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Healing reduced by 30% in pvp. WHY!?


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Because otherwise, healers would be too strong. This is probably the dumbest question I've seen since release. The avg. intelligence level of the players in this forum is astonishing but this one takes the prize.
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It goes both ways ... healers being solo fountains of health is ok, because pugs should coordinate to down them. I used to give mvp to healers ... but not anymore and I see others do the same. PvP is about killing, PvE about surviving.


As for the 1:1:4 ratio ... it is not enforced. You get wz with 2-3 healers from time to time and it's basically 15 minutes of swimming against current kind of thing. Not to mention if one side has healer and other doesn't it's huge advantage that with otherwise equal teams will win you the games.


tl;dr It's impossible to balance in pugs which is ok if you are into premades, but sucx otherwise.


why thought ? the ratio is changeable ofc, but my point is i have NEVER seen a wz with more total healers than total DPS, ever, or even close to. so the -incoming- damage will always outweight the -healing available-, by varying degrees , without needing the healing artificially reducing. its just crass :/


pugs are shambolic, as a rule.. and will always be a bit hit and miss

set groups shouldnt be, and should be able to assist, etc.

so in both counts, why is it needed ?


i still havent seen a sensible answer :(

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Because otherwise, healers would be too strong. This is probably the dumbest question I've seen since release. The avg. intelligence level of the players in this forum is astonishing but this one takes the prize.


and thats exactly my point. healers arent "too strong" dps are "too lazy/incompetant"

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Because otherwise, healers would be too strong. This is probably the dumbest question I've seen since release. The avg. intelligence level of the players in this forum is astonishing but this one takes the prize.


Yeah because its not like with Guard, Taunt, Guardian leap and Challenge and the odd CC trown around you could reduce the damage a healer is taking by enough to make him unkillable with the 30% debuff, now imagine without.


Just because your tank sucks doesn't mean that other healers should become godlike because of it...

Edited by Wiggletphyre
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Yeah because its not like with Guard, Taunt, Guardian leap and Challenge and the odd CC trown around you could reduce the damage a healer is taking by enough to make him unkillable with the 30% debuff, now imagine without.


Just because your tank sucks doesn't mean that other healers should become godlike because of it...


and its not like Fetch, Push, Knockback, Stun, Interupt, Mez, have any effect on this at all ? you have the tools, USE THEM.

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why thought ? the ratio is changeable ofc, but my point is i have NEVER seen a wz with more total healers than total DPS, ever, or even close to. so the -incoming- damage will always outweight the -healing available-, by varying degrees , without needing the healing artificially reducing. its just crass :/


pugs are shambolic, as a rule.. and will always be a bit hit and miss

set groups shouldnt be, and should be able to assist, etc.

so in both counts, why is it needed ?


i still havent seen a sensible answer :(


You don't need equap number of healers and dps to destroy dynamic of pvp in warzone. 3 is completelly enough. And I have definitelly seen 3 healers in warzones. And this number is only going to increase as more ppl get to max level and realize that healing is the safe way of farming commendations.

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You don't need equap number of healers and dps to destroy dynamic of pvp in warzone. 3 is completelly enough. And I have definitelly seen 3 healers in warzones. And this number is only going to increase as more ppl get to max level and realize that healing is the safe way of farming commendations.


really ? funnily enough ive been seeing less and less recently, as people get fed up with it and respec to dps. im usually the only one , and im prob respecing at the end of the week as ive had enough aswell :\

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really ? funnily enough ive been seeing less and less recently, as people get fed up with it and respec to dps. im usually the only one , and im prob respecing at the end of the week as ive had enough aswell :\


Thank you, I appreciate it.

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and thats exactly my point. healers arent "too strong" dps are "too lazy/incompetant"


I play healer aswell. Please realize that the only reason you find this 30% debuff bad is because you're not good enough. You're simply not a competent healer, hate to be the one to break it to you.

Things you may not be doing:


Hotkeying your abilities. Everything should be keybinded.


Fake casting. Perhaps you get interrupted too much? Cast and somewhere before finish, stop casting to lure the opponents interrupt spells.


Gearing. Gear up. Maybe your gear is just too bad?


Being good. Maybe you're just bad at the game and it won't change? If you played dps, you'd wonder why that healing debuff wasn't 60% instead. But for now, you're a healer so this is your subject of whining.




And your arguent "all dpses suxx, therefor, even tho statistically healers are really good right now, it's all an illusion roflflfl!!!1" doesn't last. The avarage player is probably about as good regardless of what class he/she plays and at the moment, healers aren't weak at all with the 30% debuff.


TL;DR - You're too bad to play a healer. If you played dps, you'd claim healers sucked and needed a 60% debuff instead. Your argument that all dpses sucks doesn't last either. BioWare is not going to read this and think "Oh, hey guys watch this: Some random dude here on the forums says all dps-players sucks. So even tho it might look like healers are balanced, they're actually too weak. Let's remove this 30% debuff so that healers can be much better than the other classes. More than they already are infact. Patch inc."

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really ? funnily enough ive been seeing less and less recently, as people get fed up with it and respec to dps. im usually the only one , and im prob respecing at the end of the week as ive had enough aswell :\


Same here.


