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Bind on mod ~ stealth nerf to crafters !!!!


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It has always been possible to take unbound armor and weapons and put unbound armoring/mods/barrel/enhancement in them


If everything you combined was unbound, the item would remain unbound and you could sell it on the GTN


I've been crafting items and mods and combining them for years as a hobby catering to the market of players who want to buy customizable weapons with the mods already in them


Now as of 3.2 this no longer works. There is no mention of this change in the patch notes


Why was this done? Is it a bug?


If this was intentional why was it not in the patch notes?


You have basically just killed my main hobby in this game without explanation or warning


As a crafter with every crafting skill making all the parts for an item and than combining them for sale has been my primary reason for playing this game


I'm not sure I even have the motivation to keep playing if I can't continue crafting and selling armor and weapons


Why would you nerf this?

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why are you so heartbroken over such a very minor part of the game? crafting customizable armor isnt all that profitable now since the cartel market came out! only thing WORTH crafting is the modifications. the craftable sets arnt worth anything tbh. (that is just me rho) yes they may be worth more with stuff in them but they dont look as good as the market stuff!. why play a "MMO" just to craft? i know its to make money...but why?


makes more sense to play the game in it's entirety and enjoy all the aspects...if you like crafting tho id reccomend eso....its crafting is the best atm..better than this games..its PVP is great too. i just play SWTOR for the awsome story plots and endgame content.


but on a more "on-track" comment...they should have put it in the patch notes.. they may have thought nothing of it ofcourse cuz they know the crafting needs improvments..well there is my 2 cents...

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why play a "MMO" just to craft?


1. The original poster never said crafting was all the person did.

2. We all play the way we want to. I don't group, or raid, so what's the point of playing an MMO solo, right?


We all have our own ways in which we enjoy the game, and it's not ours to question others how they play or question what enjoyment another person may get out of the game based on the way that person plays.

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why are you so heartbroken over such a very minor part of the game? crafting customizable armor isnt all that profitable now since the cartel market came out! only thing WORTH crafting is the modifications. the craftable sets arnt worth anything tbh. (that is just me rho) yes they may be worth more with stuff in them but they dont look as good as the market stuff!. why play a "MMO" just to craft? i know its to make money...but why?


makes more sense to play the game in it's entirety and enjoy all the aspects...if you like crafting tho id reccomend eso....its crafting is the best atm..better than this games..its PVP is great too. i just play SWTOR for the awsome story plots and endgame content.


but on a more "on-track" comment...they should have put it in the patch notes.. they may have thought nothing of it ofcourse cuz they know the crafting needs improvments..well there is my 2 cents...


I have played every aspect of this game.


I have 35 characters in total across two servers; 16 of which I consider my mains on one of them (most of that 35 are level 60, none are under 55)


Of the main 16: that's one of every advanced class, 8 light, 8 darkside, 8 male, 8 female. That's every class storyline played out both light and dark and every romance story.


I've done every flashpoint, every operation, every planet storyline. If there is lore, I have read it. There is nothing in PVE I have not done.


I have pvp'd until my eyes bleed. I have been on pvp ranked teams, I have stayed through countless balance changes and seasonal armor grinding.


What aspect of the game do you suspect I have avoided? Because I don't believe you could find one.


Above and beyond the time invested in "playing" the game, there is one meta aspect of the game over reaching them all: my legacy.


Last summer when they brought out strongholds it solidified one thing for me: there was almost nothing left in the game to do but prove above and beyond any other aspect of the game that I could also be among the top in prestige with the nicest strongholds.


My crafting empire is what fuels that and finances everything. I have crafters and gatherers running crew skills day and night and a network of people who supply mats to me exclusively in bulk to keep up with demand.


There is no aspect of the GTN that I do not dabble in whether it's blanket controlling the entire augment market or buying out entire segments of a category to set prices where I want them.


That's my end game above and beyond everything else.


You think custom armor doesn't sell? Think again. I have half a dozen characters listing 100 augments each, more listing 100 ear pieces, 100 implants, 100 at a time in any category I want of anything craftable.


