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LVL 50 Marauder who has cleared 4/5 on EV and PvPs like it's crack AMA


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So tell us the truth behind Mara. Sooo much QQ here. How does the class fare?


How do we handle 1v1 pvp? I ask this for those of us on pvp servers who often encounter X class.


How does our damage output compare to other classes?


If you could swap your lvl 50 Mara for any other class would you?


Without pocket healer I find my self dying around5-8 times in a warzone, whilst always being top 3 damage; with one it's 0-1 times and usually top in damage but far. I am on a PvP server as well. This class is amazing provided you use it right, in terms on what abilities you use and in what succession you use them in. I wouldn't trade my class for any other class, ever.



What build did you use to level from 32 to 50? I'm having to channel hatred after every pull with Quinn. My gear is fine and Quinn is decked out too almost all blues. Just curious on lvling build thanks.

The build I linked is the one I used to level, but I also leveled with a friend who was a SWJ so we had quin and vette out with us all the time.




Has your ability in PVP improve GREATLY at higher levels than what is was at lower levels due to having all your skills and talents?


Do you feel Marauder gains the most benefit from having better gear at higher level compared to other classes?


Does your survivability increase exponentially if you have support from a healer and are you able to wreck classes if you can get on them and go crazy?


I did't PvP when I was low level because I rushed to 50, by that time my valor was only three and I don't remember how that game went lol. I can tell you now that I do very well in PvP especially when I have a healer with me.


I feel like the stat allocation is balanced with every other class it just about how you play your class and if you're using everything at the best teem and to your best advantage.


Yea when I have a healer stay on me the whole time I can take on 5-6players provided they don't go after my heals lol.


Have you tried PVPing as Rage spec? If so, how does it compare to carnage and Anni?

My guildie uses rage and yea it is better for PvP but my main focus is PvE and I'm not trying to pay for respecs everyday lol.


Why You didnt put points in tree in Narrowed Hatred - which gives You + 3 accuracy , do You have 110% on Your character?


I I never miss at 102.555% and I attack form behind 95 percent of the time so I'm not worried about parry or deflect.



do you think your feelings will hold true in like another month when you don't out gear/level 90% of the people you are against

You sound like you're a kinda butt hurt have I violated you in a warzone before lol ? Acually yea I do because I play against malice a lot and they always que 4 50's, yet I still take dumps on them. Also by the time you hit 50 I'll have full battlemasters set. I only need like 3 more for full champion set lol


Been reading your post and i was thinking about forms.


You stay always on Ataru Form ? Or you think, while leveling, that Juyo Form, while having points on Carnage, surpass the Ataru form ? I'm just asking, since my points at level 24 are divided between the three trees and only got to tier 2 in Carnage.


Before I got ataru I did in fact juyo until I was able to put points in ataru.


Are you really 'the One'?


Yes, the 1%. :D


Why do you have points to increase the crit chance of Vicious Slash? I thought that Massacre replaces that move because it always* triggers the Ataru Form proc.


*when the ICD not on


I use VS after mass so I can use the proc for it, as it has a much higher damage range. So if you add a crit and the atru form bonus to that it makes more sense to hit mass and spam VS for those 6 sec while your main rotation is on CD.


Any reason you prefer Carnage over Annihilation?

From what i have heard so far, people claim Anni is a better PVE spec.

Though i am clueless about it yet, did not figure it out myself yet.

Actually considering to respec to Carnage just to see if i might like it more.


Great question, this takes us back to June when I first got in to the beta, there was this awesome thing in there called a combat log. I know right amazing like how new and inventive...o wait it's a standard feature that should have mad it in to launch you say? You're damn right. No, seriously when I first started to play marauder I went annihilation because I assumed it was the better spec, but I was wrong and I wish I had taken pictures of the logs especially since we don't have one int he game anymore; but at the time carnage spanked Annihilation, mind you this was at a time when the class didn't have fury and gore had a different mechanic and higher damage, but I still believe carnage is still the king on PvE, if only we had a combat log so we could see how it has changed.

Edited by ProdigaLLL
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So tell us the truth behind Mara. Sooo much QQ here. How does the class fare?


How do we handle 1v1 pvp? I ask this for those of us on pvp servers who often encounter X class.


How does our damage output compare to other classes?


If you could swap your lvl 50 Mara for any other class would you?

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Has your ability in PVP improve GREATLY at higher levels than what is was at lower levels due to having all your skills and talents?


Do you feel Marauder gains the most benefit from having better gear at higher level compared to other classes?


Does your survivability increase exponentially if you have support from a healer and are you able to wreck classes if you can get on them and go crazy?

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Been reading your post and i was thinking about forms.


You stay always on Ataru Form ? Or you think, while leveling, that Juyo Form, while having points on Carnage, surpass the Ataru form ? I'm just asking, since my points at level 24 are divided between the three trees and only got to tier 2 in Carnage.

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Any reason you prefer Carnage over Annihilation?

From what i have heard so far, people claim Anni is a better PVE spec.

Though i am clueless about it yet, did not figure it out myself yet.

Actually considering to respec to Carnage just to see if i might like it more.

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