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Sent vs Guard choice: Animations/Rotations


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I like sentinel animations except the Masterstrike. The warrior counterpart looks cooler.

But thats just my opinion;)


I have a reversed opinion on the Master Strike. I prefer it to the Ravager one. In my opinion anyway :p Both are amazing in my books though. Easily my favourite looking skills in the game.

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Guardian is simpler and looks more acrobatic. It also LOOKS like he is using more Force(which he is in the broadest sense because Sentinel uses a lot of applied Force). I prefer the Guard stance(the way he holds the Lightsabre) to everything else besides the Sabrestaff. Warrior stance is daft imo. Simplicity of Guardian could be its own demise tho-it is powerful and simple, but kinda gets boring.


Sentinel, otoh, is more complex, grounded and more keen on the use of Lightsabres. His Master Strike looks...odd to me and definitely worse than Guard Master Strike, let alone Marauder Ravage. Now, specifically while using Concentration discipline, there WILL be a LOT of buttons to press. This could be seen either as a benefit or as a bad thing. But when you get it rolling(healer comp + Valour), you'll feel like a GOD! There isn't more ****** feeling than a Sent played right.


I'd pick a Guardian tho. And pick a Marauder for a SW ;) . Win/Win .

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Just comparing the visuals: My Vigilance Guardian appears a confident master of the saber with bold, purposeful strokes. Watching my Watchman Sentinel in action is like watching a kindergarden fight: blood, snot and fists flying everywhere. And lightsabers. :)


I love them both. Not sure what it says about me that I end up playing the kindergardener more. And I still chuckle when he takes three extra swings at the body after a mob is already dead. If he was darkside I'd see it as venting his anger, but lightside I can only imagine the smuggler next to me saying "Whoa, ease up on them hammers Tex!"


Maybe the Guardian is more about technique, and the Sentinel is more about results? In either case the animations are impressive. Try them both, see what you like.

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Hrm--- thanks. any more input? Am considering a Vengeance Guardian if the do decent DPS if compared to sent. are they fun?


Not sure what republic equivalent of rage juggernaut is, but that was awsome class. Can do good dps and tank at later date if you want. More options available. Plus, I am over the whole two lightsaber thing.

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If this is your first go around in the game I would go Guardian just because of the utility of class. No one has mentioned tanking and you might not want to do it, but it's a nice option to have plus it's easier to get flashpoints to pop.


Also if you are even thinking of considering dabbling in PVP, especially competitively in ranked, the sentinel right now is just really gimped. The guardian while by no means an OP class is still viable in PVP scenarios.

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Hmm, my impression is that my Guardian seems a bit more deliberate and elegant in his motions, while my Sentinel seems every bit the vicious melee fighter with those duel sabers she's waving everywhere. They are both visually interesting to me though both have their visual quirks. I dislike the way the Guardian holds his saber (particularly when running) compared to all my other Force users, and I am not at all fond of the blue glowiness of my Sentinel.


Overall, I have a slight preference for the Guardian. It is a fun AC to play as a tank too, and the character feels both tough and agile. Disclaimer: my Guardian is only level 48, I prefer my Juggernaut. :p

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And I still chuckle when he takes three extra swings at the body after a mob is already dead. If he was darkside I'd see it as venting his anger, but lightside I can only imagine the smuggler next to me saying "Whoa, ease up on them hammers Tex!"


He'll go well with the JK companion T7, the crazy astromech droid. It usually puts two shots in the head of mobs that are already falling to the ground. "Jedi+T7=heroes!" :eek:


But one has to agree that single-saber generally seems more fluid, which is odd as dualwield is described as acrobatic. I guess the animations focus more on the aggression of the fast lightsaber style - if it's worth hitting him once it's worth hitting him a few times more just to be on the safe side. A barrage of blows from all directions that just overwhelm defenses instead of trying to get one precise blow through.

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Thanks guys for all your thoughtful comments. I think I'm gonna go Guardian. I left out some info before - I have a 51 sent already. But, I was gonna make another Sent but I guess that's stupid. I just wanted to make sure Guardian wasn't boring/terrible.


thanks :)

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