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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is It Time For A New Class? (Video)


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There's so much wrong with this video, it isn't even funny.


#1 It almost kinda sounds at the beginning that he has evidence that a new class is for sure coming. That was kinda mean.

#2 His easy/hard options are both hard, because they both require TONS of new voicework. You think coding a new weapon is what makes it hard? We've got friggin axes in the game, the weapons are not the problem. Easy mode would be adding a new class already at the end of the story at level 50. Hard would be introducing new starter planets. (Of course, I'd love hard.)

#3 Imperial Trooper and Republic Agent are just different storylines, not different classes. How would those be different from any of the other blaster classes we have in the game? If you're going to go through all the rigamarole of adding a new class, at least make it different.


So, not like anyone cares, but here's the class they should add.

The Force Sensitive.

Think Luke Skywalker in ANH. Starts out with a blaster and a lightsaber, and not terribly good with either of them. You go through your starter planet wondering what you're going to do with your new Force sensitivity, and then when you pick your AC, you actually pick a side. Join the Jedi (or Sith,) and use your lightsaber as your primary with your blaster as your offhand (remember Luke still used his blaster in ESB,) - OR- turn away from the dogmatic orders, and use your lightsaber for a nifty trick now and then, but remain reliant on a blaster and your wits. According to this guy, that should be the easy way, because hey, you don't need to program new weapons.


So how about it BioWare?

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So, not like anyone cares, but here's the class they should add.

The Force Sensitive.

Think Luke Skywalker in ANH. Starts out with a blaster and a lightsaber, and not terribly good with either of them. You go through your starter planet wondering what you're going to do with your new Force sensitivity, and then when you pick your AC, you actually pick a side. Join the Jedi (or Sith,) and use your lightsaber as your primary with your blaster as your offhand (remember Luke still used his blaster in ESB,) - OR- turn away from the dogmatic orders, and use your lightsaber for a nifty trick now and then, but remain reliant on a blaster and your wits. According to this guy, that should be the easy way, because hey, you don't need to program new weapons.


So how about it BioWare?


So far that is the best suggestion, it sort of fits since even Star Wars Rebels has a kid who would be this. Also technically Nadia should have been this as well. It would be a bridge to both force and non-force users.


p.s. I have a theory that Han Solo was once a Padawan, and can prove it with Movie lore.

(yes I know it's in the original episode 3 script, and they even hired a kid for the role.But my proof is in a the orig-trig (thanks Cracked),


1: it's not like Jedi and the force have been gone that long, he acts like they are talking Greek religious beliefs. (Jedi-phobia, he protests too much)

2^infinity: He shots Darth Vader's escort fighter causing Vader to brake off pursuit with a freighter.

3: He can use a lightsaber, when the original idea was only a force user could even turn one on.

4: Did I mention he (insert Samuel L. Jackson's voice) "he mother #$%^ing shots Darth Vader's mother $%^&*ing escort fighter causing mother $%^&ing Vader to brake off pursuit with a mother #$%^&*ing freighter."

5: He kills Boba Fett while blind, by accident.

6: see number 4


I think you get the point.

Edited by gothshark
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I agree there should be at least 2 new classes added one each faction or if thats just not doable perhaps an option to have your character defect and join the opposite faction. honestly im so board to tears with the same old boreing convos for the same old classes that im seariously considering going to play WoW instead of haveing a sub to this game.
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Everything is "possible" if Bioware was given the money and resources. Taking the cheap easy route to flourish new things and content is "not" the only way. The naysayers that keep saying "That's impossible or that's never going to happen" well guess "hard work or unorthodox ideas" do not exist to those people and the only way is the "easy and lazy" way and it seems a lot of players accept "the easy and lazy way."


Anything can be possible in this game with hard work, tons of coding and a vault full of cash. It just has to be able to all work in the realm of the HeroEngine.


Let's not be those folks who like to think realistically and just go with whatever Bioware can use at their disposal. We should all be vocal and push for better things even if it takes hard work, motivation and a lot of overtime. Bioware must aim-high.... “The word impossible is not in my dictionary.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

Edited by DuckKing
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...anything can be possible in this game with hard work, tons of coding and a vault full of cash. It just has to be able to all work in the realm of the HeroEngine...


You say this as if these were things that could be picked from a tree in the BW offices front lawn.


