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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

OK, these credit spamming whispers are out of control


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Just a suggestion but from what I've seen for the farmers, and spammers, is random letters. by that I mean, take a look at this screenie I took back on the 14th of this month. Group of 4, all grouped together, doing same thing, but what I noticed was random letters, then "GSG" at the end. So a suggestion that might be good, and help stop these spammers, is not allowing random letters like ddakdjfkajkdlfj and have them make actual names to use when creating accounts. Just an opition, and an opinion.




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So a suggestion that might be good, and help stop these spammers, is not allowing random letters like ddakdjfkajkdlfj and have them make actual names to use when creating accounts.


That's an easy thing to enforce... and just as easy to avoid. For my own fun, I've written code to generate random fantasy-ish names. It took a couple hours. From that point, it would be trivial to include it in a bot.


If you ban those names, you'll just end up with bots using code similar to what I wrote. Bioware will spend one developer-week writing, testing, and documenting the change, and the spammers will spend 8 hours writing code to sneak around it. The result is the same number of spammers, but now they're even harder to spot. For now, its better that they are using the random strings, as its easier to spot them in logs and player lists.

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Am I the only one not getting any whispers and spam?


I'm feeling kinda unwanted :(


You can have my spam, I wasn't a fan of it as a kid, and now as an adult I seriously hate even worse..Oh wait. not that spam that you eat. the one that is happening in game. Make a new toon, and you'll get slammed with it. I'm sure. I just hated having to turn off Whispers so that I can actually play. Now I feel like most that send invites , or ask me a question feel that I'm ignoring them. I try to make friends, but these spammers are making that impossible to enjoy the game.

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Feel free to suggest a way of doing that.


It's not that Bioware isn't aware of what is happening. The problem is that the spammers are using the exact same systems that legitimate players are. What do you expect them to do? Ban whispers? Loads of people use them for normal gameplay. Should they immediately ban/gag everyone after ten spam reports? What would stop a guild from getting together and triggering bans/gags on whoever they want? Should they limit non-subscribers to only one whisper per minute? That doesn't solve the problem, it just means that the spammers will put out more bots to do the whispering.


Being totally serious here: Try to find a rule that would stop this, then see how many legitimate players would be impacted by it and how easy it would be for other players to abuse it. If you can find a way to suppress just the spammers and let all the normal players continue to do their thing, then you're about to become very popular in the MMO industry.



Oh please in other mmos ive played you can report someone and almost instantly get results, the point here is for now they need a team to bann these accounts who are abusing spam, im fine with them spamming in gen, I understand some people need to make money doing this. But believe me in many mmorpgs many companies dont want to spend the money to take action on spammers.

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You can have my spam, I wasn't a fan of it as a kid, and now as an adult I seriously hate even worse..Oh wait. not that spam that you eat. the one that is happening in game. Make a new toon, and you'll get slammed with it. I'm sure. I just hated having to turn off Whispers so that I can actually play. Now I feel like most that send invites , or ask me a question feel that I'm ignoring them. I try to make friends, but these spammers are making that impossible to enjoy the game.


Making new toons is all I've been doing since 12x launched :D


Still no spam though...


Maby its not that bad on The Progenitor? :confused:

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I had one last night from a regular looking character name but just with a lot of the same letter at the end. I can't remember what it was, but it wasn't alphabet soup.


I'm also curious if everyone's is happening after talking in General at least once. So far it seems nothing until I talk in General and then I'm inundated the rest of the night. Just wondering if they are searching users by area or if using Gen chat to whisper. Obviously my resolution isn't all of us just not talking anymore on General, lol, but just curious if that's always when it starts.....

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I had one last night from a regular looking character name but just with a lot of the same letter at the end. I can't remember what it was, but it wasn't alphabet soup.


I'm also curious if everyone's is happening after talking in General at least once. So far it seems nothing until I talk in General and then I'm inundated the rest of the night. Just wondering if they are searching users by area or if using Gen chat to whisper. Obviously my resolution isn't all of us just not talking anymore on General, lol, but just curious if that's always when it starts.....


I was getting them without posting in Chat.

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Thanks, well then there goes that theory. So they are seeking us all out by server then.


Yup. My daughter was getting them - she has chat off, and she never posts on forums. I assume they just check the 'who' list, or whatever it's called here.

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