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All right, since no one believe me....10 cartel packs on sale in 36 hours, for 1000.


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And someone will happily turn around and sell them on the GTN for 200k-300k each (or whatever they're usually going for now / whatever is normal on your server, but 200k and higher is about where I've usually seen packs starting at on Harbinger) to make an insane profit off of the deal.
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I don't care. I tried to use the community ONE time in 2012, and a thug logged off with 1 million credit of parts because I was stupid enough to believe that crafting was done in this game like in virtually all other game in existence.


The ''community'' cheered at the thug and called me moron. Since that time, I would cut my arm rather than doing anything close to the GTN. I delete or vendor rares.

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... Now I'm curious to hear the story behind that. Of course there's no excusing the response you say that you got (although it sounds really exaggerated), and people should have politely explained the mistake and cleared up whatever misconception you had to help make sure that you'd know better if something like that came up again. But what exactly were you expecting to happen? You make it sound like you were blindly handing a ton of full stacks of materials (or just several rare materials at least) over to someone for nothing but promises in return? What were they supposed to be giving you? And they placed nothing on their side of the trade window and you just accepted the trade like that?


It also sounds like strange motivation to severely undersell something yourself. (You're not "sticking it to the man" or anything. You're the only one that's losing in this deal.)


I usually prefer single player games myself. This is the only MMO I've ever really cared to play. What exactly is crafting like in most other MMOs? What's so drastically different about whatever other game's system that you had in mind that there was cause for confusion here? Do other games spit items out instantaneously as soon as you order them instead of it taking some time to make the item? And do people in those games commonly just blindly accept a one-sided trade expecting a new one-sided trade to be offered by the other person a moment later? Surely there must be some jerks in those games too so that people would get burned from time to time (nearly always, I'd assume) by such a practice.

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....Since that time, I would cut my arm rather than doing anything close to the GTN. I delete or vendor rares.


Tell ya what, before you delete or vendor anymore rares, holla at me. Whenever you got packs you wanna get rid of, holla at me. I'll buy em from you. You ain't gotta deal with the community...deal with me. Pm me here, or in-game, let me know your asking price, and I'll send YOU the money first.


In the words of scarface "all I got in this world is my b***s and my word, and I don't break em for nobody"

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... Now I'm curious to hear the story behind that. Of course there's no excusing the response you say that you got (although it sounds really exaggerated), and people should have politely explained the mistake and cleared up whatever misconception you had to help make sure that you'd know better if something like that came up again. But what exactly were you expecting to happen? You make it sound like you were blindly handing a ton of full stacks of materials (or just several rare materials at least) over to someone for nothing but promises in return? What were they supposed to be giving you? And they placed nothing on their side of the trade window and you just accepted the trade like that?


It also sounds like strange motivation to severely undersell something yourself. (You're not "sticking it to the man" or anything. You're the only one that's losing in this deal.)


I usually prefer single player games myself. This is the only MMO I've ever really cared to play. What exactly is crafting like in most other MMOs? What's so drastically different about whatever other game's system that you had in mind that there was cause for confusion here? Do other games spit items out instantaneously as soon as you order them instead of it taking some time to make the item? And do people in those games commonly just blindly accept a one-sided trade expecting a new one-sided trade to be offered by the other person a moment later? Surely there must be some jerks in those games too so that people would get burned from time to time (nearly always, I'd assume) by such a practice.


In every single other MMO with crafting, it does not take several hours to craft an enchant. You give the mats, the guy craft the thing (at least that was how it was done in 2012)

Edited by Angedechu
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