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Harassment of Developers


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I'm sorry such things have happened. This is beyond understandable for me. We (as the players) disagree rather strongly with you about the Marauder/Sentinel AC and the choices made. But in no way or form did I or many other members of this community ever wished any of the Dev Team any harm.


For that, I have to apologize in the name of this community and hope these people who believe harrasing is a socially acceptable answer won't affect your new openness about this game and the changes you're making.


Being replaced by more competent people is not wishing harm I hope!


Please dev team, get your act together. That way you may dodge some of the stupid crazies too.


Remember, a happy customer is a customer inclined to spend money.

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And this is the world we live in now. :mad:


A world full of people that can essentially do whatever they want and not be held accountable because of being on the internet behind their keyboards. It utterly disgusts me. The trolling, harassment, and bullying that goes on IN THIS GAME is enough already. I see it every...single...day in Gen Chat. Every single day.


People now days have no respect for eachother. When I was a kid gamers didn't act like this towards eachother. I would love to have a program where people's Real Life identities are made public when they bully or harass anyone online. Then you would see the real cowards that they all are.


On another note: It has become clear to me that there is a large disconnect between the dev team and the actual in game players. That disconnect is because the dev's don't actually set playing like we do every single day. They have their "point of view" but it is not a realistic one most of the time. The sad state of Sent/Mara right now is a prime example of that. The dev team nerfed that class down so much that no one wants to play it. If that isn't proof of what I said, then just forget it all. I can log in my Commando and parse 400-500 more than my Sage, and that is all because of nerfs to Sages. There is a big problem here. All classes should parse the same. It is time to separate PVP and PVE abilities as it should have been from day one. The constant class "balancing" because of PVP is ruining this game.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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And this is the world we live in now. :mad:


A world full of people that can essentially do whatever they want and not be held accountable because of being on the internet behind their keyboards. It utterly disgusts me. The trolling, harassment, and bullying that goes on IN THIS GAME is enough already. I see it every...single...day in Gen Chat. Every single day.


People now days have no respect for eachother. When I was a kid gamers didn't act like this towards eachother. I would love to have a program where people's Real Life identities are made public when they bully or harass anyone online. Then you would see the real cowards that they all are.


Holy Robot Devil, you have general chat turned ON? :eek:

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Sadly I dont think this post will stop the offenders.

We live in a world where people are very egocentric. In Dutch we even have a word for people born around the early 80's till now, 'BV ik'. Freely translated its means 'Corporation Me'. Not saying all people from that age are like that but it is the world where we live in currently.

Also its a trend to claim freedom of opinion and speech to justify rude and other bad behaviour.


Yes, maybe the community team and/or devs have a bad rep currently. This doesn't warrent any abuse, not even the lighter versions what I see more and more on these forums. For it feels a bit like damned if you do, damned if you don't. Basically there will always be a lot of angry people.

As eric stated, they dont have to share their opinion. I applaud any form of communication comming from the combat team. Even if its sometimes a 'heal to full' response.


To bring up my example about getting a grade for a paper.

We should honor the intentions rather than the actions. The intention is to make this game good, balanced and fun to play. I would like to thank the combat team regardeless the grade they get.


Ofc I am sad to see certain things happen, I have my own share of experience with either nerfs/pts test cycles/communication with bioware employees. But I'll never ever forget their intention.


May the force be with us all and John and his team in specific in this case


No, it's the actions that will be remembered. The actions describe who you really are and what kind of a person. Intentions? Hah! Good luck with that!


I'll be direct to devs and to these people who were resourceful enough to find a way to do what they set out to do. There is something fascinating in there. Not their behaviour ofc, but the fact that they actually managed to apply it. Anyhow, here it is:


Do or do not. There is no try.

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


I want to thank everyone for the understanding of this issue and the feedback you have expressed in this thread. I think this thread has run its course pretty well, so before it goes to a bad place I am going to lock it down. Thank you all again for your understanding.



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