But you know what I really, truly ENJOY about that? It's not making parts and selling pieces or shells.


It's the actual customization of something. When I make a set it's about what armorings, mods and enhancements all go together. What color dye to put on it, everything. What weapons I make and the barrels and mods that go in it and what color crystal to put with it. Actually completing an item and selling it, not just the mods and pieces that someone else has to put together. That's satisfaction.


And the fact that they sell, is justification.


Will this change break me? No, but it is insulting. It may only be the loss of one category among many that I dabble in, but it was the most satisfying category and the one aspect of crafting that made it feel complete.


When you start moving 50 to 100 million in merchandise a week across multiple categorys, than you can tell me what does or doesn't sell.

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pieces have always become bound to that toon the moment you mod them or remove mods from said armor pieces along with said armor piece becoming bound


IF your talking about craft able weapons orange being bound upon craft i have noticed that

Edited by Kyuuu
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I have played every aspect of this game.


I have 35 characters in total across two servers; 16 of which I consider my mains on one of them (most of that 35 are level 60, none are under 55)


Of the main 16: that's one of every advanced class, 8 light, 8 darkside, 8 male, 8 female. That's every class storyline played out both light and dark and every romance story.


I've done every flashpoint, every operation, every planet storyline. If there is lore, I have read it. There is nothing in PVE I have not done.


I have pvp'd until my eyes bleed. I have been on pvp ranked teams, I have stayed through countless balance changes and seasonal armor grinding.


What aspect of the game do you suspect I have avoided? Because I don't believe you could find one.


Above and beyond the time invested in "playing" the game, there is one meta aspect of the game over reaching them all: my legacy.


Last summer when they brought out strongholds it solidified one thing for me: there was almost nothing left in the game to do but prove above and beyond any other aspect of the game that I could also be among the top in prestige with the nicest strongholds.


My crafting empire is what fuels that and finances everything. I have crafters and gatherers running crew skills day and night and a network of people who supply mats to me exclusively in bulk to keep up with demand.


There is no aspect of the GTN that I do not dabble in whether it's blanket controlling the entire augment market or buying out entire segments of a category to set prices where I want them.


That's my end game above and beyond everything else.


You think custom armor doesn't sell? Think again. I have half a dozen characters listing 100 augments each, more listing 100 ear pieces, 100 implants, 100 at a time in any category I want of anything craftable.


But you know what I really, truly ENJOY about that? It's not making parts and selling pieces or shells.


It's the actual customization of something. When I make a set it's about what armorings, mods and enhancements all go together. What color dye to put on it, everything. What weapons I make and the barrels and mods that go in it and what color crystal to put with it. Actually completing an item and selling it, not just the mods and pieces that someone else has to put together. That's satisfaction.


And the fact that they sell, is justification.


Will this change break me? No, but it is insulting. It may only be the loss of one category among many that I dabble in, but it was the most satisfying category and the one aspect of crafting that made it feel complete.


When you start moving 50 to 100 million in merchandise a week across multiple categorys, than you can tell me what does or doesn't sell.


Wow, defensive much? Sarcastic, rebuttal posts like yours cause me to read between the lines to see what you may be really doing. You are probably making purple items, then pulling out the mods that sell well, and sticking crappy green mods in their place, then dumping the remodded items and selling the purple mods for 3 or 4 times what the items sold for originally. Do you honestly think you are the first person to ever come up with this crafting scam? I mean seriously. So you are publicly admitting to doing the very thing they patched a fix for, then you claim it's all done altruistically just to make better pieces to sell. And I also seriously doubt you are using even more valuable resources just to put color mods on your armors to sell for more, because I sure wouldn't want to pay more for armor just because you felt the need to put color mods that you want to dump, in everything.


And the developers are probably not going to publicly announce in patch notes that they finally fixed another unintended exploit concerning binding mods in items that a crafter (or anyone else) might then use to make even more credits at the expense of the exploited crafted items which are then literally dumped in mass on the GTN, minus their mods.


And the proof of your total lack of genuine altruism in the binding of mods to crafted items is buried in your own words:


"There is no aspect of the GTN that I do not dabble in whether it's blanket controlling the entire augment market or buying out entire segments of a category to set prices where I want them.


