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Questiosn to DEVS: Why is Force Rend is a thing, and why it is important to have it ?


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We don't,


but across all classes with 3.0 they wanted to give everyone a new 'thing' (either ability or replacement), regardless of whether we need it.

If all the other specs got something new, except Watchman, then sentinels would be crying they didn't get a new shiny thing.


Problem is, Force Melt was not what we needed at all. I'd be happy if they took it out and gave us a Master Strike replacement that could be used on the move - or just a talent that lets it be used on the move.


TL;DR Force Rend is just to tick a box of "give them new thing"

Edited by Cotlu-Hunlon
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We don't,


but across all classes with 3.0 they wanted to give everyone a new 'thing' (either ability or replacement), regardless of whether we need it.

If all the other specs got something new, except Watchman, then sentinels would be crying they didn't get a new shiny thing.


Problem is, Force Melt was not what we needed at all. I'd be happy if they took it out and gave us a Master Strike replacement that could be used on the move - or just a talent that lets it be used on the move.


TL;DR Force Rend is just to tick a box of "give them new thing"


I don't necessarily agree or disagree with that. But knowing what is their design framework is, will allow us to better understand the situation, and to be honest it sort of removes a big the reason why the community is pissed off.

If I knew why Force Rend is a must, I (and the rest) can better argue for why some changes should be implement, or shouldn't be implemented.

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Well no spec "needs" a new ability for higher damage. Especially for a class like Sentinel which feels like playing the piano sometimes.


No reason why they needed to add a new ability to increase dps when a simple talent to increase certain attacks by x% would have done the same. It's more so that people don't feel left out that their spec didn't get a new attack like everyone else did. Especially when the attack is as moribund and uninspired as Force Melt.

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We don't,


but across all classes with 3.0 they wanted to give everyone a new 'thing' (either ability or replacement), regardless of whether we need it.

If all the other specs got something new, except Watchman, then sentinels would be crying they didn't get a new shiny thing.


Problem is, Force Melt was not what we needed at all. I'd be happy if they took it out and gave us a Master Strike replacement that could be used on the move - or just a talent that lets it be used on the move.


TL;DR Force Rend is just to tick a box of "give them new thing"


Yeah, most everyone got something new alright(for the better or worse). Except sab slingers and engi snipers! Really, *** new did they get?

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Yeah, most everyone got something new alright(for the better or worse). Except sab slingers and engi snipers! Really, *** new did they get?


They got loads new!! Frag grenade's AoE was taken away - THEN GIVEN BACK to only damage weak + standards!! See? We got something!! ^_^

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They got loads new!! Frag grenade's AoE was taken away - THEN GIVEN BACK to only damage weak + standards!! See? We got something!! ^_^


Yeah and don't forget that EMP rework that nobody asked about ;) .


If you ask me, every discipline should've gotten a new skill on lvl 56. And why is that? Hm...EXPANSION maybe? It EXPANDS?


How have sents(outside of Conc) and sab slingers been expanded hm?


Edit: because it's logical for a GRENADE to deal single target dmg only lol :rolleyes:

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