Anything is not possible in this game. New classes, be they from the ground up, with new VA's, new comps, new stories, new zones; or AC's that will use two of the currently existing base classes, take lots of time to create. They have to be balanced for PvE, balanced for PvP, balanced internally vs. the other base classes/AC's of the factions, then they again have to be based on an archetype known to the lore. Thousands of hours and several hundred thousand dollars - or more - to do this. When the game was in development and had the investors it did and the hype it created, this was maybe possible. Given the post-launch drop off's, the original devs departure from the game taking with them their vision of the game, this is firmly on the other side of the fence from possible.


There is no other class that this game needs. People will not be flooding the servers with renewed subs and new accounts to play a GTN mule, a diplomat, or senator's aide. Even the Force Sensitive mentioned above, while a somewhat cool concept, will not bring anything to the game that is not already there. A blaster wielder, and a Lightsaber wielder. These already exist in both single and dual wielding flavors.


This isn't a matter of no imagination, lazy thinking, naysaying, or whatever some of the folks here clamoring for a new class want to call it. It is a simple matter of understanding the game framework and economics. There is very little, if any, ROI for BW to implement a new class. Therefore, it is not 'possible' even with "hard work, tons of coding and a vault full of cash".

Edited by Xythius
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I find it interesting that people apparently think that adding a whole new planet plus new gear items and voice actors for convos on said planet., or adding a starfighter space battle mechanic and all the missions for that not to mention upgrades for the ships and the ships themselves.. is somehow less program intensive and takes less money to do than adding a new class to the game.. I mean honestly are we realy that naive.
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I agree there should be at least 2 new classes added one each faction or if thats just not doable perhaps an option to have your character defect and join the opposite faction. honestly im so board to tears with the same old boreing convos for the same old classes that im seariously considering going to play WoW instead of haveing a sub to this game.


Oh two new classes or a faction switch? Sure, no problem. Both of those things would be super demanding.


All of the class stories are tied to specific factions, as are a number of the companions, not to mention not all the quest givers have dialogue to support specific classes. For instance there are certain quest givers who's opening line always refers to your status, ie Master Jedi, Captain, Trooper. Now while force users don't present a problem in this area Bounty Hunters and Agents would as there are a number of NPC quest givers that make reference to your profession but there's no way to fix that aside from recording a bunch of new VO or heavily altering a lot of dialogue. Cutting lines, rearranging lines, etc, which is no easy task given the amount of quest givers.


And don't say something like "Well you could only switch after your class storyline or it would only apply to new story content forward" because that's pointless given there isn't enough new story content to support doing something like that.


I find it interesting that people apparently think that adding a whole new planet plus new gear items and voice actors for convos on said planet., or adding a starfighter space battle mechanic and all the missions for that not to mention upgrades for the ships and the ships themselves.. is somehow less program intensive and takes less money to do than adding a new class to the game.. I mean honestly are we realy that naive.


It's more like you're very ignorant about what you're asking for would require.


If you're adding a new class to the game that is equal to what the existing classes offer that means...


- An all new 1-50 Class Story

- 5 new fully realized and fully voiced companions

- A new class ship

- New abilities

- New animations

- Abilities that need to balanced against the 8 existing classes

- A reworking of all the vanilla planets to include class specific areas/instances

- Reworking existing NPCs/Quest Givers to recognize you new class


...and that's just off the top of my head. Btw, that part about having to rework the existing vanilla planets would be a pretty big deal/undertaking.


So yeah genius, a new class would be a far bigger undertaking than new planets like Oricon, Rishi, Yavin, and Ziost, or something like Galactic Starfighter because the amount of work required to bring a new class up to par with the existing ones would be staggering.


The only way to cut down on the resource intensiveness of a new class would be for the new class to start at max level (or close to it) without the ability to do any of the existing solo story content, but then that means all they could do is stuff like Ops and solo story stuff going forward which would basically be nothing.


It's much easier for other MMOs to introduce something like a new class because they never have to deal with story the way something like SWTOR does. Most other MMOs don't even have much of a story, certainly not a cinematic one like SWTOR does and the ones that actually do have story never factor in your class as part of the story. In other MMOs it's usually only your race that affects the story and even then that's usually only early on in the game.

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well you heard it from mr. obvious guys SWTOR is a lost cause cuz it will NEVER be able to EVER realy grow or evolve like other MMOs do because the programers will never be able to alter or add content that is below lvl 50 (at least no real content) kinda sad realy the game had such potential. looks like I will most defenately be moveing on to another MMO and I'm prety sure I wont be the last to do so as more and more people get board with doing the same stuff over and over again.
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If you think about it , there is a ton of ways around the voice acting for a new class.


I'll give my idea and you can see where it goes.

