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NEW Utility Suggestion Thread (for filling holes that should be made)


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Dear Sentinel and Marauder Players,


In light of the recent Ardor/Relentless snafu, there’s been increased chatter on what our Utility Trees should look like. One of the things many of us agree on is that some utilities should be consolidated into one or simply given for free as a passive ability.


One of the issues with this is that it could leave holes in our Utility Trees, holes that would need to be filled with brand new utilities. As we know Bioware won’t leave holes in our trees (can you imagine the rage from players that don’t go to forums if they logged in one day, and found that they had “lost” utilities?), so I thought we should make a thread offering suggestions for new utilities.


These would have to be brand new, not tweaks of existing utilities. For your reference, here’s what we will have with the advent of 3.2.1 (Sentinel name/ Marauder name):





Jedi Enforcer/Cloak of Carnage: Increase the damage dealt by Rebuke/Cloak of Pain by 15% and increases its duration by 4 seconds.

Debilitation /Overwhelm: Masterstrike/Ravage immobilizes the target for the duration of the ability.

Jedi Crusader /Cloak of Rage: While Rebuke/Cloak of Pain is active, it generates 1 focus/rage whenever you are attacked. This effect cannot occur more than once every 3 seconds.

Adamant /Inexorable: You generate 4 focus/rage when stunned, immobilized, put to sleep, or knocked around. Additionally, the cooldown of Resolute/Unleash is reduced by 30 seconds.

Defensive Forms /Defensive Forms: You build 2 Centering/Fury when attacked. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. Additionally, the effect of your lightsaber forms are improved while they are active: Shii-Cho Form: Further increase damage reduction by 2%. Juyo Form: Increases internal and elemental damage reduction by 5%. Ataru Form: Increases your movement speed by 15%.

Trailblazer /Path Carver: Cyclone Slash/Sweeping Slash deals 25% more damage.

Reigning Reach /Maiming Reach: Increases the range of Leg Slash/Crippling Slash to 10 meters. Additionally, Leg Slash/Crippling Slash now consumes 2 less focus/rage.







Incisor /Interceptor: Force Leap/Force Charge, Force Melt/Force Rend, Clashing Blast/Devastating Blast, and Zealous Leap/Obliterate snare the target, reducing its movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds.

Jedi Promulgator /Cloak of Annihilation: Each use of Strike/Assault, Zealous Strike/Battering Assault, and Leg Slash/Crippling Slash reduces the active cooldown of Rebuke by 3 seconds.

Defensive Roll /Defensive Roll: Reduces damage taken from area effects by 30%

Watchguard /Subjugation: Reduces the cooldown on Pacify/Obfuscate by 15 seconds and Force Kick/Disruption by 2 seconds.

Pulse /Strangulate: Reduces the cooldown of Force Stasis/Force Choke by 15 seconds.

Displacement /Displacement: Increases the range of Pacify/Obfuscate by 6 meters and allows Rebuke/Cloak of Pain to be used while stunned.

Force Fade /Phantom: Increases the duration of Force Camouflage by 2 seconds and further increases the movement speed bonus of Force Camouflage by 20%.







Fleetfooted /Unbound: When Transcendence/Predation is applied or refreshed, it purges movement-impairing effects. Additionally, the movement speed bonus of Transcendence/Predation is increased by 30%

Expunging Camouflage /Expunging Camouflage: Force Camouflage removes all cleansable effects when activated.

Ardor /Relentless: Transcendence/Predation no longer requires or consumes Centering/Fury, but will go on cooldown for 30 seconds when activated.

Just Pursuit /Inescapable: Leg Slash/Crippling Slash immobilizes the target for 3 seconds. This immobilizing effect cannot be applied to the same target more than once every 10 seconds.

Enduring /Undying: Reduces the cooldown of Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage by 30 seconds. Additionally, increases the duration of Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage by 2 seconds.

Zealous Ward /Blood Ward: Getting attacked while Saber Ward is active heals you for 3% of your maximum health. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1 second.

Contemplation /Brooding: Reduces the cooldown of Awe/Intimidating Roar by 15 seconds. In addition, you build up to 30 Centering/Fury over the course of using Introspection/Channel Hatred. This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.




Now, onto the changes. The following are generally agreed upon:





Defensive Forms /Defensive Forms: This becomes a passive ability gained by Sentinels and Marauders at level 10 or 11, and ceases to be a utility.

Reigning Reach /Maiming Reach: The Sentinel/Marauder ability Leg Slash/Crippling Slash becomes Crippling Throw/Deadly Throw. It has a 10m range, applies the same 50% snare and 20% trauma healing debuff, has a 15 second cooldown, and either costs 3 focus/rage but has its damage increased to Slash/Vicious Slash levels, or costs 1 focus/rage but still deals its current, small amount of damage. Then Reigning Reach/Maiming Reach ceases to be a utility.

