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Expanded Universe is stupid and im glad it is not canon


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Was it ever cannon?


Yes, so long as it didn't contradict the movies and The Clone Wars cg cartoon. Before Disney bought Star Wars, there was the different levels/grades of canon.

G -> George Lucas - The movies, and some "fact" books i.e. Tech manuals, encyclopedias etc.

T -> The Clone Wars cartoons

C - > Expanded Universe (in a general sense), Comics, novels, video games, etc.

S -> Secondary canon (parts of the EU that were in a grey area of whether they were canon or not)

N -> Non Canon.


So yes, at one point SWTOR was canon.

Now it's in that limbo place of Legends where it's not strictly canon anymore, but may become so again in the future.

Given that all future books and games are going to be part of official canon, SWTOR could very well be elevated back to canon, depending on future titles and whether or not (and to what degree) they reference characters/places/events that take place in SWTOR.

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What happens when you cut a worm in half? Maul isn't human. Just because that would kill you doesn't mean it would kill a Zabrak. Point is, there might not be any vital organs (or any organs at all) in his lower half. Even if there were, if he's strong enough in the dark side he could keep himself alive long enough for those organs to be replaced with mechanical ones - Darth Vader does pretty much the same thing as his wounds would easily have killed anyone else, even other Jedi.


Bobba Fett is more easily explained as you never actually see him die, just get swallowed hole. Considering he's wearing armour smothered in nasty bounty hunterish tech it's a fair assumption that he could either blast, cut, or jetpack his way out.


Despite all that, I do agree that vast swathes of the EU is pretty poor and am not sorry to see much of it go. The entire New Order series is definitely something I am not sad to see the back of.


The Timothy Zahn stories, however, are certainly something that deserves to be kept.


If I remember correctly Maul was actually a human Zabrak hybrid in the EU. This, again if I remember correctly, was what all the Dathomirian Zabrak's were. So his internal organ structure and the like is probably dang close to human.


That out of the way...yeah. For the EU, most of the books were just about making Lucas cash. Example Kevin J. Anderson. I don't know how the guy keeps getting jobs. He completely screwed up Dune with his books as well. No-Ships in the time of Leto I when they didn't exist until thousands of years after the death of the God Emperor, Leto II who ruled for 3000 years. That guy makes my teeth ache.

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Was it ever cannon? I never wanted to get into it because I never thought it was official. so was kind of pointless to me. Iv just started with the marvel Star Wars comics though. got the first 4 issues today.


It was never really cannon, none of the EU was with any real certainty.


Lucas official stance was always simple: you could consider the EU cannon "if you wanted to" so long as it did not contradict the films.


The only actual changes with Disney taking over is:

1. They re-branded the name of the content from "Expanded Universe" to "Legends"

2. They made it clear that with the new films they might be contradicting the "legends" more often


It's pretty simple really. If you are watching the films you are watching something first hand, therefore it's true.


If you are getting your information from any other source, its a "legend". A story you were told 2nd or 3rd hand that may or may not be true and even if it's based on something true the storyteller might be getting the legend wrong.


So in reality nothings changed other than its now called legends instead of expanded universe and they've explained why it has to be that way.


On a more positive note: Disney has also now committed a team to monitoring all new content that is produced outside of the movies to try and ensure that any more books or tv shows produced will not contradict the films.


As for SWTOR, it could never be 100% cannon. The entire point of the game is that the player changes the story by playing through it. Every person who plays it has their own version of what the story is that takes place in SWTOR. Which bounty hunter won the great hunt and went on to win the empires war for them? What jedi saved the galaxy from the emperor this time? Every person who playes SWTOR changes the story that is told here. How could that ever be cannon?


Did Revan exist? Did the SWTOR war happen at all? Probably, the big picture concepts from SWTOR aren't likely to be contradicted by the movies so by all means pieces of "the legend" being told here could freely be assumed to be cannon. But the details? You have millions of players discovering the story in their own way: and that, could never be cannon.

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The problem with LotF and FotJ was that we already HAD a new generation waiting for the torch to be passed to them. They had spent several years and books growing their characters naturally and grooming them into being the heroes of the saga. Then they killed Anakin, killed Jacen, and relegated Jaina to a supporting character. Then they speed-grow Ben from a little kid to Jedi Knight in a span of five years.


When you consider that Jacen was only 30-31 when he died, as well as how many years and books the Big Three had managed to stay active, Del Rey could've used Jacen and Jaina--and eventually Ben, after he went through the same natural character development process his cousins went through--as the main heroes for at least the next ten years or so. But instead they threw away all those years of character development and force Ben into the spotlight even though we've only really known his character for about six years and have yet to establish that same kind of connection to him as with his cousins.


Ben Skywalker is basically the Roman Reigns of Star Wars Legends.


this is exactly what I thought and was hoping that they would pass the torch to the new characters but then it was like the authors were like you know what lets take all of the new characters kill them off and turn them into supporting characters etc, I do read the new jedi order except for legacy of the force and nothing after that I guess I lost faith in the authors of star wars even those for EU and yes I know its not considered canon etc but I liked quite alot of the EU, just like I lost all faith in star trek but still read past novels. I know Fanfiction isn't considered canon but for star wars I read mostly fanfiction and there are alot of good fanfiction for star wars etc.

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As far as I'm concerned, the EU is still canon, for the exception of things that I personally don't like IE most of the post-RotJ content.


Luckily, being a TOR Roleplayer, none of that stuff really has any bearing on me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Depends. Isn't The Old Republic the EU? If so, I actually enjoy this universe more than the movies.


As for that post Episode 6 books, I have to say they do get a little fanboyish. I never really read much beyond Thrawn.


- Arcada

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  • 2 weeks later...
And yet here you are, playing a EU game...


GG troll


I was gonna say that.


Pretty much everything save the movies are pretty much shoved into the "legends" canon. And no, that doesn't make it non-canon, it makes it "Legends Canon" while the rest is "Movie Canon."


This man needs a seriously discussion about wibbly-wobbly and timey-wimey, with a dash of alternate reality.

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