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Force cloak bugged?


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In my experience both pvp and pve it won't stop an attack about to hit you (ie ranged attack that travels and already started before you cloaked) but if that attack hits your cloak breaks. Easy fix would be to give a 1 or 2 second grace period to force cloak on damage breaking it.


Only once that i can recall had it stay in combat without breaking

Edited by kainsec
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yeah ive noticed it, and its gotten me killed a few times, or i just cant heal and im stuck in the middle of a ton of mobs with 10% life.


yup, this happens to me alot. You finally get a skill to rid yourself of all effects, so you can use that before you stealth and you will be ok. but sometimes your companion won't get so lucky and will drag you back into combat. If you are lucky, your companion will be dead before you have to use it ;)

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This is the FIRST thing SWTOR team needs to fix on Assassins... It is annoying and a waste of our time. We normally use Force Stealth to EXIT combat to ESCAPE danger. Instead, it keeps you in combat. Can't heal, and have to go BACK to the group you Force Stealthed from and die on them to get out of combat. Or be able to pull off 3 Strong kills without a Companion. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
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I've been having issues with using this spell period sometimes. Never in PVE, only in PVP, like if i noticed i'm about to get jumped by three guys while i'm in combat, i hit resilience and then hit my force cloak, however sometimes - probably about 30% of the time - no matter how many times i spam my force cloak button, it just doesn't do ANYTHING. It's really frustrating when your class has a on again off again mechanic that is kind of crucial to our success... and it doesn't even work a lot of the time... Like i said i have experienced this issue in PVP ONLY, so if anybody has a possibly explanation it would be greatly appreciated :).
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from what ive managed to gather, its a bug caused by abilities with casting times.


For example, i aggro a mob, he starts casting an ablitiy, i cloak, his ability goes off and i get brought out of stealth by the damage.


Tested it with NPC's and it appears to be the root of the problem so i would assume its the same with PVP.


They need to make it so cloak cancels all abilities being cast on the target.

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Yesterday in Warzones people were not fully cloaked. I could see there lighsabers if they cloaked with them out. I could target and attack them and they would never decloak. It would appear to be a normal fight, but I would be fighting a lightsaber only. No person lol


I have always found Force Cloak to be buggy, but it works more times than not.


I see a huge sync issue in PVP as well. I don't notice this as much in PVE, but PVP is horrible sometimes. What I see on my screen is not how things are on the server with respect to other players and their actions.


The most notable example is when I either quickly run up to a target or sneak up on someone. I will begin my openers and I get, "Target out of range." even though I am standing almost on top of them. This is even more noticable in a crowd.


When you Force Cloak you see yourself cloak on your screen, but that is not what other people see on the server. They attack you before your Force Cloak syncs with the server which breaks the cloak on your screen when the sync catches up. Only thing I can think of.


As a disclaimer... I am still not sure weather or not this issue is on my end. My latency to the server I play on is between 30 and 50 acording to the ingame ping. I can only say that I thought Battlefield 3 netcode was bad untill I played this.

Edited by DarthXout
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Yeah, just seems to be a syncing problem, i have a 30ms ping, and even after using resilience (drops all hostile effects and grants 3 seconds immunity to force and tech attacks), my force cloak will fail to respond after 3-4 seconds of spamming (usally only happens 2-3/10 times). I can use other abilities, combat abilities, but my force cloak just epic fails sometimes. Sad panda :(. They have done a good job so far with the game IMO so I have faith that the issue will be addressed in the near future, but we can only hope.


I don't think this has ever happened to me in PVE gameplay, i suspect they are having issues syncing up everybody's data in pvp just due to the volume of commands and movement that have to be proccessed. I'm no dev so this is really all just simpleton speculation, either way i hope they are working on it :).

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I think what most people are describing is 'attack travel time'


Think of it this way.


If an arrow is flying through the air at you and you hide it is still going to hit your knee. I mean it is not as if you became phased to another dimension.


Unlike WoW and rouges dmg was always instant, here there seems to be some travel time to some if not most ranged attacks.

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If you use Force Cloak but there is still an incoming attack it will drop.



If you are dotted it will drop.



Has worked some for me others I still died.



To be clear, the bug IS NOT dropping out of stealth after force cloaking due to a dot or incoming attack. Force cloak often simply won't activate in PvP, even when spamming both my keybind and clicking with my mouse. This turns out to be a big disadvantage in high level PvP.

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To be clear, the bug IS NOT dropping out of stealth after force cloaking due to a dot or incoming attack. Force cloak often simply won't activate in PvP, even when spamming both my keybind and clicking with my mouse. This turns out to be a big disadvantage in high level PvP.


This happens to me with Unbreakable Will, even though it's off cooldown, and yes, it's very obvious, as it's the ONLY LIT UP BUTTON ON THE HOTBAR


And it doesn't go off until I mash the hotkey like 2 or 3 times, or after a full 1 second of being stunned, which is the difference between life and death when faced with another player with 1.5 - 2s abilities that you lose 1 full second of interrupt potential


Combine this with the ridiculous sync problems in pvp, such as I Spike someone down and they appear to be right in front of me, but in actuality are 5m off to the side and in the other direction, which I can tell because when they stand up they "warp" over there.


There's really no question why ranged classes dominate, because generally speaking dudes they're shooting lightning at are SOMEWHERE in front of them within 35m, so it doesn't matter if it's off a few meters in either direction. It certainly matters quite a bit more for melee.

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