The new class starts on Ilum , after a major battle. Lets say for this idea you start at lvl 50 and only subscribers can get this new class. This would increase cash flow for the game. Anyways , after the battle you wake in a hospital. No one knows who u r or what side you were on. U had major burns all over so a doc comes in and tells you they r gonna reconstruct ur body (thus the character creater screen) so now you get to pick any species (lets say this is where they throw in Asokia's species) Again , you only get any of this if you sub , and if you ever unsub you can never use this character until u resub.


Then just like all other toons , you start ur adventure. Here is how they can save money. Since you were burnt so bad , you have no voice. Everyone gets one companion that's the same no matter what. Lets say HK. Your brain is hooked up to him so he can hear your thoughts and voices them for you (add random comedy in here as HK tries to learn when he should and shouldn't voice something you think)


If that sounds like too much money still , you can always go the way of the missions on Yavin where u just pick up the missions and read them then go. No voice acting needed.


You could also take that whole idea and start from lvl 1 and go with it. I say stick to the idea that they have no idea who they r and have to decide what side they want to be on. Maybe even stay neutral.

(sorry for the sloppy writing , this was done on my Galaxy Note 4 at night in the middle of the ocean on a cruise)

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Dreaming is fine,in fact most games encourage dreaming, I just hate for people to get too much false hope. Also I'm looking for someone to actually think of something that is actually new and fits the Star Wars universe.


My roommate actually had a brilliant idea, but it would require new races, and there would be no crossover of races.


-- which goes back to why we don't have wookiees, droids, ewoks, jawas, and other non-standard races.


His idea in a nutshell, is to add special classes for non-humanoid characters. ie an android race, with the droid class. It would have a unique playstyle, and look and feel. Problem only droids can be droids, and droids can't be the other classes. So it's really not something we will likely ever see.


Take my idea on how to fix the voice acting and then add this idea to as a new class... ready for it...


An actual Bounty Hunter. It can be melee , ranged , LS , Vibroblade , sniper rifle or w/e.

Point is , they have to be either neutral , imp or pub. If they pick a side then they have to BH the other side. This would be a end game class , very expensive and very pvp heavy. He would blend BH and Spy all at the same time. (throw in a pve acpect if u wish)

Kinda goes like this. Say your Imp , so u get a bounty and ur target is on the Pub fleet. You got to pay say 500k for false papers , ship pass and codes to get on the Pub fleet. It only lasts so long (say 45min) and you have to stay away from the roaming robot patrols (and some of the classes already have scaning or some other kind of social action. These can be used to target random players to see if they are BH ) If players of roaming patrols spot u , ur uncovered and can be attacked by everyone. This Bh would have to be able to take some major beatings and damage would need to be good. The bounties pay more if you go after them on the fleet or behind enemy lines (like near or in faction bases) and pay less if you get them out in the open worlds or in pvp. The damage and defense rolls would be tones down unless they r hunting in faction areas , that way they couldn't be abused in pve. You could also throw in a way for this Bh to be a beastmaster. It could be able to control say 2 or 3 companions , or maybe a creature or 2 , but reduces its damage and defense in return.


Feel free to expand on this. You get the idea

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You say this as if these were things that could be picked from a tree in the BW offices front lawn.


Anything is not possible in this game. New classes, be they from the ground up, with new VA's, new comps, new stories, new zones; or AC's that will use two of the currently existing base classes, take lots of time to create. They have to be balanced for PvE, balanced for PvP, balanced internally vs. the other base classes/AC's of the factions, then they again have to be based on an archetype known to the lore. Thousands of hours and several hundred thousand dollars - or more - to do this. When the game was in development and had the investors it did and the hype it created, this was maybe possible. Given the post-launch drop off's, the original devs departure from the game taking with them their vision of the game, this is firmly on the other side of the fence from possible.


There is no other class that this game needs. People will not be flooding the servers with renewed subs and new accounts to play a GTN mule, a diplomat, or senator's aide. Even the Force Sensitive mentioned above, while a somewhat cool concept, will not bring anything to the game that is not already there. A blaster wielder, and a Lightsaber wielder. These already exist in both single and dual wielding flavors.


This isn't a matter of no imagination, lazy thinking, naysaying, or whatever some of the folks here clamoring for a new class want to call it. It is a simple matter of understanding the game framework and economics. There is very little, if any, ROI for BW to implement a new class. Therefore, it is not 'possible' even with "hard work, tons of coding and a vault full of cash".


