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Ziost Suggestion *SPOILERS* (BW please read this)


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Ok so first off I wanna say that I really like the daily area of Ziost. It's very different and does have a very dark feel to it, but I feel like something was missed that would make the daily area very unique and add another challenge to it.


Going off of what is described about Nathema in the book Revan, after the Emperor performs the ritual, there should be a void in the force, no color really (nailed that one), and warped sound among other things. This isn't the case with Ziost, and I think it should be.


What I'm proposing is that there should be a debuff of some sort that affects those that are on the planet. Whether that is a decrease in force/health regeneration, or a significant drop in damage output, I think there needs to be some affect on the players that would just add more weight and magnitude to what happened on Ziost, and reflect the fact that there is a void in the force on the planet now. Also I think a warping of the sounds you hear on the planet would be cool too :D:p .


Ziost was well done, imo, but I think it could still be better

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What happens on Ziost seems almost identical to what happened on Nathema and Katarr. It's almost certain that a void in the Force will appear if it hasn't already. As for the suggestion of a sort of debuff, while it's a nice idea I don't know how great it would be having a debuff permanently attached to a daily zone. Warped sounds would be a very nice touch in addition to the near complete lack of colour that's already there. Edited by Sangiban
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Yes, please! Maybe not an actual debuff to your Force or anything similar, but the colors are warped and faded (including on you and NPCs), and sound is distorted and 'flat' as it was described in Revan.


Exactly. I just pretty much want something that's a little closer to whats in Revan. It's close like it is now, but not quite there

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I aready love that place. But some kind of extra warping (of whatever kind, maybe some "windy" effect on the chars) or similar irritating effects would be even more loveable (loveable in a weird sense, I know). ;)
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I aready love that place. But some kind of extra warping (of whatever kind, maybe some "windy" effect on the chars) or similar irritating effects would be even more loveable (loveable in a weird sense, I know). ;)


Well supposedly there isn't supposed to be even wind on the planet anymore, and yet in some spots you can clearly see stuff blowing around. Kinda annoying, but hey it does kinda add eeriness. And yeah i totally get what you mean :rak_03:

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I guess it was not the same that happened on Nathema.


Of course I am not a master of the dark side ways, but it pretty clear, that there is need of somethign really strong to start this ritual.

Vitiate had the help of hundreds of other Sith Lords who had survied the war with the Jedi and the Republic and they alle gave their powers to open something like a rift - a direct link to the Force itself - and during that they were the most powerful but as well the most vulnerbale.

And it was exactly what Vitiate intended.

In this very moment he killed every one of them, taking their power and their connection to the Force and with it, he was powerful enough the call upon the howl planet and drain every last drop of life, so he could become immortal.


This was in particaular the only reason why he did that.

He had to find a way a get one step closer to his first plan, killing every thing in the universe and than allow them to return - like he would be god.


So why should he make that ritual again?

First, there was not enough power on Ziost - Vitiate might be the strongest, but even he would need some aid.

Second it would make no sense to become immortal twice.


From what I can see he just killed the planet and all life on it, because of the powers set free.


But I am open to other suggentions, if there is someone more skilled in the dark arts :D

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I guess it was not the same that happened on Nathema.


Of course I am not a master of the dark side ways, but it pretty clear, that there is need of somethign really strong to start this ritual.

Vitiate had the help of hundreds of other Sith Lords who had survied the war with the Jedi and the Republic and they alle gave their powers to open something like a rift - a direct link to the Force itself - and during that they were the most powerful but as well the most vulnerbale.

And it was exactly what Vitiate intended.

In this very moment he killed every one of them, taking their power and their connection to the Force and with it, he was powerful enough the call upon the howl planet and drain every last drop of life, so he could become immortal.


This was in particaular the only reason why he did that.

He had to find a way a get one step closer to his first plan, killing every thing in the universe and than allow them to return - like he would be god.


So why should he make that ritual again?

First, there was not enough power on Ziost - Vitiate might be the strongest, but even he would need some aid.

Second it would make no sense to become immortal twice.


From what I can see he just killed the planet and all life on it, because of the powers set free.


But I am open to other suggentions, if there is someone more skilled in the dark arts :D


Remember he needs a mass sacrifice to return to a physical form. That was the whole reason behind SoR afterall. So my suggestion is he is doing this ritual so he could gain a physical body again

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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This ritual he performed on Nathema was not to return to a physical body.

He allready had one.


And if we talk about bodys.

I don't get it, why he suddenly lacks one?


Why is this so?

And don't tell me he was killed by the Jedi knight.

This was only his voice. The Emperor is Sith Pureblood.



And if he would want to have a new body, he simply could take one.


And he is as powerful as before.

He might has been weakend because the Voice was slain, but even after this, he is way to powerful for any of us.

If I have to guess he could have easily eradecited us on Ziost, but it's for the Story that he did not.


And it was not his intension to return to a physical body.

Revan wanted it, so he could drive him out.

Vitiate is the more powerful when he has no body, who could possibly be in danger.

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Way too powerful until he becomes the 5th boss in an op you mean


Oh pls, stopp.

I don't want to talk about that now.

I hope they won't make it that easy with killing him when the times comes like the Dread-Masters or Revan. :mad:


The "Emperor" is to unique to be simply killed in an Ops.

