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Story and MMOs don't mix. ToR the most underwhelming game ever made.


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I just want to say I don't have any of these activation delays the OP mentions.


My instant casts are instant I press the button. Without a problem. I'm able to jump and hit a target on a ledge above me at the height of the jump, where I couldn't hit them standing. So that's good responsiveness.


Dare I say the problem might be with some people's connections/ISPs?




I do have complaints with this game -- mostly that it was obviously rushed to be put out this year (despite the fact that people following this game thought it would be released months ago).


Some Flashpoints are clearly unfinished, the Legacy is obviously being tacked-on now post-launch. It makes me think that there are other things (like an instance-finder) that they know should be in the game, but aren't.


Also, PvP needs some balancing, but I can't wholly say what or how as I'm still really learning all the classes.


I do feel -- and share this opinion with many others -- that the crowd-control is a bit too intensive. I do like a lot of crowd-control (stuns, slows, etc.) as they help certain classes (like tanks) have a place in PvP, but it's just a little much in TOR. If you have more than one person focusing you, all strategy, skill, and know-how you might have at your disposal is totally negated by the sheer amount of stuns and knockdowns that, with two people, you will be completely unable to avoid. It makes things lop-sided, and a bit too team-dependent.

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Story is meh. Yes Agent is fun it s ure adds something new but I felt way more immersed in games like Fallout and other such single player games where they do it best. The idea of an MMO is that it's MULTIPLAYER! players make the content and make the game feel specail. Bioware seems to have designed there game to keep people apart.


That's why EvE is an overwhelming success, right? :rolleyes:

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I have done PvP and it is not a major issue in the least. If you learn to adapt to the mechanic instead of trying to keep things the same as it was before then you will be frustrated like many others.


I don't have specific names, but I noticed some familiar voice-actors like The Green Lantern from Justice League Unlimited, the voice actor for the Jedi Knight and Smuggler stands out to me the most, and sometimes the voices take a drastic change in tone and pitch if you pick an exceedingly darker/lighter option. It happened in particular when I was a JK and I was in the cave on Tython with the dying Selkath and I choose to "draw on my hate and anger", the voice made a shift from a noble knight to a darker, angrier knight. I'm not too far into the game so I dont have many examples for you but it's great form what I've seen and it's only going to get better I imagine.


The Jedi Sentinel faced the Imperial Agent and nearly died but he was a pretty amazing player and he had the advantage but the Agent's stats is at the end.


It's a thrilling mini-game that serves it's purpose. The connotation of "thrilling" made it seem that I was saying it was "incredibly epic" but it can really suck you in if you have an open mind about it and see it for what it is instead of what you want it to be.


Bad analogy. TOR is the Android, WoW is the Iphone. The Android is extremely refined and polished, needing very little patching to completely out-do the Iphone which needed SEVERAL refinements over the years and even releases patches for patches every few months. Their both good and reliable, but I feel safer with the more refined model from the jump and needs little improvement to a older model that is still taking large steps for the better.


There are an incredibly lot of factors you have to examine. They needed to get the voice-actors together, shoot the voice-acting, create the script, refine the script, determine the classes, create quests, trash bad quest ideas, re-do quests, determine which quests need to be done in which order, etc, etc, etc. And that's before actually working ON the game.


Same with the basketball analogy. The talented team is good, extremely good, fresh, new, and brings new things to the table. They spent a lot of time in practice and training camp pre-season to get the basics down(NOT perfected) and started working on the MAIN core of their game which could be shooting, passing in the paint, alley-oops, etc.


The solid basketball team has GREATLY IMPROVED their fundamentals to the point in which they do not need to work on it, and thus is not prone to the small "bugs" and patches that the talented team needs, and has greatly refined their game altogether.


The two will undoubtedly be compared to each other since they are both high performance, high octane teams that have a lot of expectations set upon them.

Then you don't PvP competitively. It's a huge issue, I don't even know how you can call it a new mechanic. I bet if BioWare made this game stick figures and all black and white you'd call it their new art style.


Uh, Phil LaMarr isn't in this game. Check his IMDB if you don't believe me. Anyway, I was asking for characters, not voice actors. The voice acting in this game ranges from great to awful.



But.. The Imperial Agent doesn't have top DPS. Could tell me which part actually has the fight?



