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Problem I have with story content so far.


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The way I see most of the post level 50 content is that its designed with Republic players in mind. You're largely stuck fighting "the bad guys". In Shadow of Revan you even get a really nice Sith, a cool republic agent and two funny sidekicks to help you stop the darkness.


Now, absolutely nothing wrong with that in itself. Works perfect for light side republic characters and even dark side republic. Can be quite interesting and work with light side Imperials. Because a light side Imperial is still a good person and would want to risk their life selflessly stopping the Dread Masters, Revan and the Emperor. But IMO I just think the story falls apart if you are playing a dark side Imperial.


The Sith, for example, are far too self interested. None of these threats directly affect them and don't stand to gain anything by winning,. In story, Baras and Thanaton were either actively trying to murder you or you stood to gain by defeating them. Its also hard to believe that your goodie companions like Theron would ever work with one of the lords of the dark council who is a monster who has used superweapons to murder thousands of republic people. Or the Wrath who is a psychopathic murderer. The comical characters really feel out of place here as well. Would the Inquisitor really put up with their antics? Wouldn't their interactions with eachother be incredibly different? As I said above, Light Side Sith get around this because it puts you in a similar position as Lana; in that you are a sith but still largely a good person who genuinely wants to save the galaxy.


Basically they're trying to put Imperial characters through the same story as the republic characters and it doesn't work with dark side Imperials.

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Eh, I think this is really just a matter of perspective.


As an Imp, on Makeb you get to be the underdog (something I really like), and the whole Dread Master thing is an Imperial thing. It even concludes a story arc Imp players got on Belsavis, whereas for Pub players they're evil dudes that just pop up out of no-where.


As for SoR onward, again, more Imp stuff. The Emperor is far more important to the Imperials than to the Pubs (Knights notwithstanding).


I also had no problem doing this as an evil Imp. Remember, the Emperor is going to kill you too, so it stands to reason you'd be against that. You could make a case for a DSer wanting to kill every NPC that annoys them, but the game ain't ever going to allow that :-)

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Eh, I think this is really just a matter of perspective.


As an Imp, on Makeb you get to be the underdog (something I really like), and the whole Dread Master thing is an Imperial thing. It even concludes a story arc Imp players got on Belsavis, whereas for Pub players they're evil dudes that just pop up out of no-where.


As for SoR onward, again, more Imp stuff. The Emperor is far more important to the Imperials than to the Pubs (Knights notwithstanding).


I also had no problem doing this as an evil Imp. Remember, the Emperor is going to kill you too, so it stands to reason you'd be against that. You could make a case for a DSer wanting to kill every NPC that annoys them, but the game ain't ever going to allow that :-)


I think it's the case of "Why would a DS Imperial ever want to work with the Republic?" that has the OP flummoxed.


I do agree that the DM storyline is far more suited to Imperial characters (especially those that did the Belsavis story). As for SoR, the only advantage the Imperials have is for those who also did the Revanite story on the Kaas. Republic and Imperial players bump into Revan with the Maelstrom Prison and the Foundry. Yeah, the Emperor has more ties to Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors, but by the end of SoR, everyone involved has some connection to him.

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Actually, from what I have read and seen so far, I think the op's post is asked and answered. A dark side imperial, is generally by their very nature self-centered. Revan, the emperor and even the dark masters all pose a threat. Be it to the prospective power base an Imp is building, or to themselves in particular, they are a threat. And as a threat they must be defeated. Personally, other than a few mistrust issues from the republic side, I can't think of any reason why an Imperial wouldn't do anything, even siding with the republic, if it met or furthered their needs.
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The thing is Vitiate was basically always planning to gobble up the Galaxy. So unless you want the Sith to be a bunch of idiotic suicide soldiers across the board that had to happen. I also think the point on Lana Beniko is to show that you can be a Sith, be powerful and not be a the caricature of either the cackling mad man (HELLO Sidious) or a dead bang Serial Killer. If you don't have Sith like Beniko there is no chance in heaven or in hell that there ever would have been a Sith Empire. To have an empire before and then after the iron will of Vitiate you need some level of cooperation and what I have seen as the "stereotypical" 100% dark side decision/play style, this kind of cooperation would simply be impossible. Edited by Ghisallo
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Its not an easy thing for RPG writers to find realistic motivations for evil characters. Its easy to motivate the good guys, almost as easy to motivate self centred, neutral types (reward them), but evil AND self-centred?


I think you just have to have a level of allegiance to your faction's cause if anything in the plot from chapter 3 onwards is going to feel right. This isn't unique to the Imp side - A smuggler will have to find a reason to assist the republic beyond credits if they're going to get involved with Makeb, let alone the Dread Masters or Revanites. If a player insists on their character being completely self-centred, then its unavoidable that certain plots won't make a lot of sense.

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Its not an easy thing for RPG writers to find realistic motivations for evil characters. Its easy to motivate the good guys, almost as easy to motivate self centred, neutral types (reward them), but evil AND self-centred?


I think you just have to have a level of allegiance to your faction's cause if anything in the plot from chapter 3 onwards is going to feel right. This isn't unique to the Imp side - A smuggler will have to find a reason to assist the republic beyond credits if they're going to get involved with Makeb, let alone the Dread Masters or Revanites. If a player insists on their character being completely self-centred, then its unavoidable that certain plots won't make a lot of sense.


Yeah I think that is the issue. people like playing the ultimately self centered Sith/dark side thing. Problem is a writer tries to have SOME realism and if they do that you need some not Self Centered characters or at least slef centered characters with nuance or else you can't justify a bona fide empire existing.


These two concepts head butt each other.

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