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so when do we get to kill satele shan


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Fair enough. But as you say, Malgus was also an apprentice at the time. So comparing the two is fair, yes Malgus had killed jedi masters, but that is only more of a testament to how he is a better duelist then Satele. Whilst i don't doubt that she is, as Marr says over and over again during the Revan fight, "Strong with the Force" she is over 60.

I doubt that she could do some crazy swinging around maneuvers and powerful force augmented punches and kicks at that age.


We've really only seen Satele fight twice, and both times was against Malgus, both times she would had died, both times she got her *** saved. First by her Master, then by Jace Malcom.



Overall i would say, she is over rated. She may be wise but she would not be able to even stand a chance against JK,JC,SI or SW


Jedi/Sith don't start getting weaker from age until they're in their late 80's. Dooku was at his peak during the clone wars. He was in his 80's there.

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Jedi/Sith don't start getting weaker from age until they're in their late 80's. Dooku was at his peak during the clone wars. He was in his 80's there.


Excellent point. Darth Tyrannus reached his peak in his 80's. BUT he got killed by Anakin Skywalker because of the denial of his physical strength. Anakin overpowered him and disarmed him with his hands because Tyrannus was weak. He was strong for his age, but compared to a much younger jedi his age was a big weakness.

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Excellent point. Darth Tyrannus reached his peak in his 80's. BUT he got killed by Anakin Skywalker because of the denial of his physical strength. Anakin overpowered him and disarmed him with his hands because Tyrannus was weak. He was strong for his age, but compared to a much younger jedi his age was a big weakness.


That was my point. He didn't start getting physically weaker until his early 80's. That's when he noticed his prime was failing. Just like with Yoda he didn't start getting weaker until he was 600 of 800 years old. Jedi remain in their physical prime a lot longer than normal humans. Satele probably has another 20 to go.

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That was my point. He didn't start getting physically weaker until his early 80's. That's when he noticed his prime was failing. Just like with Yoda he didn't start getting weaker until he was 600 of 800 years old. Jedi remain in their physical prime a lot longer than normal humans. Satele probably has another 20 to go.


Satele's physical strength sure ls failing, her force technique probably is getting stronger.

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Satele's physical strength sure ls failing, her force technique probably is getting stronger.


That's kind of the same thing. Yoda actually lost some force strength past 600 years old. You can use the force to amplify your body. I guess you can argue that Satele is becoming strong enough that the physical amplifcations are probably outweighing whatever her age is doing to her physical strength. For now. Until she hits her 80's at any rate.

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That's kind of the same thing. Yoda actually lost some force strength past 600 years old. You can use the force to amplify your body. I guess you can argue that Satele is becoming strong enough that the physical amplifcations are probably outweighing whatever her age is doing to her physical strength. For now. Until she hits her 80's at any rate.


Yoda is not human.


Physical amplification cannot last too long because they cost a lot of Force energy. So it would still affect the Jedi/Sith if they can't finish the battle in short time.

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like others have said. padawan in the first cinematic, knight in the 2nd. Shes a grandmaster now (and apparantly the youngest grandmaster in the history of grandmasters) and im pretty sure shes more competent than she was during both fights of malgus. Her powers, like others have said, lie in the force and not with a blade, where as malgus's strength lies with his blade and not the force.


Apples to oranges really. As a whole they were evenly skilled, in their zones they outmatched the other. The important bit is that malgus is dead and satele isnt :p

Edited by Faardor
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like others have said. padawan in the first cinematic, knight in the 2nd. Shes a grandmaster now (and apparantly the youngest grandmaster in the history of grandmasters) and im pretty sure shes more competent than she was during both fights of malgus. Her powers, like others have said, lie in the force and not with a blade, where as malgus's strength lies with his blade and not the force.


Apples to oranges really. As a whole they were evenly skilled, in their zones they outmatched the other. The important bit is that malgus is dead and satele isnt :p


Malgus is a very powerful Force user as well, not just a strong swordman.

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Yes, Satele is in great shape for a 60 year old. But every class in SWTOR is in their twenties. They are undeniably stronger then her physically.

For a 60 year old she is strong and fast, sure. But not only would i argue that Darth Nox and Barsen'Thor are stronger with the force, but they are also younger. You cant deny that most if not all classes in the game would overpower Satele physically.


The JK and SW would be stronger in lightsaber combat, probably.

The JC and SI would be stronger with the force, probably.

And they would all heavily outmatch her physically. We see the SI take heavy strokes of force lightning and then just stroke it off like it was dust.