It could suck me in if I had bad standards and didn't play a lot f video games, I guess. I don't see how an onrails space shooter that is a carbon copy of the original Star Fox is thrilling or epic in this day and age. Maybe if it came out ten years ago.


Also, great. I get a mediocre game because BioWare wasted resources on voice acting.


..That doesn't make sense. TOR is a copy of WoW that came out in 2005. Why exactly should we have to wait for this game to have refinements that other games already have? This stuff should have been put in beta.


The basketball analogy was originally used to try to stop comparisons to WoW.. Now it's being used as an excuse as to why TOR's major problems didn't get fixed in beta when tons of people complained about them?


Also, yes. Of course they're going to be compared. I'm glad you now see how absurd it is for people to say "STOP COMPARING THEM WOW HAD MORE TIME."

Edited by Sgtcrispy
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*Reads thread title*






I don't know about the most underwhelming game ever made, but based on the hype and the company behind the game, I was extremely underwhelmed. I haven't been this disappointed in a PC game since Borderlands.

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That's why EvE is an overwhelming success, right? :rolleyes:


EvE is going pretty decently actually, for a while. It offers a different MMO experience and is one of the few that doesn't try to clone WoW. I don't like it because I feel it gets TOO complicated. But It's different and tried something new and took some risks, I can give it that. A praise I cannot give to this game.

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They have at best 350k subscriptions, and I believe that number is far overestimated. Chribba has 17 and most people who play have no less than two. Of all the players in the world, you have just 350k subscriptions and even less interested players.


That's not really success, that's just making it from paycheck to paycheck.

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They have at best 350k subscriptions, and I believe that number is far overestimated. Chribba has 17 and most people who play have no less than two. Of all the players in the world, you have just 350k subscriptions and even less interested players.


That's not really success, that's just making it from paycheck to paycheck.

They have around 360k. Which they've had for around a while. That's decent. It's not WoW money but it's not Warhammer Online either. I think this game has around 1 million which I predict will drop drastically after the free month.

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There is no community...

my full server BloodworthEU feels empty. No chat bubbles and boring emots means a souless game.


Game feels empty becuse bioware choose a terrible game engine. The engine was designed for instanced/phased game play similar to that of Guildwars. The reason why you never see more than 30 people at once in a given area is becuse there on a diffrent instance of the same area.

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After following ToR for a while and being a huge Star Wars fun as well as a MMO fan I help but feel hugely underwhelmed.


There is no community...

Bioware seems to be playing this "play it safe" game. No server forums, keeping both factions apart so even my full server BloodworthEU feels empty. No chat bubbles and boring emots means a souless game.


PVP is the worst out of any MMO

Seriously, I found the battlegrounds to be boring and underwhelming. There is like a 0.5 second delay in all abilities. My kalto injection has a cast time of 2seconds but a hidden delay of 0.5 seconds. 1.5 second GCD is stupid. Combat feels very clunky and my feelings have been echoed accross all class forums.



Story is meh. Yes Agent is fun it s ure adds something new but I felt way more immersed in games like Fallout and other such single player games where they do it best. The idea of an MMO is that it's MULTIPLAYER! players make the content and make the game feel specail. Bioware seems to have designed there game to keep people apart.



Was the biggest disappointment I've had. Once I hit the dune sea I though "ok now for some fun" I saw no one of the other faction and 3/4 easy quests later I was done. Who ever designed Tatooine should be fired IMO


Ok, I'm having fun but that's because it's shiny and new, however I can see this game growing old very fast. I really hope it works out as I'm willing to invest my money and time into it. I'm going to keep on marching on but there needs to be some improvments and fast.



Give it some time, ive heard server forums are on their way, and even if they were their its not effecting your in game at all. This is all subjective. Ive run into tons of cool people just running around and waving. Text bubbles would be cool but that doesn't really change the fact their talking to you or not.


For gods sake you can turn off the ability delay. Its set standard at .5 seconds.


Story is Meh??! Im having a blast, this is another purley subjective point. Obviously some quests are not to the highest standards of writing, but theirs so many you can expect that. The same thing happens in other RPGs as well. You think Skyrims quests are all good? Oblivions?


No one was running around on tattoine because the majority of people are not that level yet, get a hold of yourself.

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For gods sake you can turn off the ability delay. Its set standard at .5 seconds.


