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Gree Event PvP zone and bolster.


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It's great that <60's can do the event quests without being totally gimped, bolster to 60 is a boon, but in order to max rep gain it's necessary to run to the PvP dailies too and it's getting old getting 3-shotted on my alts by players that seem to have nothing better to than camp the pylon in full warzone expertise gear.


Far be it for me to try dictate how the mouth-breathing sub-human minority choose to have "fun" in this game, but can we please have the bolster buff apply expertise in the same fashion as warzones when in this area, so we at least have a chance? I can PvP quite well on my characters - all things being equal - and sadly in this instance this is not the case when trying to run lower level undergeared alt characters through these two missions.


in b4: l2play, carebear, ******upnub, can I haz your stuff etc.

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It's great that <60's can do the event quests without being totally gimped, bolster to 60 is a boon, but in order to max rep gain it's necessary to run to the PvP dailies too and it's getting old getting 3-shotted on my alts by players that seem to have nothing better to than camp the pylon in full warzone expertise gear.

You don't have to max the rep every day if you don't want to. It's your choice. If gankers in ranked gear want to camp, you can't really do anything about it.


Far be it for me to try dictate how the mouth-breathing sub-human minority choose to have "fun" in this game, but can we please have the bolster buff apply expertise in the same fashion as warzones when in this area, so we at least have a chance? I can PvP quite well on my characters - all things being equal - and sadly in this instance this is not the case when trying to run lower level undergeared alt characters through these two missions.

If you can "PvP quite well," why don't you have at least a full set of WZ gear?

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If you can "PvP quite well," why don't you have at least a full set of WZ gear?


Did you read his post? How can he have a full set of warzone gear if he isn't level 60 yet? Even transferring a legacy set from an alt wouldn't work.


I think his point was if they are going to bolster sub 60 characters for the gree stuff, might as well give them a bolster for expertise as well since there is currently no way to have expertise gear at lower than 60.

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If you have enough alts, you certainly do *not* have to run the PvP dailies, just run the other missions several times a day on alts. I suggest you don't even try the PvP missions if the kids are camping for their "fun".
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Did you read his post? How can he have a full set of warzone gear if he isn't level 60 yet? Even transferring a legacy set from an alt wouldn't work.

OK, I missed the part where he said he was less than level 60. But in any event, ain't no law says everyone has to be able to do every quest. If he doesn't want to do the PvP area quests, his choice. I don't do them and I manage to do just fine Gree-wise.


I think his point was if they are going to bolster sub 60 characters for the gree stuff, might as well give them a bolster for expertise as well since there is currently no way to have expertise gear at lower than 60.

Sure, they could bolster like in a WZ, following the same rules. Imagine the confusion ans subsequent complaints when people show up in 190+ gear and have ~1000 Expertise and others in 162 gear have ~2000.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I have wz gear on two of my 60 characters and don't have a problem with those, thanks.


The issue, as stated, is my alt characters who are<60 and get annihilated.


Fyi, I am saving the rep trophies so I can max the rep after the event is finished, as I have never participated in the Gree event before and was starting from the bottom. I would like the legacy weapons, offhands and one of the scalene sets and thus doing daily runs on all my eligible characters to accumulate the trophies and save as much helix components as I can from running the bosses on my 60's.


Yes, I don't HAVE to do the pvp missions but those two green and blue trophies will help a lot once the event is gone.


It's a simple fix and a serious oversight. What was the point in bolstering stats for an event that has a pvp component without also bolstering the pvp stat?

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