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When do we get back to actually fighting the Republic?


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Makeb wasn't terrible because both sides were pretty much there with hidden agendas (Empire wanted the IS5 and you could tell the Supreme Chancellor saw the people of Makeb more a resource).


Oricon, SoR, and the upcoming Emperor expansion are a totally different story. They have us holding hands and accepting the same story on both sides. I can live without class stories, but faction stories are non-negotiable.


There's a war going on and I'd like to fight it instead having it completely side stepped.

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Makeb wasn't terrible because both sides were pretty much there with hidden agendas (Empire wanted the IS5 and you could tell the Supreme Chancellor saw the people of Makeb more a resource).


Oricon, SoR, and the upcoming Emperor expansion are a totally different story. They have us holding hands and accepting the same story on both sides. I can live without class stories, but faction stories are non-negotiable.


There's a war going on and I'd like to fight it instead having it completely side stepped.


I cant agree more. This homogenous story we are getting at the moment is just silly. It's star wars, not star peace.

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I wholeheartedly agree. Heck, I wouldn't even mind "Holy crap, big bad third party!" stuff if we got to turn it to the war somehow, just in some small way. Like, I don't know, maybe the option to turn the dread fortresses weapons on the enemy after the dread masters have been disposed of. There was certainly no reason the empire wouldn't have fired on the republic as they were exiting Yavin and I could hear poor Nox grinding his teeth as they just flew off. If we're going to have one third party enemy all the time like the war doesn't matter then at least give us some sort of reminder that, you know, two giant forces are tearing the galaxy as we know it to pieces in a hellish war for domination. The last war related content we really had was part 1 of forged alliances, and everyone was really happy that it looked like the war was starting back up in the non pvp realm. But even when we are given war content it is literally to set the stage for a third party to make their move. It's gotten very redundant and I fear it won't stop with the emperor.
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I thought they should have continued on with the Hutt Cartel stuff. They could have improved upon things and aspects and really made the Cartel to be a force to be reckoned with instead of cutting it off after 5 little levels. I mean, cmon. They did all this stuff for the Hutt Cartel and all and the Hutts are known already and both sides had their struggles but I don't want to right WITH the empire if I'm playing Republic and likewise back.


I think they should continue with more Hutt Cartel stuff in the future because they could also become a third faction with thug like stuff and all. But, whatever they decide to do is what we will get. I just don't want more of the singing songs around the campfire stuff and "all of you get over here regardless of faction! we MUST fight this together and put our trivial differences aside." It just doesn't FEEL right. If I'm a selfless ultra light Jedi Master Consular Seer that heals people all around the galaxy, helping them and being of the utmost light...why would I work together with the darkest person I have ever seen that torments, pillages and kills/tortures people for fun O.o


THAT'S what doesn't make sense. I feel they went too far with the last expansion with the story where we were working TOO closely together. They need to get back to at least individual faction stories. That's gold right there. I don't even mind if they are not class stories, that's the 1-50 core content to me. Just please...BioWare, at least make it where it's the focus of the game, just like at launch. Dark vs Light. Empire vs Republic. Imperial Intelligence vs SIS stuff like that.


I'm not a fan of this whole "work together! :D :D" thing. It doesn't belong in a game like this when the whole point is dark vs light, empire vs republic, jedi vs sith etc. It just feels...off


I think Rise of the Hutt Cartel was the best expansion so far. :)

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I didn't mind having the factions working together. I agree that it certainly isn't something that should become the norm, though I actually kinda liked it.


But having the story being pretty much the same between factions as a result? Now that, I did not like. It really reduces replayability IMHO. I suspect that each class having one unique mission in SoR is either the cause of or intended to offset there being basically one story for everyone, but personally, I'd pick the unique faction stories any day.


I have enjoyed the recent story, and will likely continue to enjoy future story -- but if they keep it up with the "eight classes, two factions, one story" approach I'm probably gonna be shelving more of my characters because running the same story that many times is just not very fun for me.

Edited by Gwena
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The worst thing IMO since the Makeb expansion is that you can't do any of the story missions in groups. Not only is it the same boring story no matter what class you are, but there is zero reason to group up with friends or guildies to play together. That was the annoying part back in the day of levels 1 to 50....you'd have to turn on "Access to same class missions" and do things twice in groups. But at least that was a linear story line per class, so sure make that a thing.


When Makeb came out, they did a great thing by allowing people to play the missions together in a group. Then SoR comes out and its back to that solo garbage? Same thing now for Ziost. It's honestly like they don't want people to play in groups, which is one of the lifebloods of MMO's......

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Yes because the COD style planets are much more fun. Oh wait they are not. Makeboring and Oricon are okay for leveling but as far as storyline meh. I go killz this I go killz that so I can get me some new spiffy fuel. Yeah! Oh noes some cheesy epic fail Halloween voice is making Oricon scary.

Here you go.



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I didn't mind having the factions working together. I agree that it certainly isn't something that should become the norm, though I actually kinda liked it....................


It is indeed, already the norm. That I am sure will not be changing any time soon. Why? Because people keep paying for the inferior single story crap they are churning out through SoR and currently.


Its all about money. If they can keep us paying, for them to make cheaper, and I might add, appallingly designed and written, single story garbage, why would they go to the trouble and expense of making 2 alternate plot lines per release?


What we had at release will never come back to SWTOR. There will never be class stories to the same extent as vanilla, wise up people. If you are happy with a 10 minute sub plot in the middle of a single story release, then fine, pay for it, but in the same breath, don't whine that they don't add more. The fact you buy the inferior product, allows them to continue shoving it down your throats.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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So, what OP is saying is this, right?


