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How do i get better relics for my Combat Jedi Sent?


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Best entry level is Ruusan Relics of 186 quality. They are purple.

The best DPS relics are Focused Retribution and Serendipitious Assault . They are considered BiS. They are also BiS for heals as well due to the fact that they boast main stat and power.


Acquiring them either through GTN, or by crafting them via Artifice. If you are in a guild see if anyone else can craft them if you can't.


If you are for some reason on Jedi Covenant I can craft them.



The next level Relics come from drops off of Malaphar the Savage in Temple of Sacrifice with a chance drop on any other boss in ToS. In Story mode they are the Ressurected ones and Revanite in HM. The boss is a joke in both versions tbh.

Edited by FerkWork
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Hit the GTN and look for the Focused Retribution and Serendipitous Assault relics. 186 ones will cost you lik 150k a piece and the 178s are much cheaper (~30k I think). Those are the two I see used in most guides and they're the ones I use, they give a nice boost to primary and power respectively when they proc (800+ boost for 6 seconds, can only happen once every 20 seconds I think?) so they come in handy.
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Hit the GTN and look for the Focused Retribution and Serendipitous Assault relics. 186 ones will cost you lik 150k a piece and the 178s are much cheaper (~30k I think). Those are the two I see used in most guides and they're the ones I use, they give a nice boost to primary and power respectively when they proc (800+ boost for 6 seconds, can only happen once every 20 seconds I think?) so they come in handy.


800 for Green 820ish for blues I believe and 835 for purple.

Sometimes if you know a crafter in guild matts might by cheaper that day.


Ingredients to make a purple relic:

Zoosh Solution x4

Grade 11 Artifact Fragments x4

Grade 11 Power Crystals (Ruusan) x4

Grade 11 Treasure Hunting Matts Blue x4

Grade 11 Treasure Hunting matts Purple x4

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Best entry level is Ruusan Relics of 186 quality. They are purple.

The best DPS relics are Focused Retribution and Serendipitious Assault . They are considered BiS. They are also BiS for heals as well due to the fact that they boast main stat and power.


Acquiring them either through GTN, or by crafting them via Artifice. If you are in a guild see if anyone else can craft them if you can't.


If you are for some reason on Jedi Covenant I can craft them.



The next level Relics come from drops off of Malaphar the Savage in Temple of Sacrifice with a chance drop on any other boss in ToS. In Story mode they are the Ressurected ones and Revanite in HM. The boss is a joke in both versions tbh.


Harbinger right now. But i think today i may server transfer. Idk why i made a toon on west coast. 77ms ping~ and i can tell i can paket loss from time to time. I made a imp toon friday on covenant to test ping out and man i got like 51-55 and the game felt super smooth. So i think im going to transfer, bad thing is i got to leave a pretty good clan behind

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Hit the GTN and look for the Focused Retribution and Serendipitous Assault relics. 186 ones will cost you lik 150k a piece and the 178s are much cheaper (~30k I think). Those are the two I see used in most guides and they're the ones I use, they give a nice boost to primary and power respectively when they proc (800+ boost for 6 seconds, can only happen once every 20 seconds I think?) so they come in handy.


Your server must be overpriced...I routinely see both relics (186's) for under 100K. Think I paid like 78K for my 186 Serendipitous Assault and maybe 95K for my Focused Retribution one. Prices do fluctuate though...I tend to check the GTN a few times a day when I'm shopping for stuff, because inevitably someone will list what I want at a much better price than market average.

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Your server must be overpriced...I routinely see both relics (186's) for under 100K. Think I paid like 78K for my 186 Serendipitous Assault and maybe 95K for my Focused Retribution one. Prices do fluctuate though...I tend to check the GTN a few times a day when I'm shopping for stuff, because inevitably someone will list what I want at a much better price than market average.

On my server (EH), anyone selling a 186 relic for under 100k might as well just sell the 4 Midlithe Crystals it needs instead -- they'd typically make more from the sale.

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