There are less and less scoundrels/commando healers. Sages seem to be a bit better with their shield, etc. and more are sticking with it.


Either way I am a level 37 scoundrel sawbones and I am thinking of just respeccing into that "OP" scrapper spec soon to reap the benefits before they get nerfed. It is ok healing in PvE as Scoundrel Sawbones but in PvP it is an uphill battle. Sure, I can do fine healing if left alone...but if I don't have my Disappearing Act (3 minute cooldown) then I am as good as dead when a dps gets on me. My only options is to stun and run.


To those saying healers would be OP....please do me a favor and roll a Scoundrel Sawbones and do some warzones. Get into some solo fights, do some duels. It's just not really that fun and you get crunched like nothing when anybody looks at you.


I really wanted to heal in this game but I am probably going to switch to Scrapper as soon as I hit 50. Only reason I would stick with Sawbones is to PvE and quest. As I said, PvE on the Sawbones is perfectly fine. With Corso as my companion tanking I can solo a lot of content without too many issues. Warzones though are not that fun as a sawbones healer. Heals are relatively weak, survivability isn't that great UNLESS my 3 minute cooldown is up and dodge, the raid UI is messed up and sometimes doesn't show proper health numbers. Overall I just don't think Sawbones is on an equal playing field.


I have healed in many games, sure some had healers overpowered but here in SWTOR, Scoundrel Sawbones specifically is quite weak. I have not played Sage or Commando so I can't comment on them but from what I am hearing it isn't by any means much better.

Edited by Nowhere
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Yeap healing is about right in pvp, whats retarded is that when i try to use my"interupts" which are 2 or 3 for my commando on 30sec cds and dont apply any "lockout" period on casts, i just have to wait for any previous animation to stop playing, or wait for the 1,5 sec global cool down, before i can use em..


no worries here.....



emm!? whats your heal cast time btw?


(commando`s point of view of healing, cant speak for the rest)

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I play healer aswell. Please realize that the only reason you find this 30% debuff bad is because you're not good enough. You're simply not a competent healer, hate to be the one to break it to you.

Things you may not be doing:


Hotkeying your abilities. Everything should be keybinded.


Fake casting. Perhaps you get interrupted too much? Cast and somewhere before finish, stop casting to lure the opponents interrupt spells.


Gearing. Gear up. Maybe your gear is just too bad?


Being good. Maybe you're just bad at the game and it won't change? If you played dps, you'd wonder why that healing debuff wasn't 60% instead. But for now, you're a healer so this is your subject of whining.




And your arguent "all dpses suxx, therefor, even tho statistically healers are really good right now, it's all an illusion roflflfl!!!1" doesn't last. The avarage player is probably about as good regardless of what class he/she plays and at the moment, healers aren't weak at all with the 30% debuff.


TL;DR - You're too bad to play a healer. If you played dps, you'd claim healers sucked and needed a 60% debuff instead. Your argument that all dpses sucks doesn't last either. BioWare is not going to read this and think "Oh, hey guys watch this: Some random dude here on the forums says all dps-players sucks. So even tho it might look like healers are balanced, they're actually too weak. Let's remove this 30% debuff so that healers can be much better than the other classes. More than they already are infact. Patch inc."


Sage? You certainly are not playing Scoundrel Sawbones.


I am an experienced player. Sawbones is great in PvE but PvP is an uphill battle at best.

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I dunno, now I'm finding myself healing against Operatives and Bounty Hunters I usually have to leave that person to die because their crits out do my healing at an alarming rate. I know I need Crit gear but I can't get that till I hit 50 or do a few more flash points.


Also found some whiners in battlegrounds who do the whole "Look at our teams level compared to theirs..." who won't get healed by me because they've already accepted defeat instead of being constructive.


However healing as a scoundrel is tough going and 9 times out of 10 I find myself praying for those elusive crits.

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Just please do not cry about healing being bad. This game rushes towards a terminator gameplay already.


Why ?

Because you enter Huttball 90% of times and what people going to do for it is puting 3 healers with a 20k hp tank. So it will end up being a race to pick up the ball first since you will not be able to kill the enemy anyway.

Also if they allow team vs team, it will be like all healers and one tank, have fun killing that.

Funneh PvP imo!

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However healing as a scoundrel is tough going and 9 times out of 10 I find myself praying for those elusive crits.


My sentiments exactly.


I think everybody needs to roll a Scoundrel Sawbones and see for themselves. I am not saying it is HORRIBLE. It is however a major struggle in PvP. In PvE it is perfectly fine. Nothing needs to be changed for the Sawbones in PvE in my opinion. The 30% healing debuff in PvP may not be affecting others as much, I am unsure really as I can only speak from experience but I think Sawbones are getting the bad end of the stick with this debuff.


I don't want Sawbones to be OP or a God that can outheal 3 players focusing on them. I just want to be balanced and I genuinely feel that Sawbones could use some love.

Edited by Nowhere
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Just please do not cry about healing being bad. This game rushes towards a terminator gameplay already.


Why ?

