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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is It Time For A New Class? (Video)


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They should make a third faction for a new class - Revanite.


Umm, no. For a lot of reasons, which have been stated repeatedly. But lets go deeper for a second, because this game would benefit slightly from a third faction, however it won't happen. The thing is for Revanites, besides being a NPC Faction, they don't actually have a large unique place in Star Wars, they are either Sith or Jedi. Their styles are very sith like, so if you want to play as one, do the Quest on Dromund Kaas and wear the title.


If there was a third faction it would be Cartel based. Groups like the Hutts have power bases close to the size of the two main factions. The biggest problem with the Cartel's they don't have their own force users. And I am sure Disney wont approve of Hutt controlled Dark Grey Jedi's. So while the idea of a third faction would be interesting, and lore-wise there is more than enough room for a strong presence, the lack of valid and approved 3rd faction of force users, would be the first of many stumbling blocks. The other being money. Which they just don't have the budget to make what amounts to 1/2 of the content they did when they first made the game.

Edited by gothshark
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I really love your ideas. I particularly liked how you try in incorporate existing features in the game to lighten the load.


I always thought it'd be cool to have neutral classes. Bounty Hunter and smuggler come to mind. Perhaps bounty hunters earning credits by bounty hunting other players, or smugglers making a living by sneaking players into the imperial sides of planets.


I also think it'd be neat to have non-comabt classes. Classes who's main role is primarily crafting or buffing/debuffing other's, either pre-combat and during combat. I know SWTOR is not SWG, but I really, really enjoyed that aspect of SWG. Owning a shop, healing players, or buffing them in cantinas help facilitate the social aspect of the game.


Having a Teras Kasi class would be so awesome! You could have the different trees function such that one is a "bare knuckle brawler", one is more of a martial artist with graceful but deadly movements, etc. You wouldn't necessarily have to add more weapons; just vibroknucklers or something similar.

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Couldn't they create a sub only end game class? Starts out at level 50 and proceeds from there with the general story lines.


People keep saying that, but there's not enough content to support it. Makeb-Ziost is nothing. Note I'm not saying it's not enough to reach level 60, because it is, it's more that it's something you could complete all of in a day or two.


Despite being an MMO the game was really designed around much more of a solo experience and most of the people that play the game play it as a solo experience so what you're suggesting wouldn't be that appealing to a large part of SWTOR's playerbase. It would really only appeal to PVPers and Raiders neither of which makes up a large percentage of SWTOR's population.


There's basically no way to make a new class profitable. Making the new class equal to the existing classes would obviously be way too expensive to do and the more corners you cut with it the less and less people there would be willing to buy it.

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