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What to use Cartel coins on?


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came back to the game after a long while and now I have about 1500 cartel coins.


What can I spend them on?

Only the items that show up in the cartel coin shop in-game?


Are there any vendors that sell items using cartel coins ?


Thank u!

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What can I spend them on?

Only the items that show up in the cartel coin shop in-game?

This. Oh, there's also from your Legacy window (with Legacy level dependent unlocks)


Were you also looking for suggestions? The one you'll see most often is:

Rocket Boost (400 + 120 + 120 CC)

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I buy adaptive armor sets off the gtn, and then use my coins to unlock the sets in the collection tabs so I can use them on all my toons.


Exactly what I do. Must admit I don't like doing it at the moment - was spoilt by the 50% sale late last year during which I unlocked "a lot" of things.

But my monthly allowance goes, for the main, on unlocks of equipment.

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What is this collection unlock?


If I buy a set of armor, i can use them across all my characters?


If you bought a set of Cartel armor, weapons, toys, gems or other Cartel items which can be found in Collection Tab.

In the case of lets say a cartel weapon, equip weapon to unlock it on the character (and add to you Collection), then find the weapon in the collection tab to make more bound copies of the weapon, If you check the Collection tab on another character on your account, you will get the option to unlock for that character and the rest of your account .

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I spent mine on a bunch of unlocks - more inventory, cargo space, quality of life stuff. Now that I have all of that stuff bought they just tend to accumulate.


I think I have around 7,000 cartel coins on my account that I will probably never use.

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I have the ship droid and OP dummy even tho I don't do Ops just for testing stuff out and practicing my rotation. I went to the customization thing on the bazaar after buying the malak jaw helmet to make my Assassin look more evil oh and the XP boosts for leveling up alts.

You also can buy armor and stuff on there and then sell it on GTN for mad cash.

Edited by Romeugues
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