Because you enter Huttball 90% of times and what people going to do for it is puting 3 healers with a 20k hp tank. So it will end up being a race to pick up the ball first since you will not be able to kill the enemy anyway.

Also if they allow team vs team, it will be like all healers and one tank, have fun killing that.

Funneh PvP imo!


stim + trinket + op/scrapper = dead ballcarrier in under 5 secs


its not the healers that ruin huttball. its the fact that everyone can force speed, jump and all the stuff with the ball.

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I play healer aswell. Please realize that the only reason you find this 30% debuff bad is because you're not good enough. You're simply not a competent healer, hate to be the one to break it to you.

Things you may not be doing:


Hotkeying your abilities. Everything should be keybinded.


Fake casting. Perhaps you get interrupted too much? Cast and somewhere before finish, stop casting to lure the opponents interrupt spells.


Gearing. Gear up. Maybe your gear is just too bad?


Being good. Maybe you're just bad at the game and it won't change? If you played dps, you'd wonder why that healing debuff wasn't 60% instead. But for now, you're a healer so this is your subject of whining.




And your arguent "all dpses suxx, therefor, even tho statistically healers are really good right now, it's all an illusion roflflfl!!!1" doesn't last. The avarage player is probably about as good regardless of what class he/she plays and at the moment, healers aren't weak at all with the 30% debuff.


TL;DR - You're too bad to play a healer. If you played dps, you'd claim healers sucked and needed a 60% debuff instead. Your argument that all dpses sucks doesn't last either. BioWare is not going to read this and think "Oh, hey guys watch this: Some random dude here on the forums says all dps-players sucks. So even tho it might look like healers are balanced, they're actually too weak. Let's remove this 30% debuff so that healers can be much better than the other classes. More than they already are infact. Patch inc."


funnily enough, im normally top 2 healers when im healing, and when i play one of my DPS alts, im normally top 4. wonder how i manage that :(


as i mentioned previously, ive been playing healers, in pve and pvp , going on 10 years. so yea i know how to fake cast, about moving, and placement, and support, and pre-casting. thanks though, marks for effort 4/10 :)

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stim + trinket + op/scrapper = dead ballcarrier in under 5 secs


its not the healers that ruin huttball. its the fact that everyone can force speed, jump and all the stuff with the ball.


the problem with huttball specifically, is i -think- it was designed by the same **** who did Tor Anroc for WAR. ie "dont need skill, have knockback, lol ! "

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emm!? whats your heal cast time btw?


just for point of interest, mine are :


Cast time - tooltip yield (+whatever for stats) - cooldown


1.44s - 1258-1403 - x

2.40s - 2509-2654 - x

insta - 452-505 + 518/15 secs hot - 6s

channel - 601 + 601/3 secs - 9s

1.92s - 2909/9 secs GTAOE 8m radius - 15s


now knock 30% off that, and allow for gear.

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My sentiments exactly.


I think everybody needs to roll a Scoundrel Sawbones and see for themselves. I am not saying it is HORRIBLE. It is however a major struggle in PvP. In PvE it is perfectly fine. Nothing needs to be changed for the Sawbones in PvE in my opinion. The 30% healing debuff in PvP may not be affecting others as much, I am unsure really as I can only speak from experience but I think Sawbones are getting the bad end of the stick with this debuff.


I don't want Sawbones to be OP or a God that can outheal 3 players focusing on them. I just want to be balanced and I genuinely feel that Sawbones could use some love.


At lvl 20 simply going hybrid dps/heal as sawbones you are a medal earning machine. 10 kills 25 kills killing blow 75k healed 2.5k heal every warzone. I feel like that kind of hybrid play style is great, very fun, diverse, does not require premades to counter. But higher level healers don't need to hybrid play ... they turn into old school heal bots and that's just messed up.


I think ppl should stop looking for pve healing play in pvp. It does not belong there.


As for the balance, we can refrain from the discussion untill we get a few weeks of lvl 50 bracket fighting, but so far it looks the same as in WoW = major buzz kill.

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funnily enough, im normally top 2 healers when im healing, and when i play one of my DPS alts, im normally top 4. wonder how i manage that :(


as i mentioned previously, ive been playing healers, in pve and pvp , going on 10 years. so yea i know how to fake cast, about moving, and placement, and support, and pre-casting. thanks though, marks for effort 4/10 :)


LOL xD "Hey guys i'm top 2 healers... out of 2". The avarage Warzone has 2 healers, you manage to break top2 is truly amazing. All you're doing is proving my point ;) You playing healer for 10years doesn't prove anything. That just shows that you have zero talent if you played it that long and still can't succeed even remotively ^_^

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I want and am entitled to a THOROUGH explanation as to why this is necessary.




Not later.




healing is fine in swtor pvp but 1 problem reolves around trying to kill the healer itself. and expertise also adds to the problem as it increases healing also. ive seen 1 heal go off for around 14k to 15k i mean thats a full heal because of the expertise. not to mention pups and pots adds to expertise that also increases your healing. then there is healing pot and pvp healing pots and reusable healing pots.



maybe i was wrong then healing does need a nerf or expertise just need removing from the game.

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