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It's hard to vote


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It really is.when 3/4 of all toons many times all toons are running FOTM/ Easy to survive on classes..even in reg warzones. Im not a numbers guy but more than half my existing team regs or ranked consist of the same 4 classes in any AC. PT/ Vanguard /SORC/SAGE(The Highest concentration in my experience)Sins/Shadows; and Juggs/Gaurdians. Really..when it's your overpowered and high survivability toon winning the match for you..who do I as the forever UP toon(slinger) vote for.as MVP?
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if you're a slinger, you're probably getting carried so at least give the Shadows the MVP votes for giving you those wins


Engineering spec sniper.


I rack up 1mil+ dmg in objective games on a daily basis.


True, I hate it in arenas, but still...I do my fair share of carrying.

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Just vote a marauder or a sentinel....they really deserve it;)


I just assume the MVP votes I get are from spamming Predation. I can't imagine it being my lame damage numbers (little to no AoE, always focusing on one target at time- healers).

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