Empire: should help Vitiate regain power

Republic: should do what they have been doing, maybe some more "peace loving"


Do you people even understand what's going on? Sith Warrior/Yavin 4 spoiler:


Emperor says this to Wrath: "You are still special to me. That's why I kill you last.'"



Yeah! Oh noes some cheesy epic fail Halloween voice is making Oricon scary.


Maybe you should do Dread Masters storyline from beginning, not from 3rd to last part:


Edited by Halinalle
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I honestly didn't mind working with the Sith nearly as much as I thought I would. It IS weird though, don't get me wrong.


The same thing is happening in WoW, it's all external third-party threats with the "war" that's supposed to be at the heart of the story falling by the wayside over half the time. And look how much money THEY make.


I predict that "this faction against that faction" MMOs are on their way out. It's so much easier on the developers if they don't need to take that kind of thing into account.


I mean, I'm a Jedi and I see it as my duty to root out the sith anywhere they take hold, and I expect the Sith to wish extermination upon the Jedi as per the movies. But this is a game, and apparently they don't have time/money to get into all of that as much as some would like.

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I honestly didn't mind working with the Sith nearly as much as I thought I would. It IS weird though, don't get me wrong.


The same thing is happening in WoW, it's all external third-party threats with the "war" that's supposed to be at the heart of the story falling by the wayside over half the time. And look how much money THEY make.


I predict that "this faction against that faction" MMOs are on their way out. It's so much easier on the developers if they don't need to take that kind of thing into account.


I mean, I'm a Jedi and I see it as my duty to root out the sith anywhere they take hold, and I expect the Sith to wish extermination upon the Jedi as per the movies. But this is a game, and apparently they don't have time/money to get into all of that as much as some would like.


You and I are the people allowing the devs to get away with half arsed releases.


They can release inferior content until the cows come home and if people don't pay for it, they either closedown, or up their game. Frankly both scenarios are better than what we currently have.

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So, what OP is saying is this, right?


Empire: should help Vitiate regain power

Republic: should do what they have been doing, maybe some more "peace loving"


Do you people even understand what's going on? Sith Warrior/Yavin 4 spoiler:


Emperor says this to Wrath: "You are still special to me. That's why I kill you last.'"





Maybe you should do Dread Masters storyline from beginning, not from 3rd to last part:



The point he is trying to make is... We are sick of Bioware cutting corners on creating content. They have been doing this for the last 3 years by creating a bigger threat so Empire and Republic have to team up to defeat it. Then they only have to create one story line, the same flashpoints, and the same Ops for both factions.


We are asking for FPs and Ops that are completely different from each faction. Because, you know... The war and stuff... Because it's Star Wars

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We are asking for FPs and Ops that are completely different from each faction. Because, you know... The war and stuff... Because it's Star Wars


Are you saying that EV is only operation currently that doesn't involve any "bigger threat"?

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I didn't mind having the factions working together. I agree that it certainly isn't something that should become the norm, though I actually kinda liked it.


But having the story being pretty much the same between factions as a result? Now that, I did not like. It really reduces replayability IMHO. I suspect that each class having one unique mission in SoR is either the cause of or intended to offset there being basically one story for everyone, but personally, I'd pick the unique faction stories any day.


I have enjoyed the recent story, and will likely continue to enjoy future story -- but if they keep it up with the "eight classes, two factions, one story" approach I'm probably gonna be shelving more of my characters because running the same story that many times is just not very fun for me.


Well said and pretty much thoughts exactly. :rak_03:

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You and I are the people allowing the devs to get away with half arsed releases.


They can release inferior content until the cows come home and if people don't pay for it, they either closedown, or up their game. Frankly both scenarios are better than what we currently have.


While I see your point, and that of others in this thread (how awesome would completely different FPs and Ops be?) I just don't think it's realistic to expect at this point, and I'm certainly not going to unsub over it. If everyone unsubbed over something like this, they would just shut the game down rather than invest more into it. At least that's what I believe. And I'll take it as is unless there's another Star Wars MMO coming out, which at this point there isn't.


I could be wrong, but like I said, look at how WoW has handled the exact same thing with what should be near unlimited funds.


To play devils advocate, as a developer I'd be asking myself 'why make two separate games when the total number of people playing said games will remain the same?' It's literally twice the work for, well, nothing much really. Maybe a few people will come back, maybe a few people will stay longer to see both sides, but I'm sure in the end it's all about the cost/benefit.

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I actually enjoy SoR storywise, it's not the master piece of the century but it's still enjoyable.

Yes they don't have as much money as before so they have to make choices. I rather like a better 'global' story than two 'cheaper'.

Actually I have the choice to keep paying or not, but I hightly doubt that unsub would force them to inject even more money on the game and I really enjoy playing so far, so I decide to keep helping the game.

Let's hope that XP Boost will give them more sub and so more money, to, let's dream, a bigger extension that will continue the main war in a year or so :)


Anyway, I like playing so I'll keep paying, may you think that I'm a sheep or whatever.

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So, what OP is saying is this, right?


Empire: should help Vitiate regain power

Republic: should do what they have been doing, maybe some more "peace loving"


Do you people even understand what's going on? Sith Warrior/Yavin 4 spoiler:


Emperor says this to Wrath: "You are still special to me. That's why I kill you last.'"





Maybe you should do Dread Masters storyline from beginning, not from 3rd to last part:



Been there done it. I wasn't impressed. To each their own but it was nothing noteworthy to me. Guess you missed the part about Oricon.

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