got a point. I don't see anywhere how Lana is any more responsible then the PCs were.

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On the Empire side, she's pretty dedicated to the Empire and is a patriot. From that, I'd say the chances are very slim to none that she would defect to the Republic just to be with your Republic toon.


On the other hand..... Major, major Spoiler follows. Seriously, do not look at this, if you don't want to be spoiled.



At the end of the Ziost story. If you play a Sith Inquisitor (I don't know about the other classes). Darth Nox chews her @55 out and tells her to resign her position as the Minister of Sith Intelligence. She resigns to her fate and agrees to resign from her post for her mishandling of the whole thing. She goes to report to Darth Marr to give her resignation, and that's the last time your toon talks to Lana Beniko.


We will see what Darth Marr had to say about her colossal failure, and what he's decided to do about her in the next expansion.


Yeah I did that on my Sith Juggernaut, it isn't only Inquisitors.

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Sorry, I misspoke, I should have been clearer. Yes, it was a choice. I should have said, 'One of Nox's responses.' I've noticed that depending on the class, some dialog choices are different, a Bounty Hunter has no business ordering a government official to resign. So, I would not expect to see that. (But you never know with BW/EA).


Also, the fact that she did go to offer her resignation to Darth Marr suggests that she may not be Minister of Sith Intel next time we see her.


Back to the OP's question: Because she offers her resignation, Darth Marr might want to kill her for her failure. He stuck his neck out recommending her, and got egg on his face as a result. As a result, she may seek asylum in the Republic, and in that way your character could end up with Lana as a companion. I highly doubt that will happen, however.


It is HER FAILURE. She is the MINISTER OF SITH INTELLIGENCE. She should have done a very thorough back ground investigation on him. She admitted that she didn't do a very thorough job of checking his, nor anyone else' backgrounds, carefully enough, before letting them in to the new Sith Intelligence agency.


Lana Beniko is SITH. How is Nox being Sith make him more responsible than Lana? She's not some front line agent. She is the MINISTER of Sith Intelligence. The responsibility is hers. Plus, Marr nominated her for the position. So, if you're going to point fingers at a Dark Councilor, point them at Marr.


Edited by WorldSmasher
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Sorry, but in the grand scheme of who will hold more blame, it will come down to the highest-ranking Sith on-scene for the problem. Now, granted, this is Lana if you're the BH or IA, but even still, I would hope that Marr would understand that because you were on-scene for a majority of the problem, you bear much blame.


I'd actually like Bioware to place some blame for problems at the protagonists' feet. It involves you in the story more when the problem that occurs is your fault. :)


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