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Why put maras through this again?

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I do not understand th logic involved as far as annihilation spec is concerned.

3.0 pretty much eliminated marauders from contention. They slowly climbed back up and annihilation can put up decent numbers in pve- tho still nowhere near as easy as mercs sorcs pts and even juggernauts.


Why on earth would you decrease their overall dps?

At the same time - make their rotation harder?


Juggernauts ,their sister class, doesn't wield two sabers and puts up higher numbers- has heavy armor can mitigate three times the damage.


Just help me understand.


While some of the community took it to a different level- which i do not support- surely there is - there HAS to be something the devs should look at and listen too?


I know oofalong, a well respected member of the community- put up his synopsis of his experience on the PTS.

The changes pretty much dropped 600-1k dps off the top- and made the rotation a resource starved mess.


Sorcs that just experienced a nerf - are still higher than annihilation marauders,


Could a developer list their reasons why marauders should just suck?


Why force people to re till a different spec?


The logic presented just doesn't add up if the goal is "balance",


Every ranged class is worlds easier- parse higher-


I hat to see change like this when a game is in its death throes.


So many friends hav left since 3.0.


This is just the beginning of the end

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The combat team is not made up of professionals. They may be good at coding, I don't know that.


But they don't know how to balance a game, that's for sure.


Their methods involve dummy parsing hard data and PVP matches. Which is far different than the 90% of the game, especially end game pve content.


They just don't really care. Remember Homer Simpson and how much he cares about doing his job well? The same applies here, and we are seeing the results.

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I do not understand th logic involved as far as annihilation spec is concerned.

3.0 pretty much eliminated marauders from contention. They slowly climbed back up and annihilation can put up decent numbers in pve- tho still nowhere near as easy as mercs sorcs pts and even juggernauts.


Why on earth would you decrease their overall dps?

At the same time - make their rotation harder?


Juggernauts ,their sister class, doesn't wield two sabers and puts up higher numbers- has heavy armor can mitigate three times the damage.


Just help me understand.


While some of the community took it to a different level- which i do not support- surely there is - there HAS to be something the devs should look at and listen too?


I know oofalong, a well respected member of the community- put up his synopsis of his experience on the PTS.

The changes pretty much dropped 600-1k dps off the top- and made the rotation a resource starved mess.


Sorcs that just experienced a nerf - are still higher than annihilation marauders,


Could a developer list their reasons why marauders should just suck?


Why force people to re till a different spec?


The logic presented just doesn't add up if the goal is "balance",


Every ranged class is worlds easier- parse higher-


I hat to see change like this when a game is in its death throes.


So many friends hav left since 3.0.


This is just the beginning of the end


Sorry but when it comes to justification Bioware have none and probably never will.

Every single change even ones that pre-date to prior 3.0 expansion for Sentinel/Marauder have been questionable with little to no justification.

I have NEVER been able to recall one instance where anybody in this community has questioned... argued or even attempted to debate or make an outstanding enough of a point to say that Sentinel/Marauder dps was: Overpowered, unfair, unbalanced, or anything synonymous of the kind.


What frustrates me the most is the fact that on top of the countless nerfs, whilst our counterpart class gets endlessly buffed. I'm sick of seeing other classes that are not even associated with Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior literally scavenging our talents, and various attributes that made us as a class unique, thus lessening our impact by an even greater scale. But they want to cling on to this lacklustre Centering system like it's some kind of ingenious design in the first place.


The only reason I still play Sent today is literally because I have nothing left to put into this game on account of rerolling and leveling. Even with the 12x exp. I just don't have the energy for that tedium


Bioware have a LOT to answer in regards to this class, and they need to also explain why they think putting band-aids on internal bleeding wounds is somewhat good development.

I for one have a lot of questions

Edited by Bonzenaattori
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What I find extremely frustrating is the entire Mara community is against the change- yet it's gonna happen.


The sorcs had insane force storms for 4 months before it was touched... Then sorc healers consumption was being reworked- the sorcs uproar- and they CHANGE it!


It's like sorcs are untouchable - while marauders are just th devs beaten step child.


It was such a glorious class prior to 3.0 too- sad to see a class just die bc of changes like this :(

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While it would appear that the community are against the changes I kind of understand where the devs are coming from.


We are an Mdps class that doesn't have stealth or positional combat, my smuggler is always looking to get behind people so he can shoot them with his shotgun. Little known fact they work best on opponents that aren't looking or are on the floor!


More and more MMO's are coming out that are trying to offer more dynamic situational combat, and those games that don't are considered dull. I found the below to be a funny review




though the talk of combat being just about mashing buttons when they came off cool down is probably something the combat team are trying to get away from. I know we all talk about rotation to maximize dps but surely to maximize my dps I should be reacting to the fight not macroing my attacks?


It would seem the class most suited to revitalizing the combat system in that its resource management is different from others and is meant to be fast moving lightsaber strikes. It shouldn't be about 18 or 30 second rotations but moving in striking fast and then positioning to strike again.


So I am hopeful that these changes are part of a larger overhaul and not just continued nerfing of all ready the worst performing class that is really bad end game.

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What I find extremely frustrating is the entire Mara community is against the change- yet it's gonna happen.


The sorcs had insane force storms for 4 months before it was touched... Then sorc healers consumption was being reworked- the sorcs uproar- and they CHANGE it!


It's like sorcs are untouchable - while marauders are just th devs beaten step child.


It was such a glorious class prior to 3.0 too- sad to see a class just die bc of changes like this :(


On the sorcs, they could have just fixed Force Storm by making it not use Recklessness and dont snare players. But no, they rather remake it in a crappy way.


Maybe they are so incompetent, they could not make it ignore Recklessness? So that's why it was fixed this roundabout way?

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On the sorcs, they could have just fixed Force Storm by making it not use Recklessness and dont snare players. But no, they rather remake it in a crappy way.


Maybe they are so incompetent, they could not make it ignore Recklessness? So that's why it was fixed this roundabout way?


because spooky cleave was too stronk

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