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Penetrating Blasts Animation horribly bugged for female snipers - Video proof inside


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This video links to the bug in question.


Penetrating blasts animation/sound for females is super bugged and the whole cast except the second shot is silent, the male one works fine and all shots can be heard and seen. Would be nice if this was fixed as it ruins the spec for female snipers completely :\


This bug specifically has been in since 3.2.

(Note: since 3.1 or 3.1.1 i think it was, when the original pen blasts was changed to the new animation, it was kinda bugged for females anyways compared to males, and only 3/4 shots could be heard and it was clunky vs the male correct working version, but since this 3.2 bug its royally screwed even more).


A fix would be nice, thanks for taking the time to read this and watch the video :).

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I'm glad this thread exists. I just rolled a female sniper and wasn't sure if the single shot animation was just how it is for snipers (I'm familiar with the gunslinger equivalent). Every single time I use this ability, I think, "Wait...is it working?"


Obviously, not game breaking, but definitely a bit disorienting.

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Just got this ability today and was thrown off. It clearly hits 4 times, but it totally ruins the feel of this ability. And I don't see a fix planned for 3.2.1 ;(


If it helps, I'm playing a female with body type 2.

Edited by xyrmagus
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Just got this ability today and was thrown off. It clearly hits 4 times, but it totally ruins the feel of this ability. And I don't see a fix planned for 3.2.1 ;(


If it helps, I'm playing a female with body type 2.


Same on 1.

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This is true. Started a female sniper yesterday (body type 1), and only one or two of the shots are fired. My male body type 2 snipers (all three of them) do not have that problem.


And yes, the original series of shots animation was far superior to what we have now. Please just revert to it ;_;

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If you meant the original pen blasts animation (3.0 launch one) was better than the updated version then yes i agree :).


I think pen blasts looks a lot better than series of shots (both original one and even the new new one when not bugged) but then again its a replacement for it so it should.

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If you meant the original pen blasts animation (3.0 launch one) was better than the updated version then yes i agree :).


I think pen blasts looks a lot better than series of shots (both original one and even the new new one when not bugged) but then again its a replacement for it so it should.

That recoil looks like it would sooner dislocate the agent's shoulder rather than kill anything. I preferred the rifleman look firing and reloading in quick succession had.


Which, I think, was the original penetrating blasts animation anyways (can't remember it being different from series of shots before they introduced the new stuff). It's just that the channel is faster.


It's all moot though since I'll prefer being able to see my shots to not being able to see them.

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