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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SUB paid via in game CREDITS - Token model?


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Seems like a couple other MMO's have made the transition. WHEN can we expect SWTOR to do the same?


Might need to make it pretty steep in game price if you don't do the WOW token model. Only reason why would be since we can collect a million in a couple days via level 60 Dailies.


Option 1: Pay $5 million credits to the Guild Registration Desk person for 30 day SUB increase.

Option 2: Do the WOW token thing... where month sub costs like $5 more than normal, post for in game credits. (Costing model adjusted by BW/EA and balanced to mitigate gold sellers, help in game players get gold).


I do like that folks with REAL money can buy a token and then have it sold for in game credits (better than doing the whole in game CM packs instead). NOTE: Limited purchases a month 10 tokens with REAL money.


I just want to know WHEN it's going to go online. This seems like the next logical step.. let me know so I can buy my SUB with all the cred's I've laying around... LOL :D

Edited by dscount
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  • 5 weeks later...

Credits? Nah. Make it a CC item, and allow people to sell it on the GTN.


That way, BioWare still makes money off of each sub time sold, and it allows people to sell it for in game currency, if they choose not to use it themselves, like we do with so many other unlocks.

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I'm sorry I disagree with this. I feel adding sub time with in game currency is not ideal and in the long run, the devs lose more money then they gain. I also think that gold sellers will eventually lock on this and yeah not fun.
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Credits? Nah. Make it a CC item, and allow people to sell it on the GTN.


That way, BioWare still makes money off of each sub time sold, and it allows people to sell it for in game currency, if they choose not to use it themselves, like we do with so many other unlocks.


As a follow up to this, SOE implemented something similar via their Krono system. Players could purchase Krono for real money only - so as to bypass cash shop currency being devalued by monthly allowances and sales - and then sell the Krono on the in-game market for currency. This also had the side-effect of subscribers demanding that free players no longer be subjected to currency caps or market limits, so as to have an easier time buying Kronos.

I'm under the impression this both brought in more revenue and killed most gold seller markets, but I'm not aware of any official word on either.

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It's going to happen at some point in time. People playing other games have started seeing it happen.


Looking at the WOW approach seemed more appropriate way BW should go with STWOR.


Control the whole TOKEN model price flow and that keeps supply/demand flowing and not crazy prices.



  • Real Life money for in game credits (Not using CC market items)
  • Less dependence on credit spammers/sellers if a LEGIT means is available
  • Price Controlled by BW and not price gouged by players

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It's going to happen at some point in time. People playing other games have started seeing it happen.


Looking at the WOW approach seemed more appropriate way BW should go with STWOR.


Control the whole TOKEN model price flow and that keeps supply/demand flowing and not crazy prices.



  • Real Life money for in game credits (Not using CC market items)
  • Less dependence on credit spammers/sellers if a LEGIT means is available
  • Price Controlled by BW and not price gouged by players


let wow go F2P first and THEN see how quickly they do this. where F2P people can earn lots of credits then purchase a token to be a sub without actually paying for a sub. NO!

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let wow go F2P first and THEN see how quickly they do this. where F2P people can earn lots of credits then purchase a token to be a sub without actually paying for a sub. NO!


F2P wouldn't be able to collect enough credits to buy a token so that sort of kills that approach. A sub going to preferred model soon might be worth buying a token with credits. My suggested SWTOR Token would likely be a couple million for 30 day sub. Doing the standard 1cc = 1k credits it would be like $1,500,000 credits for a 30 day sub or roughly 1,500 cc. Which I think it too low since can you farm $1 million a day easy on dailies. Pricing token more likely around 5 million each might be more in order. OR maybe BW could just SELL the tokens directly to pull credits out of the game, but this would prevent folks from getting credits for real money. (Which appears to be profitable at WOW)


Yea.. WOW sort of became B2P/F2P like really when they implemented this model. Lots of those with millions just keep buying tokens and adding 30 days each time. I think someone had a video of being paid up for a couple years now.


Me.. I've millions on SWTOR and would like to use them, but ATM preferred status is looking pretty good (Except lack of millions). Why waste $15 a month on SWTOR when nothing is really happening. Big reason you see a lot of the progression guilds go quiet between content cycles. (Cause BW has these GIANT periods of down time between them)

Edited by dscount
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[quote name='branmakmuffin']Name these "other games." EVE?[/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="White"]Wildstar’s[/COLOR][/B] CREDD system (BTW they are going F2P soon as well) o Real money for SUB token to sell in game ($ Tad higher than monthly sub) [B][COLOR="white"]WOW’s [/COLOR]Token system[/B] o Real money for SUB token, but forced to use ingame system to sell at set price that floats 5-10% daily (Also $ Tad higher than monthly sub) – 10 per month CAP [B][COLOR="white"]EVE’s[/COLOR] Plex system[/B] o Not totally up on this, but it’s been copied recently by others. Edited by dscount
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Anyone that believes EA will sell subscription time directly for credits or CC is delusional. EA isn't about to give up real money in exchange for fake money.


However, like many other games, it may be beneficial for EA to implement a token type system where player A can buy a game time token for real money from EA, then sell the token in game for credits to player B.


With a token system, EA would still get paid in real money for any subscription time while players with extra RL money buy sub time tokens and sell them for credits in game (just as they do with CM packs and other CM items).

Edited by DawnAskham
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I have to agree the direct SELL model (I'm sure that won't happen), but the TOKEN model that someone has to BUY with real life money to allow being sold for in game credits.


Same the other way... In game people can BUY this SUB Token with in game credits.

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The problem here is that there's already an ad-hoc system for turning real money into credits, which is buying stuff on Cartel Market and selling it on GTN. With this new Token the RLMoney->Credits players will just buy Tokens instead of Hypercrates/etc, and people who used to pay for sub will stop paying for sub and instead buy tokens.

That just means their sub earnings will fall even more while Cartel Market income will be about the same or perhaps a small increase.


A direct in-game-credits to Sub would be even worse as it would give another massive incentive to buy credits from goldfarmers unless the in-game-credits token price is extremely high. On the other hand an extremely high price will mean a product almost noone will buy anyway regards of goldfarmers or not, making the product pretty much irrelevant and a waste of developer time.

Edited by MFollin
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True.. I'm pretty sure a pull credits out of game only option for SUB will not work. (No real life money)


Selling TOKEN in CM for slightly higher markup than a SUB today has been how other MMO's are making the money back. Selling SUB token on the GTN has some PLUS/MINUS issues and would likely lead to prices going stupid and fast. So long as BW is getting revenue (IE: Token purchase via CC's or real life cash) then its still revenue coming in the door.


The OPTION to sell said token in game needs to be monitored and frankly controlled. WOW's model is annoying, but it prevents price gouging by players (As yes it would happen).

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