That's my end game above and beyond everything else."


Hoisted on your own petard. :rak_tongue::rak_09:


And you are also openly admitting responsibility for grossly manipulating the GTN's prices where it suits you just for your own personal enrichment at the expense of nearly everyone else in the game not making 100 million a week crafting on 35 toons.


There is a lot more that I could also comment on about your deliberately misleading statements, if this isn't sufficient for you.

Edited by ShakaeYerbouti
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pieces have always become bound to that toon the moment you mod them or remove mods from said armor pieces along with said armor piece becoming bound


IF your talking about craft able weapons orange being bound upon craft i have noticed that


Yeah. Thats bothers me too.

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pieces have always become bound to that toon the moment you mod them or remove mods from said armor pieces along with said armor piece becoming bound


IF your talking about craft able weapons orange being bound upon craft i have noticed that


Nope. As the OP has said, if all the items were unbound, then you would be able to combine them without actually binding it to yourself. Before Legacy gear was a thing, I used to craft custom armors and put unbound mods into them before sending it off for my alts.


I get it's not something you may have ever necessarily payed attention to, but that doesn't mean it has never been...

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Wow, defensive much? Sarcastic, rebuttal posts like yours cause me to read between the lines to see what you may be really doing. You are probably making purple items, then pulling out the mods that sell well, and sticking crappy green mods in their place, then dumping the remodded items and selling the purple mods for 3 or 4 times what the items sold for originally. Do you honestly think you are the first person to ever come up with this crafting scam? I mean seriously.


What you are suggesting has never been possible.


Since launch if you remove a mod; the mod and shells bind to you. This has not changed and has absolutely nothing to do with what I am talking about.


The fact that you think this was ever possible devalues virtually everything else you are suggesting, along with your insults directed at me.


And the developers are probably not going to publicly announce in patch notes that they finally fixed another unintended exploit concerning binding mods in items that a crafter (or anyone else) might then use to make even more credits at the expense of the exploited crafted items which are then literally dumped in mass on the GTN, minus their mods.


1. This wasn't an exploit genius.

2. Even if it was: they frequently tell you AFTER fixing a bug/exploit that it has been fixed.

3. What they don't tell you is BEFORE they fix it so that it doesn't get abused prior to fixing


Again, since this has nothing to do with what I'm talking about, I am unsure as to the value of anything you are attempting to say here


And the proof of your total lack of genuine altruism in the binding of mods to crafted items is buried in your own words:


"There is no aspect of the GTN that I do not dabble in whether it's blanket controlling the entire augment market or buying out entire segments of a category to set prices where I want them.


That's my end game above and beyond everything else."


What does my altruism or lack of it have to do with anything?


The game for 3 years has allowed you to add non-bound mods to non-bound armor/weapons. This is not an exploit, it's never been an exploit and serves only as a function of making armor and weapons to sell that are fully modded.


This has NOTHING to do with removing mods to "fake" a value since... this has never in the history of the game been possible.


You are slamming me for the REVERSE of what I'm talking about... and that reverse was never... ever... in the game.


What I'm talking about is taking empty shells and adding value to it by putting in mods. Which by the way you can totally mouse over and see what mods are in something after this is done. There's no magic involved, no exploit involved and no scam involved.


You take an empty shell worth whatever, add some mods and now sell it for more. The person buying it can see exactly what is in it and decide if it is worth it for them to by it pre modded or find someone selling it cheaper with no mods in it and buy the mods on their own.


I am unsure how adding value to an empty shell has somehow confused you into thinking this is a scam.


And you are also openly admitting responsibility for grossly manipulating the GTN's prices where it suits you just for your own personal enrichment at the expense of nearly everyone else in the game not making 100 million a week crafting on 35 toons.


The game is designed with a free market economy. It is just one of many aspects in the game. If you wish to sell things on the GTN and lose money, that is your decision. Most people would rather sell things on the GTN and profit.


How I spend my time in game is none of your concern. Please find something more constructive to do.