Satele is not what she used to be when it comes to physical performances. I imagine a duel between her and the SW or JK would go very much like Anakin's duel with Darth Tyrannus.

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Yes, Satele is in great shape for a 60 year old. But every class in SWTOR is in their twenties. They are undeniably stronger then her physically.

For a 60 year old she is strong and fast, sure. But not only would i argue that Darth Nox and Barsen'Thor are stronger with the force, but they are also younger. You cant deny that most if not all classes in the game would overpower Satele physically.


The JK and SW would be stronger in lightsaber combat, probably.

The JC and SI would be stronger with the force, probably.

And they would all heavily outmatch her physically. We see the SI take heavy strokes of force lightning and then just stroke it off like it was dust.


Satele is not what she used to be when it comes to physical performances. I imagine a duel between her and the SW or JK would go very much like Anakin's duel with Darth Tyrannus.


I think it would be more like Qui Gon VS Maul.

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Isn't it speculated that the Dark side of the force consumes one's life-force quicker - hence the corruption if one is attuned to the dark-side and uses it's powers.


Shan may be nearly over the hill, but unlike Malgus and Marr, she's only channeled the force from living things, rather than sucked the energy from one's body.


But I suspect that because she's poster-girl for the whole SWTOR universe, she'll go on and on forever.

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Isn't it speculated that the Dark side of the force consumes one's life-force quicker - hence the corruption if one is attuned to the dark-side and uses it's powers.


Shan may be nearly over the hill, but unlike Malgus and Marr, she's only channeled the force from living things, rather than sucked the energy from one's body.


But I suspect that because she's poster-girl for the whole SWTOR universe, she'll go on and on forever.


But Dark Side could boost one's power higher in short time. There were also Dark Siders who could extend their lifespan.

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Yoda is not human.


Physical amplification cannot last too long because they cost a lot of Force energy. So it would still affect the Jedi/Sith if they can't finish the battle in short time.


No but Dooku is. Dooku didn't start losing his strength until his 80's. You're forgetting that Satele Shan is not in her 80's. In his 80's he had the body of a 40 year old in terms of endurance/fitness/capabilities. In your forties you're still no longer in your prime but Satele is 20 years younger.


Yoda's species naturally lives to be 500 years if I re-call correctly. He was 300 years past his prime and it wasn't until he was 600 that he started getting weaker. Jedi and Sith take a lot longer than normal humans to no longer be in their prime.


Also most Jedi are in their 80's+ when serving as grandmaster. Grandmasters are all considered incredibly powerful. So it can't be that much of a dampener on a grand master if this is the case.


Look, I'm not saying that she's unbeatable but chances are if you combine her knowledge and force mastery? She's probably more dangerous than she was during her fights with Malgus. However, I don't think she's that much ahead of the current player characters. If at all. I know it's gameplay but she is only a gold elite during the Revan fight.

Edited by Rhyltran
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No but Dooku is. Dooku didn't start losing his strength until his 80's. You're forgetting that Satele Shan is not in her 80's. In his 80's he had the body of a 40 year old in terms of endurance/fitness/capabilities. In your forties you're still no longer in your prime but Satele is 20 years younger.


Yoda's species naturally lives to be 500 years if I re-call correctly. He was 300 years past his prime and it wasn't until he was 600 that he started getting weaker. Jedi and Sith take a lot longer than normal humans to no longer be in their prime.


Also most Jedi are in their 80's+ when serving as grandmaster. Grandmasters are all considered incredibly powerful. So it can't be that much of a dampener on a grand master if this is the case.


Look, I'm not saying that she's unbeatable but chances are if you combine her knowledge and force mastery? She's probably more dangerous than she was during her fights with Malgus. However, I don't think she's that much ahead of the current player characters. If at all. I know it's gameplay but she is only a gold elite during the Revan fight.


Really? If you read EP I novel, it was made clear that Qui Gon, who was at the same age(59-60) with Satele, already started to lose his strength. And it became a big disadvantage during his battle against Maul.


But on this day, he had met his match. The Sith Lord he battled with Obi-Wan was more than his equal in weapons training, and he had the advantage of being younger and stronger. Qui-Gon was nearing sixty; his youth was behind him and his strength was beginning to diminish. His edge now, to the extent that he had one, came from his long experience and intuitive grasp of how an adversary might employ a lightsaber against him.