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If you think there should be a Ziost debuff, you are free to impose it on your characters, by removing armor pieces or whatever you think is appropriate.


I think you don't get it right.

It's not that simple.

It's about the Star Wars feeling.

Taking off the armor would be nothing in comparsion to what is suggested here.


All post here have one thing in common, we think that the game lacks the fact that shows us, how powerful the "Emperor" is.


Taking off the armor I can do on every other world.

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This ritual he performed on Nathema was not to return to a physical body.

He allready had one.


And if we talk about bodys.

I don't get it, why he suddenly lacks one?


Why is this so?

And don't tell me he was killed by the Jedi knight.

This was only his voice. The Emperor is Sith Pureblood.



And if he would want to have a new body, he simply could take one.


And he is as powerful as before.

He might has been weakend because the Voice was slain, but even after this, he is way to powerful for any of us.

If I have to guess he could have easily eradecited us on Ziost, but it's for the Story that he did not.


And it was not his intension to return to a physical body.

Revan wanted it, so he could drive him out.

Vitiate is the more powerful when he has no body, who could possibly be in danger.


Actually according to Marr the Knight slains the Emperor's body

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Oh pls, stopp.

I don't want to talk about that now.

I hope they won't make it that easy with killing him when the times comes like the Dread-Masters or Revan. :mad:


The "Emperor" is to unique to be simply killed in an Ops.


Disagree. I feel the emperor's story should not end in any other way outside of an operation.

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I think you don't get it right.

It's not that simple.

It's about the Star Wars feeling.

Taking off the armor would be nothing in comparsion to what is suggested here.


All post here have one thing in common, we think that the game lacks the fact that shows us, how powerful the "Emperor" is.


Taking off the armor I can do on every other world.


This exactly!


Actually according to Marr the Knight slains the Emperor's body


When is this said? It has been so long since I've done the knight's story. I've always heard it was the voice that he killed and not his current body, although I was very skeptical.

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Actually according to Marr the Knight slains the Emperor's body


According to my own Jedi Guardian on Ziost it was just his Voice, there is a dialogue option that tells you exactly that if you takte option 1 after Lana tells you that you have to make Vitiate angry.


Quote: I've seen inside his twisted mind, bested his Voice. He knows I am a threat to him.

Edited by Count_Mario
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Revan may be my favorite Star Wars book of all time (tied with The Last Command, actually), I'm glad to see its becoming part of the mainstream TOR story. But actually, it never once occurred to me that this is the same ritual as on Natheema. I saw that ritual as a bid at immortality, this was just a fast way to kill as many people as possible. After all, we saw how this Sith Spell (I hate that term) happened: it was a shock wave, killing people on the planet progressively. Furthermore, they turned to dust (except those GSI Ashen Corpses?), which leads me to believe that this was actually just one huge telekinetic wave. In my mind, I believed that the Emperor's ritual on Natheema made the population simply "drop dead."



...Plus, Ziost was pretty much colorless to begin with. :D


Oh pls, stopp.

I don't want to talk about that now.

I hope they won't make it that easy with killing him when the times comes like the Dread-Masters or Revan. :mad:


The "Emperor" is to unique to be simply killed in an Ops.


I chose to quote this to voice my own opinion on the matter... Personally, I believe Vitiate will definitely have to be an Ops boss (maybe to lead up to a solo, like Revan's) just because of his huge amount of power. However, I doubt he'll be "just" the last boss. In my headcanon, he's all five Ops bosses, where we battle with him several times (before he runs off laughing) in several different ways. After all, its the easiest way to explain just how powerful he is... Five times that of Revan. :p

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I chose to quote this to voice my own opinion on the matter... Personally, I believe Vitiate will definitely have to be an Ops boss (maybe to lead up to a solo, like Revan's) just because of his huge amount of power. However, I doubt he'll be "just" the last boss. In my headcanon, he's all five Ops bosses, where we battle with him several times (before he runs off laughing) in several different ways. After all, its the easiest way to explain just how powerful he is... Five times that of Revan. :p


Yes, that's more like what I thought of.

Was really dissapointed when the Dread Masters were killed and the Dread Wars was stopped so easily.

Hope they will make it better with the Emperor.


Something like you suggested

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According to my own Jedi Guardian on Ziost it was just his Voice, there is a dialogue option that tells you exactly that if you takte option 1 after Lana tells you that you have to make Vitiate angry.


Quote: I've seen inside his twisted mind, bested his Voice. He knows I am a threat to him.


Yes, right.


You just need to know that after Revan tried to kill him, Vitiate feared for his mortal body and so her went into hiding and to rule over the Empire he had a Powerbasement and they rulled in his name.

And most of them like the Voice were directly controlled by Vitiate.

As well as imperial guard. Not that he destroyed the entity of them, like he did with the Voice, but he merely controlled their minds, so they could not betray him.

e.g the commander of his guard during the time when Revan tried to kill him on Dromund Kaas some 300 years prior to the game, had lured Revan and Malak a few years before - just before they became Sith Lords - into a trapp, because Revan wanted to kill the Emperor and they tried to get inside the citadel, but the guard could not turn against the Emperor and so she lead them right into his hands.

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