I disagree. If you bring in a Bh roll like I mentioned , subs would sore. For a time at least. Of course , you would need to balance it with pvp. Thus if you pvp you get on the boards. If you don't , don't worry about it then. If you unsub , you lose the new class/character.


All of the game coding is already there. Even the voices. The companions would talk for you. Story class missions? Who needs them. This class lvls by bounties through pvp. Thus no voice overs (could even throw in pve versions to lvl up where u get a mission from ur ship just like you do on yavin)

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well you heard it from mr. obvious guys SWTOR is a lost cause cuz it will NEVER be able to EVER realy grow


SWTOR's playerbase hasn't grown since launch. The game has seen more content added to it, but nothing as significant as what was in the vanilla game.


SWTOR's vanilla game had a budget of somewhere between 150 to 300 million, a staff of 200 people, with a development time of around 5 years. Today the game operates with a staff made up of a skeleton crew with very little money to work with.


So now, given those facts how exactly is the game supposed to evolve or meet player expectations when Bioware Austin doesn't have the resources to meet those demands?


or evolve like other MMOs


Outside of WoW, most MMOs don't really evolve to any significant degree especially when compared to something like WoW. It's the only MMO who's numbers increased since launch instead of decreased. For the last several years it's pulled in nearly a billion dollars annually while SWTOR last year pulled in over 100 million and it's not like SWTOR is number 10 on the list of active/successful MMOs, it's definitely in the top 5, but in a genre where the number 1 game is making a billion dollars and has 9 million subs (or whatever) it doesn't look good if the second most successful MMO out there only has a million subs and is making 100 million a year. That's a big problem. It means that the MMO market isn't what developers and publishers thought it was. Turns out that the amount of people willing to pay for an MMO has a cap, around 15 million or so. Now given how many active MMOs are out there that split that number of people down further and further, that number (15 million) isn't very high especially when a single game in the genre/market accounts for half of the audience.


do because the programers will never be able to alter or add content that is below lvl 50 (at least no real content) kinda sad realy the game had such potential.


Yeah the game had such potential because it was designed with the mindset that it would always have around 3 to 5 million people playing, but guess what? That didn't end up happening and because that didn't end up happening Bioware was never able to build out future content the way they planned to because SWTOR simply didn't do as well as they planned on it doing.


EA and Bioware expected SWTOR to be a WoW like success and had that been the case we would've easily seen things like new class quests, new classes, more races, more planets, etc, because that was the original plan for the game all along, but that plane required the game to have X number of subs, making X amount of millions of dollars that SWTOR was never able to achieve and as such those grand plans for the game went out the window.


looks like I will most defenately be moveing on to another MMO and I'm prety sure I wont be the last to do so as more and more people get board with doing the same stuff over and over again.


Got news for ya. Every other MMO is the exact same way. You do the same stuff over and over again and new content never gets released as fast as you want it to.


Ask yourself this. How many MMOs do you think you're going to find out there that aren't filled with "Kill 10 of these and Collect 5 of those." quests? Because as long as stuff like that still exists you're still ultimately playing the same game. Doesn't matter if it looks different, has different combat mechanics, etc, because at the end of the day most MMOs follow the same fundamental design mechanics, it's just people don't always realize that right away. It might take a day or it might take a month but eventually you realize that you playing the same game with a different skin.


So good luck finding that one MMO out there that "grabs" you because none of the millions of people who hop between MMOs every time a new one comes out have found it yet. That probably has something to do with the fact that game doesn't exist and probably never will but people still hold out hope even though it's less likely to happen now more than ever given the state of the MMO genre.

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If you think about it , there is a ton of ways around the voice acting for a new class.


I'll give my idea and you can see where it goes.

The new class starts on Ilum , after a major battle. Lets say for this idea you start at lvl 50 and only subscribers can get this new class. This would increase cash flow for the game. Anyways , after the battle you wake in a hospital. No one knows who u r or what side you were on. U had major burns all over so a doc comes in and tells you they r gonna reconstruct ur body (thus the character creater screen) so now you get to pick any species (lets say this is where they throw in Asokia's species) Again , you only get any of this if you sub , and if you ever unsub you can never use this character until u resub.


Then just like all other toons , you start ur adventure. Here is how they can save money. Since you were burnt so bad , you have no voice. Everyone gets one companion that's the same no matter what. Lets say HK. Your brain is hooked up to him so he can hear your thoughts and voices them for you (add random comedy in here as HK tries to learn when he should and shouldn't voice something you think)


If that sounds like too much money still , you can always go the way of the missions on Yavin where u just pick up the missions and read them then go. No voice acting needed.


