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No RP on any of the RP-PVP Servers.


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I've yet to have a time online that I didn't get a solid chunk or RP. I've had so many random people come up and join in that I have no idea where these complaints are coming from. RP won't be handed to you. Get in there and START roleplaying. People will join!
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I'm on Jung Ma mostly, and I've found as much roleplay as I want here. :) Whenever I interact in character with people I meet in quests or in zones, they usually at least return a quick emote, or we end up RPing a bit or doing some more quests in character.


And there is also quite a lot of people roleplaying on the Empire fleet.

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Don't know, don't care, yet. Lord Calypho hasnt' seen too much of it either, not that I've missed it. The quests and class quests offer far more interesting stories and interactions imo, many people probably feel the same way, so it probably appears after people are done leveling.
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I'm on Lord Adraas (East Coast, RP) and already there's a lot going on there. It's organized, there are a bunch of guilds, everyone's friendly, helpful and open...I am totally advertising XD But seriously. Since my very first log in that server I have been helped with whatever I needed help with and people are eager to RP. You can RP any randomly running across toon that you come across, so far nobody ran away from me XD


The guilds have their own storylines and are even planning interfering stories to bring the different guilds together and make it more interesting. Even the two different factions! So yeah...I don't think you can go wrong with Lord Adraas! :D

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Jung Ma is the big one. I've been finding some folks here on Ajunta Pall though, and in time I'm sure that a solid, active community will develop from it. It's all about starting something and seeing if people react to you, as it is for any flavor of RP server.
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Wait until the New Year rolls along. As an officer in a fairly active RP guild, I can tell you that organising anything more serious over the holiday season is no easy task. Not to mention a lot of people are still busy enjoying the game, checking out the planets for good RP locations and generally just letting the hype fall down to normal levels. I can't speak for other servers of course, but I'm fairly certain that we'll see quite a raise in RP activity in two-three weeks. Give it some time.


And of course, I'm positive that we'll see a lot of server merges not that far in the future - the RP community in MMO's is small enough and that's without splitting it into US and EU players. Then we've got eleven servers (I believe it was so when I last counted them) for each side of the ocean, going up to 22 in total. You can't splinter an already small playerbase like this and expect to see a lot of action going on.

Edited by Blackrock
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Where is it guys why is t hiding, since day one of ega ive been rolling around trying to find the best rp-pvp server, Faction doesnt matter to me.




Other night I rolled a baby Sith Inquiz and "TRIED" to stay mostly in character on general Korriban chat


So someone logs in and does this ultra sweet and nice and cheerful hello to everyone


So I replied basically saying it was a pleasure to see one of my slaves in such good cheer


30 minutes later of her complaining I called her a slave and how politically incorrect that was, I just logged out annoyed.


Next day I log in and there this other "person" who went on for at least a hour complaining that men playing the Sith Warrior role (you get to shock Vette as shes wearing a shock collar) were really just playing out their deep rooted desire to dominate and abuse women because they cant do it in real life.


For the first 15 minutes I actually thought she was joking until she BLEW UP at some guy huge.

Put her on ignore and for 45 minutes I could tell by the random replies from others she was STILL going on about it!


I havent RPd heavily since oNWN on AOL back in 91-97 but had really high hopes for TOR that Id be able to get some fun RPing going on but between the terrible names on all the RP servers and the horrid general chat that Ive started to just turn off when grouped with a friend.


I dont hold out much hope for the RP scene in TOR sadly :(


Wish I could say otherwise, I really did have this whole Lone Jedi wandering around helping people and saving Taris (and being a full time pazaak adict) senario and NONE of it seems doable sadly.

Edited by Kalfear
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I'm hoping to either roll on a(n) RP-PvP or RP-PvE server, depending on what I can find.


Sure, the ganking on an RP-PvP server would be brutal at times, but as I see it, it's more immersive to me when the two sides are indeed at war. I could've been a bounty, a mark for fun, a test of skill, or just a nuisance to that Sith walking around feeling like King Hilltop.


PvE is more social, though, so I'm on edge there.

Here's to testing!

For science and RP!

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On the ganking part: I think this will only matter at later levels. So far my bounty hunter is level 25, and I have yet to see any Republic while questing. I think the zones are designed to give you time to get used to your character, and learn to play it, before you come across enemies.


But yes, I agree completely that having the opportunity to attack enemies (or retaliate against them) makes much more sense, from an RP perspective. I'm looking forward to seeing Republic players!

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I bold faced the issue as to why you arent finding RP there. :) In my experience RP-PvP servers start out well, but deteriorate into full scale PvP servers, leet kiddies and everything.


Oh boy. This again.


There's a discussion about that going on in another thread. I'd like to keep such debates out of this one. Please.

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