Ardor /Relentless: Either this becomes inherent to Transcendence/Predation and ceases to be a utility, gets rolled into Fleetfooted/Unbound, or it becomes a Skillful utility. Either way, the cooldown decreases to 20 seconds (or can be reduced to that via utilities).

Contemplation /Brooding: The Centering/Fury generating effect becomes an inherent part of the level 10 Centering/Fury passive ability that all Sentinels/Marauders get. What happens to the 15 second cooldown reduction on Awe/Intimidating Roar is up for debate, but this utility ceases to exist.




In the end, with those generally agreed upon changes , we are left the following for our Skillful and Heroic utility trees (Masterful is currently left as is):





Jedi Enforcer/Cloak of Carnage: Increase the damage dealt by Rebuke/Cloak of Pain by 15% and increases its duration by 4 seconds.

Debilitation /Overwhelm: Masterstrike/Ravage immobilizes the target for the duration of the ability.

Jedi Crusader /Cloak of Rage: While Rebuke/Cloak of Pain is active, it generates 1 focus/rage whenever you are attacked. This effect cannot occur more than once every 3 seconds.

Adamant /Inexorable: You generate 4 focus/rage when stunned, immobilized, put to sleep, or knocked around. Additionally, the cooldown of Resolute/Unleash is reduced by 30 seconds.

Trailblazer /Path Carver: Cyclone Slash/Sweeping Slash deals 25% more damage.

POSSIBLY: Ardor /Relentless: Transcendence/Predation no longer requires or consumes Centering/Fury, but will go on cooldown for 20 seconds when activated. (It could be a 30 second cooldown if other utilities bring it down to 20 seconds total).








Fleetfooted /Unbound: When Transcendence/Predation is applied or refreshed, it purges movement-impairing effects. Additionally, the movement speed bonus of Transcendence/Predation is increased by 30%. POSSIBLY: Also does the Ardor/Relentless stuff.

Expunging Camouflage /Expunging Camouflage: Force Camouflage removes all cleansable effects when activated.

Just Pursuit /Inescapable: Leg Slash/Crippling Slash immobilizes the target for 3 seconds. This immobilizing effect cannot be applied to the same target more than once every 10 seconds.

Enduring /Undying: Reduces the cooldown of Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage by 30 seconds. Additionally, increases the duration of Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage by 2 seconds.

Zealous Ward /Blood Ward: Getting attacked while Saber Ward is active heals you for 3% of your maximum health. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1 second.






And in limbo we have:

Reduces the cooldown of Awe/Intimidating Roar by 15 seconds.


So, give some ideas for those open slots! Also, feel free to suggest Masterful utilities, as well as tweaks to make room for said utilities.

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My initial utility suggestions are as follows:



Balanced Leap/Aggressive Charge: Using Force Leap/Force Charge grants Balanced Leap/Aggressive Charge, making you immune to movement-impairment effects and physics for 2 seconds.

Design Notes: This is sort of like a “mini-Unremitting/Unstoppable.” The Sent/Mara can still be stunned, but not knocked back, rooted, etc. It’ll help the Sent/Mara stay on target, especially with regards to the suggested Resolve changes in 3.2.1. The duration is very short, so I don’t foresee it being seriously abused.



Cross-Style Master/Cross-Style Master: You gain an additional improvement to your lightsaber forms while they are active. Shii-Cho Form: Increases internal and elemental damage reduction by 5%, and increases your movement speed by 15%. Juyo Form: Increases damage reduction by 2%, and increases your movement speed by 15%. Ataru Form: Increases your damage reduction by 2%, and increases your internal and elemental damage reduction by 5%.

Design Notes: This gives you the other two “Defensive Form” benefits. At first, I thought of doing this as 2 separate Skillful tiers, but it seemed a little lackluster. But both as a single Masterful tier seems pretty good.


To make room:


Displacement /Displacement: This utility ceases to exist.

Jedi Promulgator /Cloak of Annihilation: Each use of Strike/Assault, Zealous Strike/Battering Assault, and Leg Slash/Crippling Slash* reduces the active cooldown of Rebuke by 3 seconds. Additionally, allows Rebuke/Cloak of Carnage to be used while stunned.

*Or, if Leg Slash/Crippling Slash get replaced as they should, it could be Slash/Vicious Slash.

Watchguard /Subjugation: Reduces the cooldown on Pacify/Obfuscate by 15 seconds and Force Kick/Disruption by 2 seconds. Additionally, increases the range of Pacify/Obfuscate by 6 meters.



Contemplation/Brooding: Reduces the cooldown of Awe/Intimidating Roar by 15 seconds. Additionally, exiting combat immediately generates 30 stacks of Centering/Fury.

Design Notes: This is a reimagining of Contemplation/Brooding given that the Centering/Fury building during Introspection/Channel Hatred becomes inherent to the Centering/Fury passive ability. It should stay heroic as it can be quite powerful, especially in Warzones or while going through areas filled with trash mobs.