You could also take that whole idea and start from lvl 1 and go with it. I say stick to the idea that they have no idea who they r and have to decide what side they want to be on. Maybe even stay neutral.

(sorry for the sloppy writing , this was done on my Galaxy Note 4 at night in the middle of the ocean on a cruise)


Great expect there's not enough post level 50 content to support a new class. Makeb-Ziost is nothing.


People like you keep suggesting that they go the Death Knight route like WoW did but never take into account that when you made a Death Knight in WoW, even when it was new you had a significant amount of content you could still play through after finishing the DK tutorial. SWTOR does not have even remotely that amount of content to play through from 50 through 60. There's barely anything there.


SWTOR doesn't pull in a billion dollars a year like WoW does. If they did, then yeah it would be no problem to add a new class that had value to it, but as it stands right now SWTOR just doesn't have enough content to justify what you're suggesting.


All of the game coding is already there. Even the voices. The companions would talk for you. Story class missions? Who needs them. This class lvls by bounties through pvp. Thus no voice overs (could even throw in pve versions to lvl up where u get a mission from ur ship just like you do on yavin)


What you fail to realize is that people don't want that.


People don't want a new class just to have a new set of mechanics to play with. They want a new story, new companions, all of that stuff.


Yes, you could cut corners to the point where you could make a new class much cheaper to develop, but you'd never be able to turn a profit on it because not enough people would be willing to buy something that gimped. What you're describing would only appeal to a super niche part of the game's population.


Also it's not really a good idea to make a class that's focused around PVP content when the current PVP servers are at an all time low, and no, new PVP focused content would not suddenly revitalize them. We're long past that point now.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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I disagree. If you bring in a Bh roll like I mentioned , subs would sore. For a time at least. Of course , you would need to balance it with pvp. Thus if you pvp you get on the boards. If you don't , don't worry about it then. If you unsub , you lose the new class/character.


All of the game coding is already there. Even the voices. The companions would talk for you. Story class missions? Who needs them. This class lvls by bounties through pvp. Thus no voice overs (could even throw in pve versions to lvl up where u get a mission from ur ship just like you do on yavin)


No, subs wouldn't 'sore' (btw, the word you're looking for there is soar. ;) ) I'll be generous and say ~2% of the games total player base would be interested in that narrow of a character. And the game devs will never develop a character whose sole point is to gank other players - in sanctuary zones, no less. It's bad enough getting ganked while questing on PvP servers, but those are the risks people are willing to take on those servers. It's completely illogical for that to happen on PvE servers. In fact, the exact opposite of subs soaring will happen - people would leave this game in droves. No one wants to be sitting on fleet, worrying if they're going to get ganked by what your post would indicate is a god of PvP.


It's essentially being trolled by the dev's. So no, that is just not gonna happen. Ever.

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SWTOR's playerbase hasn't grown since launch. The game has seen more content added to it, but nothing as significant as what was in the vanilla game.


SWTOR's vanilla game had a budget of somewhere between 150 to 300 million, a staff of 200 people, with a development time of around 5 years. Today the game operates with a staff made up of a skeleton crew with very little money to work with.


So now, given those facts how exactly is the game supposed to evolve or meet player expectations when Bioware Austin doesn't have the resources to meet those demands?


Although your post is correct, I need to make a few corrections, based on the data I am aware of. Like many, I'm too lazy to post links.


Eve Online - came out in 2003, started with under 100k subs, and has slowly increased to about a million since then.

Total known active MMO subscribers is over 30million, 30% play WOW, 30% play games like SWTOR, Rifts, Lineage, and other top teir MMOs, 30% play cheap F2P's like Maple Story, Perfect World. <- a couple of the Asian F2Ps have larger sub bases than WOW.


NCSoft, a Korean MMO company has assets worth 1,928,692,050 us dallors. (just read the q1 profits, Wildstar is not selling as well as the Korean games.)

Edited by gothshark
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I know it would be a lot of work, but I'd like another complete story, for sure.


I'm MMO-ed out. I'm not going down the 'get gear to get more gear' path again, in this or any other MMO. And I came back to this one because it has stories, developed characters, & varied ways to do those stories. If I do flashpoints, it will be with friends, and that's it. I'll play for any extended story, but the reality is, the full length development would be most welcome.

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There is NEVER going to be a new class in the same model of completely scripting a new story, companions, companion story etc. from levels 1-60 during the lifetime of this game. Only way is if EA decides to COMPLETELY turn their business model for this game around and invest more than like .0000000001% of each dollar earned back into the game.
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Well Said.