Jedi and Sith age slower than normal beings, but when they are facing another Force wielder, it will still become their disadvantage. Yes they can rely on their experience to fight, but unless they could end the fight quickly, they will still suffer from their age.


As for Dooku, he was using Dark Side ability to boost himself up for a short period. Unlike Dark Side abilities, Light Side isn't that "unnatural", it cannot boost you up like that in short time. Even though, it couldn't last too long and he lost to Fury mode Anakin.


Also, Lightside abilities are not as offensive as Dark Side, thus it would be more difficult to use a few strong lightning burst to end the battle quickly.

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Really? If you read EP I novel, it was made clear that Qui Gon, who was at the same age(59-60) with Satele, already started to lose his strength. And it became a big disadvantage during his battle against Maul.




Jedi and Sith age slower than normal beings, but when they are facing another Force wielder, it will still become their disadvantage. Yes they can rely on their experience to fight, but unless they could end the fight quickly, they will still suffer from their age.


As for Dooku, he was using Dark Side ability to boost himself up for a short period. Unlike Dark Side abilities, Light Side isn't that "unnatural", it cannot boost you up like that in short time. Even though, it couldn't last too long and he lost to Fury mode Anakin.


Also, Lightside abilities are not as offensive as Dark Side, thus it would be more difficult to use a few strong lightning burst to end the battle quickly.


A bigger factor other than him getting tired was that he couldn't utilize his form at it's highest degree. Maul maneuvered them to a location where he couldn't fully employ his Ataru. While age plays a big factor it really depends how much "Force Mastery" they also develop within that same time frame. How much raw power has Satele gained since her fight with Malgus? These are things we need to know because they can still balance out.


I'm not downplaying age. I know age can be a factor but it depends really. Qui Gon was known for his dueling abilities. Not his force using abilities. He wasn't that powerful. Just skilled. For someone who focus more on martial skill than "power" that matters quite a bit more. We know Satele in her fight with Malgus when she caught him off guard was able to pin him to a rock and then shatter the boulder sending him flying. She has a lot of raw power and in her age she probably gained more power. When I'm talking about 80's I'm mostly talking about force ability. Eventually that too begins to diminish but much later than a physical peak.

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A bigger factor other than him getting tired was that he couldn't utilize his form at it's highest degree. Maul maneuvered them to a location where he couldn't fully employ his Ataru. While age plays a big factor it really depends how much "Force Mastery" they also develop within that same time frame. How much raw power has Satele gained since her fight with Malgus? These are things we need to know because they can still balance out.


I'm not downplaying age. I know age can be a factor but it depends really. Qui Gon was known for his dueling abilities. Not his force using abilities. He wasn't that powerful. Just skilled. For someone who focus more on martial skill than "power" that matters quite a bit more. We know Satele in her fight with Malgus when she caught him off guard was able to pin him to a rock and then shatter the boulder sending him flying. She has a lot of raw power and in her age she probably gained more power. When I'm talking about 80's I'm mostly talking about force ability. Eventually that too begins to diminish but much later than a physical peak.


This was describing the fight before they went to the reactor. Sure Satele has her "blast" against Malgus but it took her a while to gather the power. Overall Jedi's offensive ability and raw power is not as strong as the Sith'.


Also, raw power does get weaker when they get older as well, old ones improve on technique and experience. I don't think she has a chance if she chose to use raw power against Nox or Emperor's Wrath.

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There is one other factor that has to be taken into account. While the players have been involved in the war since its resurgence and have been in a number of battles one way or another, Satele has been in exponentially more. Masters of anything usually win a match against a less experienced opponent not due to physical or mental strength but because they have seen enough to recognize patterns in the movement. It's kind of like that part in the Sherlock Holmes movie. They recognize how you will attack and formulate a counter to all of those.
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If you kill Satele off, then you have to kill Marr off, thus ending an endless cycle of you hating everyone who becomes the face of the Republic or Empire, killing off every single one of them until there is only you. Sound dull and boring. You OP, are a boring person.
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+1 for killing this Jedi B-word. Why does she look like she wants to rip your head off.


My DS Trooper would love to space her and all her Jedi and Republic politicians. I would rather my Trooper defect. I am hoping to level a smuggler, and to hell with the Republic. Let it all burn, war is good for business and if Shan gets in the way. I would kill her in a heartbeat.


My Imperial toons would either turn her or kill her. Whatever serves the war effort and the long game.


So hilarious rolling dark side pub side during flashpoints, "Oh were the good guys you cannot choose dark side!" Ensue lots of rage from the pub sheep!

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