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here is a previous post of mine with needed suggestions:


With new Changes On the PTS i applaud Bio Ware for preforming changes in response to the community in the shortest time frame to date since launch. Historically it has take you(BioWare) to long to implement changes. So First of thank you for the fast response.


2nd: the changes implemented are on the correct path. Improving quality of life is something we desperately needed. Very much appreciated. However, as they changes are very much accepted it still isn't quite what we need. There needs to be 1 more change/implementation ON THE CURRENT PTS!


Make Defensive Forms Base Line


Move Defensive Roll to Skillful Talent


Move new utility: relentless (Pred no longer cost fury but is put on 30 second CD) to Masterful Talent

Put this in place of the Defensive roll talent move


Rework expunging Camo- Increase the Coolddown of force camo by 30 seconds. Allow Force Camo to be used while Stunned. When used Purge all negative affects.


This allows us force camo as a utility to help when he get chain stunned and allows us to remove all dots and movement impairing affects Finally giving us the ability to situationaly deal with the issue of being locked down by stuns/roots/slows and helps relieve the mass amounts of dots classes have on a reasonable coolddown


This also allows us to not be hindered by the so many utilities we must take in order to be playable.


This allows us to be on par with other classes

Juggs( renraged defense)

Sins" (Vanish Shroud)

PTs/Mercs (Automated defense)


Ops/Snipers (vanish dodge/Dodge)


I realize this still leaves a slot open for a new Heroic talent.... I'm sure you are all creative and talented enough to figure something out.

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here is a previous post of mine with needed suggestions:


With new Changes On the PTS i applaud Bio Ware for preforming changes in response to the community in the shortest time frame to date since launch. Historically it has take you(BioWare) to long to implement changes. So First of thank you for the fast response.


2nd: the changes implemented are on the correct path. Improving quality of life is something we desperately needed. Very much appreciated. However, as they changes are very much accepted it still isn't quite what we need. There needs to be 1 more change/implementation ON THE CURRENT PTS!


Make Defensive Forms Base Line


Move Defensive Roll to Skillful Talent


Move new utility: relentless (Pred no longer cost fury but is put on 30 second CD) to Masterful Talent

Put this in place of the Defensive roll talent move


Rework expunging Camo- Increase the Coolddown of force camo by 30 seconds. Allow Force Camo to be used while Stunned. When used Purge all negative affects.


This allows us force camo as a utility to help when he get chain stunned and allows us to remove all dots and movement impairing affects Finally giving us the ability to situationaly deal with the issue of being locked down by stuns/roots/slows and helps relieve the mass amounts of dots classes have on a reasonable coolddown


This also allows us to not be hindered by the so many utilities we must take in order to be playable.


This allows us to be on par with other classes

Juggs( renraged defense)

Sins" (Vanish Shroud)

PTs/Mercs (Automated defense)


Ops/Snipers (vanish dodge/Dodge)


I realize this still leaves a slot open for a new Heroic talent.... I'm sure you are all creative and talented enough to figure something out.


Are you saying escape combat for sins/ops can be used while stunned? You do know that they can't right? Camo is already a very good cooldown. I had contemplated allowing it to be used while stunned before, but the whole craze of cc immunity and using cooldowns while stunned is getting to be too much. I'd rather see other classes lose tools. I wouldn't mind a purge on camo though.

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Are you saying escape combat for sins/ops can be used while stunned? You do know that they can't right? Camo is already a very good cooldown. I had contemplated allowing it to be used while stunned before, but the whole craze of cc immunity and using cooldowns while stunned is getting to be too much. I'd rather see other classes lose tools. I wouldn't mind a purge on camo though.


Agreed on all points. Though I understand they only want true stealth classes to have access to DoT purges, and that makes some amount of sense to me. What I'd really like to see is Zealous Ward/Blood Ward changed so that it triggers on damage dealt, not being attacked, so it could serve as a good anti-DoT mechanic.


But here's another utility idea, and an obvious one (don't know why I didn't put it in before):



Nimble Strike/Maraud: Masterstrike/Ravage may now be channeled while moving.

Design Notes: It could be either Skillful or Masterful (but NOT Heroic). Preferably at Skillful, as I would foresee many taking it over the Debilitation/Overwhelm. And for that player that REALLY loves them some Masterstrike/Ravage, they could take both. Also, this could (and should) be a Guardian/Juggenaut utility as well.

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Dinking around on the PTS today, I saw that Unremitting/Unstoppable as the utility that all Guardians/Juggernauts are getting has changed. Now, it only grants immunity to MI effects and pushes and pulls. Stun immunity is still unique to Vig/Veng.


Which makes me think that Unremitting/Unstoppable should absolutely be a Sent/Mara utility, as well:



Unremitting/Unstoppable: Force Leap/Force Charge grants Unremitting/Unstoppable, granting immunity to movement-impairment effects and effects that push or pull you around for 4 seconds.

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