It's not well said, it's a flat out lie.


Also it's become painfully obvious that the reason you made a video and linked it here instead of just typing up something was simply so that you could get the view count up on your video.


Anyone who's actually watched through the idiocy that is your video knows you have no clue what you're talking about and are completely ignorant as to how the game works, was built, what it's limitations are, etc, etc. On top of that you clearly aren't smart enough to see that Bioware Austin doesn't have the resources to do any significant new content for this game anymore. All of the post vanilla content should have made that painfully obvious at this point.


What exactly about the game since launch has showed you that they're capable of making a new class genius?

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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right, because adding new features is never a way to attract a new audience to a service


Yeah and it makes total sense to do that when there's no way you could possibly turn a profit on such a thing right?


The things people keep asking for from this game (new class stories, new planets, new classes, etc) would easily require EA to dump another 50 to 100 million into the game, but all that's going to do is satisfy the players that are already here. It's not going to bring in 2 to 3 million new subs into the game. People make up their minds about an MMO when it launches initially or relaunches later on as a F2P game. SWTOR has already seen both of those instances come and go.


MMOs that have been out a couple of years don't ever see a sudden upswing. Age of Conan, Star Trek Online, etc, are never going to see a huge increase to their populations because people already made up their minds about them long ago, just like they did with SWTOR.


If you're not an anomaly like WoW or EVE then all your MMO is ever going to do is gain a stable fan base that keeps your game going for awhile and that's what SWTOR is. There's never going to be some giant WoW like expansion for SWTOR like people keep hoping there's going to be.


remember what facebook looked like 10 years ago? but ya you guys are right, a stagnant unchanging game is def the way to keep making money indefinitely, why even bother adding new races or planets


Yeah and why don't you remind us what amount of money Facebook makes compared to SWTOR? Is it even remotely close?


That's like saying SWTOR could achieve what WoW does, but it can't and never will. WoW made over a billion dollars last year. SWTOR made over 100 million. That's a HUGE difference. If you have an MMO that pulls in a billion dollars a year and has a head start over most MMOs out there, guess what? Nothing is ever going to catch up. Nothing can compete with that. A product that is make a billion a year can easily keep adding content to their product with no problem. SWTOR isn't in that situation, it never has been, and never will be, but it needs to generate that kind of money to deliver the content that people keep demanding from the game.


the difficulties of implementing these things are the companies problem, this is a forum of players talking to players with scant input from 'the man' themselves


Yeah and if certain players didn't have their heads up their own asses and actually knew what was possible and what wasn't then maybe they could/would actually suggest good ideas that are actually doable rather than constantly spouting off random crap that the devs are never going to be able to do.


I dont care if its a new advanced class, a new noncombatant class for people that just like the GTN, or a whole new class that doesnt get its own story- any of it would be cool to see


Nobody is saying that it wouldn't be cool to see, what they've been explaining this entire time is that there's no situation in which what you're suggesting would turn a profit on the resources that such a new feature would demand, thus you're never going to see it.


It doesn't matter how many corners you cut to make it more cost effective, because the more corners you cut the less and less people are interested in it, and the less amount of people there would be to buy it.


and is possible, way more possible than droid and alien races that Bioware peoples have stated directly they wont do but you still see post after post asking for those things


Bioware has added races that are/were actually doable though, like the Cathar and upcoming Togruta, which have been heavily requested since the game's launch.


Also it's not way more possible. You clearly don't have any idea what these things require to do. You don't know what it takes to make any thing that's in the game, let alone a race or class, so don't act like you do.

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MMOs that have been out a couple of years don't ever see a sudden upswing. Age of Conan, Star Trek Online, etc, are never going to see a huge increase to their populations because people already made up their minds about them long ago, just like they did with SWTOR.


Slight observation, after A perfect World took over Star Trek, they actually have had enough of a Player base to add this type of content, ie they added the long delayed Romulan Faction.

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I think it would, old players who are curious to play the content perhaps, I know it would certainly keep me busy, I'd love something new. And I would totally love being an SIS agent, Imp trooper or Imperial Smuggler. Also there are lots of cool ideas people have right here in this thread too, that I wouldn't mind trying.


Something like that could keep me busy a long time...cause I'd be the sort to play out all the aspects, m/f, Light/Dark and through whatever plot variations there might be, like in IA. :)


Old players, possibly, but not new players. Most people who go into a Star Wars game want to play Jedi/Sith/Bobba Fett

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