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Cantina Event Decoration Item ----- "Tip of the Day"


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So I finally got the decoration after about 60-70 characters. The following is the absolute fastest way to make characters to rng.




  1. Pick Sith Warrior
  2. Click "next" for default race and gender
  3. Pick any letters for the name, as long as it isn't 3 consecutive letters
  4. Escape/space bar all cut scenes and loading screens
  5. Hit #9 instantly upon loading in for auto run (you can start before screen even finishes)
  6. Hit #3 instead if you have rocket boost unlocked



It took me an average of 15-20 seconds, maybe less to make a character and get in game. In those 60-70 characters I made I've gotten 1 deco, 1 varactyl, 3 black dyes, about 4-5 droids. I didn't count carbon chambers or dyes since they were junk ones.


On thing I noticed is the higher end items came in what seemed like timed cycles. If you were quick when the cycle rolled around, you could get 1 -3 characters made in the loot window and get duplicates, or similar quality items. The cycle seemed somewhere around every 7-10 minutes. Hope this helps someone. Good luck!

Edited by Holocron
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Sorry did I miss something? How does this work?


There's a decoration as a super rare drop from the pack that's mailed to all of your characters with the Anaheim cantina speeder. (Obviously you need to have come across a code so that you're getting that.) The box contains the speeder and a random extra which can be a dye pack (one of a few different colors, bound to that character though), a complimentary major xp boost (also bound), a carbonite chamber rest item (bound again), a power droid pet (bound to legacy), a varactyl mount (apparently, I haven't seen one yet, but it's supposed to be bound to legacy as well), or a First Grand Statue of Mandalore centerpiece decoration (bound? I haven't seen this yet either, but obviously you can unlock it and then it will be available for any character in your legacy to place later).


Nearly everybody, I would assume, can burn through all of their already existing characters without ever seeing this decoration drop. So... many are giving themselves extra shots at it by continuously creating and deleting new characters. Create character, check mail, send item over to another character if it's something that can be passed along, delete character, repeat.

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It's a 2000CC item, why would you expect it not to be bound when you get it for free?


Ummmm no, you don't get my point. If you are creating chars and deleting them over and over to get items, what good is an item on a char you have no intention of playing?

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Ummmm no, you don't get my point. If you are creating chars and deleting them over and over to get items, what good is an item on a char you have no intention of playing?


The issue here is that 'creating char and deleting them over and over' is viable at all. It's completely ridiculous that one needs to spend (a lot of) time on this "part of the game" to get that grand Statue.

Edited by MFollin
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The issue here is that 'creating char and deleting them over and over' is viable at all. It's completely ridiculous that one needs to spend (a lot of) time on this "part of the game" to get that grand Statue.


No that's a different issue. I am asking why getting black dyes on a char that cannot be traded or even put in legacy are worth keeping on a char you wont play?

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No that's a different issue. I am asking why getting black dyes on a char that cannot be traded or even put in legacy are worth keeping on a char you wont play?


... which is a ridiculous question. You shouldn't be making characters you won't be playing.


If you're so desperate to use these dyes then put the dyes in legacy gear if you have that. Black/Black Imperial Battle Ace chest armor looks kinda good.

Edited by MFollin
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I wanted a new alt, so I kept making one with the name, race, gender and class I wanted, which is just as fast as picking random options. I didn't worry about customization though. Once I got my black dye, about 200 CC fixed her appearance and bam, new character with a free dye. I'm pretty happy. :p


Tip, you can copy and paste your character name to make it that much faster.

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... which is a ridiculous question. You shouldn't be making characters you won't be playing.


If you're so desperate to use these dyes then put the dyes in legacy gear if you have that. Black/Black Imperial Battle Ace chest armor looks kinda good.


I think you have a reading comprehension problem.

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All the items are bound, so what good does the black dye do you on chars you wont play?


If you have a nice legacy armor you'd like to dye black, here you go.


Otherwise people are doing it for the statue and the pet.

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Even if I had, it wouldn't make your question less ridiculous.


Ok try to follow this if you can. The OP made a post about how to make characters quickly in hopes of getting a good item from the Cantina crate. Now you can argue about the reasoning behind it, if this intentional or not, or whatever. That wasn't my question to the OP. My question is regarding getting things like black dyes on these newly created chars, that I am assuming he is not going to level a char just because it has bound black dye bound to it. So with the exception of the pet and statue, the rest of these items are useless because they are bound/non-legacy items.

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Ok try to follow this if you can. The OP made a post about how to make characters quickly in hopes of getting a good item from the Cantina crate. Now you can argue about the reasoning behind it, if this intentional or not, or whatever. That wasn't my question to the OP. My question is regarding getting things like black dyes on these newly created chars, that I am assuming he is not going to level a char just because it has bound black dye bound to it.


Well if you read OP or just the thread name, it's pretty clear that dyes are not the main focus here - the Statue is.


So with the exception of the pet and statue, the rest of these items are useless because they are bound/non-legacy items.


Not completely useless. Legacy gear can still be dyed and sent back to characters you play, rather than having to buy dyes to dye your legacy gear.

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Ok try to follow this if you can. The OP made a post about how to make characters quickly in hopes of getting a good item from the Cantina crate. Now you can argue about the reasoning behind it, if this intentional or not, or whatever. That wasn't my question to the OP. My question is regarding getting things like black dyes on these newly created chars, that I am assuming he is not going to level a char just because it has bound black dye bound to it. So with the exception of the pet and statue, the rest of these items are useless because they are bound/non-legacy items.


The answer to your question is that nobody doing this cares about getting a bound black/black dye module much, in most cases it would get deleted along with the character until the pet droid, varactyl or, as the thread title suggests, the statue drop.

The former two supposedly bind to legacy and can be passed on while the latter unlocks for use by any character.

Anything else only holds value if you wanted to play the character or wanted to dye a piece of legacy bound armor.

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Ok try to follow this if you can. The OP made a post about how to make characters quickly in hopes of getting a good item from the Cantina crate. Now you can argue about the reasoning behind it, if this intentional or not, or whatever. That wasn't my question to the OP. My question is regarding getting things like black dyes on these newly created chars, that I am assuming he is not going to level a char just because it has bound black dye bound to it. So with the exception of the pet and statue, the rest of these items are useless because they are bound/non-legacy items.


Unless you do it in the way I did... it's possible to quickly roll a new alt with the name/race/gender/class you want til you get a black dye then pay a few CC to customize it the way you want.

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Ok try to follow this if you can. The OP made a post about how to make characters quickly in hopes of getting a good item from the Cantina crate. Now you can argue about the reasoning behind it, if this intentional or not, or whatever. That wasn't my question to the OP. My question is regarding getting things like black dyes on these newly created chars, that I am assuming he is not going to level a char just because it has bound black dye bound to it. So with the exception of the pet and statue, the rest of these items are useless because they are bound/non-legacy items.


So the purpose really was to attain the statue and legacy pets. However, I listed the blacks dyes, because while bound, they are still an added free perk. My assumption is that once a player gets the black dye, they would then either send legacy gear to that char to dye, or use the legacy gear that char already has. So in essence, it is a cheap/free way to dye pieces of armor, that you otherwise might not have been willing to spend cc/credits on.


Also, with a little preparation a person could make a potential alt character by picking the class/name that they want over and over, and then just customize race/appearance later in the game if that character gets the black dye/carbon chamber etc.

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