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<Four of Five> Gear and Vanity Sales.


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Who are we?

<Four of Five> are an Imperial Guild based on The Harbinger that have achieved a name as a strong progression guild. We are a split between APAC and US players, but raid at APAC times.

We have member ties to <Provectus>, <Fearless>, <Random Force>, <Zorz>, <TEDE>, and many other high-end progression guilds in the SWTOR Community.


Notable Progression

5/5 Ravagers HM (Server 6th), (Server 3rd Master/Blaster)

5/5 Temple of Sacrifice HM (Server 5th), (Server 3nd Revanite Commanders)

1/1 Colossal Monolith HM (World 1st Mechanic Kill, Server 1st Kill - After Release Date)


5/5 Dread Fortress Nightmare + Timed Run Pre-3.0 (4/5 Prenerf)

5/5 Dread Palace Nightmare + Timed Run Pre-3.0 (4/5 Prenerf)


Hateful Entity Pre-3.0

5/5 Terror From Beyond Nightmare + Title

7/7 Scum and Villainy Nightmare + Title


All Level 50 Nightmare Operations and Titles.




All our prices as well as our application form can be found here


If you have any other questions or enquiries feel free to post them here, contact Monika, Nikpmup, or myself on Kappá (Alt+160) In-Game, or contact Ali or Mon via Enjin.


All business is appreciated, see you soon! :rak_03:

Edited by MahBoyDray
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In addition to this new thread which I will be monitoring, we have also created a new application process which allows us to leave comments on your Vanity Sale Application for easy contact.

If anybody that has already applied wishes to resubmit their application to accomodate for the use of comments, please feel free to do so.

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We currently have quite a few applications awaiting processing and completing after the drop of Patch 3.2 tomorrow so please be aware that if you are looking to submit an application it may be a few weeks before we are able to fit you in.



<Four of Five>

Please be aware that our characters are also a part of <YES> in game so look for us there.

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We would like to apologize for the wait to all those that have applied so far!

We are currently responding to a fulfilling requests as quickly as we can and should get back to you all about times over the next few weeks.

Look forward to seeing you all soon!

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We'll be adding purchases of SM Ravagers and Temple of Sacrifice loot drops to our order form for those interested.

We will also be considering adding 204 Mainhand purchases to the list too so keep an eye out.

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Hey. I am on the Harbinger and I would not mind the Nightmare TFB mount for my guardian DPS. I have to work on getting the 4 mil though, but what would I have to do to apply?


EDIT: Excuse me, my Jugg DPS.

Edited by theUndead
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Hey. I am on the Harbinger and I would not mind the Nightmare TFB mount for my guardian DPS. I have to work on getting the 4 mil though, but what would I have to do to apply?


EDIT: Excuse me, my Jugg DPS.


Submit an application at four-of-five.enjin.com/vanitysale

Please be aware that the TFB mount isn't a 100% drop and that we charge 4mil for each run if it doesn't drop.

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Submit an application at four-of-five.enjin.com/vanitysale

Please be aware that the TFB mount isn't a 100% drop and that we charge 4mil for each run if it doesn't drop.


I'm aware of that. And will do. One more question though, because it's nightmare TFB I assume there is a title too? Will i be charged with that as well.

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I'm aware of that. And will do. One more question though, because it's nightmare TFB I assume there is a title too? Will i be charged with that as well.


If the mount drops on the first run, with the title included, the charge will be $6million. Otherwise it's $4million per run.

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We have updated our application form to include the following:

  • Full runs of SM Ravagers & Temple of Sacrifice including all loot drops.
  • 4/5 Runs of HM Ravagers & Temple of Sacrifice including all loot drops.
  • Colossal Monolith HM runs for 204 Rating Mainhands with a guarantee that you will get your required mainhand.

Edited by MahBoyDray
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Colossal Monolith HM runs for 204 Rating Mainhands with a guarantee that you will get your required mainhand.


How do you guarantee that? Do you burn the boss to like 2% and have the entire group /stuck and medcenter and the remaining person kill the boss? (just wondering)

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How do you guarantee that? Do you burn the boss to like 2% and have the entire group /stuck and medcenter and the remaining person kill the boss? (just wondering)


It's a secret, soz <3


Would you consider selling loot from individual boss kills?

Ex: (insert number) millions for Blaster and Master


Yes we would. If you look at our sale list, you can see Ravagers offers 5 pieces for $25mil and Temple offers 6 pieces for $30mil so if you take that, it comes down to $5mil per loot token.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Applicants,

We've had a busy couple of week fulfilling applications alongside some of our members tending to some real life issues.

We are vividly working on getting all current applications sorted and will be aiming to do that within the next 2 weeks.


See you soon!

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