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GTN bug - 3,333,333 credit Denebrillian Star Silk


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Doozie of a bug on GTN - purchased a Denebrillian Star Silk for 2,222 credits on GTN and when I checked the mail attached to the item, I found that it became a 3,333,333 credit item. (And no, there were no items listed at that amount on the listing and yes, I double-checked before hitting accept.)


I want this fixed ASAP and my credits refunded. (As a pvper, it takes me ages to get 3m in credits - so I am not happy.) My love of this game is dwindling and this latest fiasco does not help matters.

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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I'm like 99% sure this is a user error. There is no bug where players can trick you into buying a 3 million item, you must have not looked closely enough. Maybe you confused the dot with the comma or something.


Anyway, there have been many threads on this but Bioware's stance on it is that it's working as intended and does not require fixing, even though many users have problems with it.

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I'm like 99% sure this is a user error. There is no bug where players can trick you into buying a 3 million item, you must have not looked closely enough. Maybe you confused the dot with the comma or something.


Anyway, there have been many threads on this but Bioware's stance on it is that it's working as intended and does not require fixing, even though many users have problems with it.


I only wish it was user error - then I could kick myself and get over it. But I can assure you it wasn't.

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As an interesting update (and so it is now on record on the forums), the bug report response which I received from the Customer Service desk informed me that they are no longer able to help with:

- name changes (must be done through the Cartel Market)

- faction or class changes

- server transfers

- unbinding of items

- trades between players where one is an F2P (which I believe is the one that affects me)

- in-game email where items were sent to incorrect characters in error

- adjustments to character appearance (which must be purchased through the character designer)

- abandoned missions

- the Public Test Server

- abandoned missions

- the merging of accounts


Some of those make sense -- but the one affecting my situation (if it is an exploit or bug as I suspect), sounds like a complete sidestepping of any responsibility for their game -- and plays right into the hands of gold-sellers (if they have found a GTN exploit). So, I guess we now have to beware of any trades with F2P players because they can get off scot-free.

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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It's a trick people use by adding a decimal into the total price wanted i believe. The only thing you as a user can do right now is make sure you sort by price a couple times before making a purchase. Unit price is deceptive if you aren't paying attention. It's not technically a bug, so there isn't really much to do about it. Edited by GuerillaTech
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  • 2 months later...

This is definitely an exploit and EA and BIOWARE are allowing it to be used. When people can do something that makes the game misrepresent the numbers, it is an exploit and therefore should be handled like all other exploits.


Instead EA and BIOWARE are claiming it isn't a bug and not wanting to do anything about. Typical lack of care for the users in the game and allowing the gold farmers to continue to grow in the game.

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I think it was user error and a price-listing scammer who listed a mat for 3 mil and got your money. Otherwise people everywhere would start listing things for 2,222, buy those with their alts and get 3mil credits, and it'd be all over reddit by now.
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People really don't look properly at GTN items bbefore purchase and this is why we are getting things on there at silly prices - because they just know somebody will buy them.

I noticed earlier someone had put the rank 2 green weapon companion gifts (the ones you buy from the fleet vendor for 600 credits) on the GTN for 14,999 credits each. Surely nobody was going to be silly enough to buy these.

So as a giggle I puchased 10 at 600 each and put them up for 12500 - every single one of them sold.

If you are the buyer of my companin gifts you'll be getting an in-game mail shortly with your credits refunded - but still, people need to look.


If there was an exploit around that nets peopple "free credits" as someone above said, it'd be all over Reddit and would currently be exploited to death.

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