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As a single player game, SWTOR is great


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It feels like a single player with an irc chat window. It feels dead everywhere I go.


It does feel a little empty.. but not dead by any means. My gripe is with the environments so far. I really liked dromund kass.. but nar shadaa is so boring to me.. I only like it when I am flying around from point to point.

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sadly, I have to agree with the people that say it feels like s single player game.. I think they wanted to change how MMOs play.. but they changed MMOs in to a single player game with semi-cooop features


I have enjoyed leveling my BH with friends and family running FPs and heroic quests.. but at the end of the day.. when I'm maxed out.. it seems like there isn't much to do except level another character.. and that hardly seems worth resubbing for..

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The story is great and so is the content (for a single player game). However as I barely see anyone else in the game at the moment, I cant really call it a multiplayer game. Instancing is so stupid, makes the game feel dead, and so its hard to group up with people when theres only 20 others on your planet, despite you waiting 2 hoours to get onto the server.


I'm paying £9 a month for this, I want this game to prove to me im getting my moneys worth. But at the moment, it seems to be failing in doing so. I dont know what Bioware have done. They put MM in front of ORPG for money or what?


Im not comparing this game to wow because its different ( although some mechanics may be the same) and when people do compare to wow its like comparing cod to battlefield. Cod had guns then battlefield put guns in omg they copied cod. just no.


Does anyone else agree that its a fantastic single player experience so far?


Are you on a PvP server because there's certainly no lack of people or feeling of it being an MMO on my PvE server. I've not had a problem finding groups, there's always other people running around when I'm questing, there's loads of people in the Fleet and at the Flashpoint lobby and I've not had to wait longer than about 2 minutes to get a PvP warfront to open up.

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Are you on a PvP server because there's certainly no lack of people or feeling of it being an MMO on my PvE server. I've not had a problem finding groups, there's always other people running around when I'm questing, there's loads of people in the Fleet and at the Flashpoint lobby and I've not had to wait longer than about 2 minutes to get a PvP warfront to open up.


Unfortunately, I myself am on a "FULL" PVE server and it feels like a ghosttown in many of the areas. It's hit or miss getting a group together. Sometimes it's quick, and sometimes it's 20 minutes or just flat out giving up.


Thankfully, the epic story and rpg of this game distract from many of the shortcomings for now, but for how long is the question. After the stories have been played, what and where is the endgame content to keep people subscribed? Bioware needs a good carrot and stick to keep people coming back, it's the formula of success.

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