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Maintenance. What... ?


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Quite frankly, Bioware p****d me off big time. I couldn't care less if I weren't able to play for one day in a week (which I won't for the bigger part of a year, since we have something that's called summer time, which shifts our time 2 hours from GMT, so the maintenance will end at 6PM here). What I DO care about is that BW was talking about how they're gonna make it so that it's in a convenient time for both NA and EU. Which they did not.


The NA wont be able to play from 2AM to 8AM, while we in the EU wont be able to play for the entire afternoon. Yes, some people go to work and so they shouldnt be affected by this that much, but those people usually also have to get up early in the morning, so they can't spend the entire night playing TOR. This gives them what, 2, 3 hours of playing TOR? Yeah, convenient. Thanks, Bioware.


Again, I'm not nerd-raging here because I won't be able to play, I'm upset because Bioware promised to make the maintenance window as such that it'll affect as little as possible. Which they did not.


And I love seeing how American people tell us how this shouldnt upset us at all, I'd love to see your reaction if the situation was reversed. I also love how you people say that this has been chosen after conducting an extensive research on when the servers are emptiest. This game has been out for what, a week and a half? How can this little time give BW any reliable data concerning this subject I fail to see.


This SHOULD have been avoided by simply making the maintenance at different times for EU and NA. Blizzard does this, Rift does this, why can't you, Bioware? Seems that you still se the EU folk as a lesser one, an attitude that we've seen since early beta started. I always thought better of you...

Edited by MartyCZE
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