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Digital deluxe a !@#$ing ripoff, and yes I'm mad


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I mainly did it for the speeder, as mounts are always expensive as hell in these games. So I see these speeders are only 4k credit.....okay whatever, at least I don't have to worry about buying one.


Finally get 25 and go to use it......need piloting 1 trained. Okay, no biggy, how much can that be?


40k credits?!?!?!?


*** Bioware? I feel so ripped off right now and pretty pissed off as well. I can crap 4k credits, but 40k? So basically you sold me a bunch of worthless crap for $20.


Don't buy the digital deluxe edition, ripoff.


This wreaks of EA.


Reeks :p Hey, I wanted to be a spelling Nazi for once in my life!


And if you ask me, all these "digital" editions are a rip-off. They don't spend money on packaging and shipping, they distribute it via their own platform, and yet we pay boatloads of cash for that... Not to mention the ever-increasing misuse of DLC (cough cough ME3 cough cough).


I think my gaming days are over to be honest. ME3 is probably gonna be the last AAA game I'll be spending money on. Unless of course we're talking about talented smaller companies who still have integrity - like CDProjektRed. The big ones are just not worth it anymore.

Edited by archifikoss
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I have no sympathy for anyone who buys deluxe, collectors or any other "Special" version of any pre order game. Common sense should tell you they are a total rip off packaging stuff that it utterly worthless and then putting on a huge price tag. Learn from your mistakes and never buy one again.


Agreed. I have learned this from experience. I get cought up in marketing hype all the time and I always have buyers remorse. Live and learn.

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Be glad you didnt buy the CE, cause that was a total rip off! I would suggest not subbing for a couple months to get some of your cash back, but you know thats not going to happen.:p Edited by Qordis
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