Do I complain about you manipulating group makeup to suit your own personal enrichment in your attempts to complete content such as ops or flashpoints?


There is a lot more that I could also comment on about your deliberately misleading statements, if this isn't sufficient for you.


There is a lot more that I could also comment on about your complete and utter lack of understanding of the issue even being presented. Your entire complaint is based on several false assumptions created by your lack of understanding of both the games mechanics and the issue being presented here.


1. The exploit you are suggesting I am somehow doing has never existed in the game and has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.


2. Your complaint about me hinges on the reverse of what I'm actually talking about (you rant about removing mods ~ which could never be done ~ when I'm talking about ADDING mods to enhance value


3. You rant at me for lack of altruism? Wake up buddy, I never once made the claim that I am here promoting anyone elses welfare. I simply pointed out a change to the games core mechanics that affected me


4. You rant at me for controlling the economy on my server: which has nothing to do with the changes I was reporting and is just you trolling the forums because you do not like someone elses playstyle. A playstyle that was created by the development team and that has been present since launch


Please, grow up and stop trolling me. You do not even understand what is being discussed here.

Edited by Kunovega
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Hm, didn't even realize that was possible. I'm glad they fixed it. Eventually the markets will find their true equilibrium, then, rather than being a product of a crafting exploit. Thanks for that explanation.


There was no crafting exploit...


You take empty non bound shells and add non bound mods


Since neither the mod nor the shells were bound, the final result was not bound


You now have a completed armor or weapon that could be sold


How in the world would this be an exploit?


Anyone that knows how to read could see that at no point during this process anything was being bound. You were taking non bound items, combining them and ending up with... a non bound item


This is crafting at its apex, the entire point of crafting: to make an item that is actually usable by someone else without them having to fiddle with it further


This was something in the game since launch. The only people who did not know this was in the game: do not know how to read


When you place a mod into something not bound the warning message used to say: old mod is going to be destroyed. If you comprehend these words you would know: it never said it would be bound


People who are sloppy readers make the false assumption that the warning was the same as "removing" a mod ~ that was NEVER true, until the recent patch


This is whats being reported here


The ability to add unbound mods to unbound shells was nerfed


The ability to remove mods ~ has not changed, it has and always has bound the items to you if you do this (and has NOTHING to do with what I was reporting here)



Anyone bringing up removing mods (such as the idiot suggesting this was a scam) does not understand something:


It was never possible to "remove" mods, removing mods always bound the items to you. You could not "Devalue" an item and scam someone in the way he is suggesting


Whats being reported in this thread was the ability to enhance non bound items by adding better mods to it and selling the final result




Why is this so hard for people to understand?

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pieces have always become bound to that toon the moment you mod them or remove mods from said armor pieces along with said armor piece becoming bound


IF your talking about craft able weapons orange being bound upon craft i have noticed that




Adding unbound mods to unbound shells has NEVER bound the final result to you <<< this is the one aspect that was changed and what I am reporting in this thread. Unfortunately this thread is being derailed by people who do not understand how the system has worked for 3 years


Adding BOUND mods to unbound shells would bind it to you (always) ~ still the same, dont care


Removing ANY mod would bind the result to you (always) ~ still the same, dont care


Adding unbound mods to an unbound shell that already has mods in it gives the warning: old mod will be destroyed ~ some people do not bother to read this message and ASSUME its saying it would bind; but that was never, ever true (until this week)

Edited by Kunovega
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Would probably be a good idea to put this in the bug forum.


Thank you. I didn't actually use the forums much until recently and when I went looking for a bug forum I didn't think to look at sub forums. I figured it would be a main forum and the closest I found was for customer service.


Anyway I submitted a ticket in game for a bug too. Most bugs I've reported with tickets have gotten fixed so I'm sure it will at least get passed along to the right place.

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I hate people like you, new players crafters like me who put their 4-5 augments on gtn you refresh in 1 minute and omg here are 50 other augments with 1 cred lower than your and all from one person :rak_02:

w h a t

Then i tried to reverse some barrels 192 rating but hell no luck, i reversed yesterday 10th barrel and no schematic.

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