Ok, it makes things a little more smooth but there is a still a 0.5 second delay. Example... If I spam a heal there is a 0.5 second delay from cast to receve. I.E... A cast is really 2.5 seconds.

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Game feels empty becuse bioware choose a terrible game engine. The engine was designed for instanced/phased game play similar to that of Guildwars. The reason why you never see more than 30 people at once in a given area is becuse there on a diffrent instance of the same area.


I'd like a source for the Hero Engine being that bad.


BioWare has repeatedly stated that the game engine and servers are more than capable of hosting enough people comparable to the current "AAA" MMORPGs.


Also, phasing is temporary.


Less q_q on that topic.

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Ok, it makes things a little more smooth but there is a still a 0.5 second delay. Example... If I spam a heal there is a 0.5 second delay from cast to receve. I.E... A cast is really 2.5 seconds.


But you'll eat some of them, right? :D


I joke, I joke.


I think that's a latency problem that can be easily fixed anyhow.

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Then you don't PvP competitively. It's a huge issue, I don't even know how you can call it a new mechanic. I bet if BioWare made this game stick figures and all black and white you'd call it their new art style.


Uh, Phil LaMarr isn't in this game. Check his IMDB if you don't believe me. Anyway, I was asking for characters, not voice actors. The voice acting in this game ranges from great to awful.



But.. The Imperial Agent doesn't have top DPS. Could tell me which part actually has the fight?



It could suck me in if I had bad standards and didn't play a lot f video games, I guess. I don't see how an onrails space shooter that is a carbon copy of the original Star Fox is thrilling or epic in this day and age. Maybe if it came out ten years ago.


Also, great. I get a mediocre game because BioWare wasted resources on voice acting.


..That doesn't make sense. TOR is a copy of WoW that came out in 2005. Why exactly should we have to wait for this game to have refinements that other games already have? This stuff should have been put in beta.


The basketball analogy was originally used to try to stop comparisons to WoW.. Now it's being used as an excuse as to why TOR's major problems didn't get fixed in beta when tons of people complained about them?


Also, yes. Of course they're going to be compared. I'm glad you now see how absurd it is for people to say "STOP COMPARING THEM WOW HAD MORE TIME."


This makes PvP more about strategy and timing and less about spamming and bunny hopping. It's just the mechanic they decided to go with for change and balance. It's not the most competitive environment but it's more balanced and fun with the CASUAL player in mind, NOT the try-hards.


Hmm, I could have sworn I heard him. In any event, I stated the Jedi Knight, and Smuggler stand out to me with a nod to the Trooper. Several characters have rehashed voice-actors but it's more prolific in some cases than others. I also give you Darth Baras and Lord Zash as another example.


It was the end of the video the commentator states that the Imperial Agent topped the charts.


It's a fun epic mini-game that serves its purpose. It's not bad, it's a great game that's meant to give you quick XP and a bit of immersion, bit it's just not one of the main tenets of the game as described.


They had many, many, more problems to fix instead small bugs that only pop up on occasion. They can easily be cleaned out with a good patch in the next month or two.


The basketball analogy was both a comparison and a contrast. It exemplifies WHY people would compare the two games, while they SHOULDN'T compare them because of the difference in preparation and etc.

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This makes PvP more about strategy and timing and less about spamming and bunny hopping. It's just the mechanic they decided to go with for change and balance. It's not the most competitive environment but it's more balanced and fun with the CASUAL player in mind, NOT the try-hards.


Hmm, I could have sworn I heard him. In any event, I stated the Jedi Knight, and Smuggler stand out to me with a nod to the Trooper. Several characters have rehashed voice-actors but it's more prolific in some cases than others. I also give you Darth Baras and Lord Zash as another example.


It was the end of the video the commentator states that the Imperial Agent topped the charts.


It's a fun epic mini-game that serves its purpose. It's not bad, it's a great game that's meant to give you quick XP and a bit of immersion, bit it's just not one of the main tenets of the game as described.


They had many, many, more problems to fix instead small bugs that only pop up on occasion. They can easily be cleaned out with a good patch in the next month or two.


The basketball analogy was both a comparison and a contrast. It exemplifies WHY people would compare the two games, while they SHOULDN'T compare them because of the difference in preparation and etc.


The voice acting for the most part is stellar in my opinion.


Also, David Hayter as the Jedi Knight? I can't play any class but the Knight now.

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