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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Think Positive! Devs will look into Commando / Mercenary and fix!


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Really ?


He is just a troll. He comes up from under the bridge when one of these threads start.


If anyone asks him why does everyone say that Mercs are not fine in ranked PVP his answer is Mercs are fine. he is a Madness Sin user who is threatened that if classes like Mercs or snipers get fixed he won't have an easy kill and hi might have to L2P and not just faceroll his keyboard to victory.

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He is just a troll. He comes up from under the bridge when one of these threads start.


If anyone asks him why does everyone say that Mercs are not fine in ranked PVP his answer is Mercs are fine. he is a Madness Sin user who is threatened that if classes like Mercs or snipers get fixed he won't have an easy kill and hi might have to L2P and not just faceroll his keyboard to victory.


I just want to point out that I think it's hilarious that the moment someone disagrees with you your first response is "oh well you must play a sin".

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Glad you got a laugh. I am not concerned one bit on your opinion though.


Well I'm glad we could come to an understanding, because I don't care about the opinion of 3/4 of the merc community who won't be happy until they're buffed into godhood.

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Hmmm... think positive.


Here we go:


Mercs need a jetpack escape. We really do, a simple disengage would make so much of a difference in this class.


A jetpack escape wouldnt do crap, it is the same thing like our knockback, they will just leap to use instantly again. The reason the roll is so effective on gunslingers is because they cannot be leapt to, if we were immune to leaps for that time, sure itd be better, but it still wouldnt do bull plop against operative roll. We need an anti focus ability, just like sages, sentinels, guardians, shadows, and scoundrels.

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Well, commandos will get changes next patch.


These will be related to healing and will be quite horrible.


Final patch notes went out yesterday and no changes to what they want to do to mercenaries.



Welcome to doing small cast heals with poor efficiency and no cooldown.


You sure as hell won't want to be spending 90s cooldowns like Thermal Sensor Override/Reserve Powercell let alone Power Surge/Tech Override on heals which do so little per cast.


Remember splashing yourself with Kolto Missile before 3.0? It will be equivalent to that level of healing every time you cast it and if you're in Arsenal it will cost more than a Kolto Missile did. Emphasis on the fact this is a hard cast ability forcing you to stand still more if you want to heal.


Here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8276090#post8276090


There's a vague chance they might do something last minute if it is widely considered to be a bad change.


Read the notes, make your own decision and then give feedback to the dev team. They won't read your mind.

Edited by Gyronamics
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