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SW:Rebels - season II


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She says she shouldn't open it, because she's not a Jedi.


Neither is Ezra. He was never indoctrinated into the Jedi Order and all that, Ahsoka at least was. He was just picked up and started training under a Jedi Padawan.


But meh...whatever I guess, though now I hate waiting for the Twilight episodes. I could literally care less for Chopper, even if I'm still gonna watch the episode anyway.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Neither is Ezra. He was never indoctrinated into the Jedi Order and all that, Ahsoka at least was. He was just picked up and started training under a Jedi Padawan.


But meh...whatever I guess, though now I hate waiting for the Twilight episodes. I could literally care less for Chopper, even if I'm still gonna watch the episode anyway.


Actually that's incorrect. Yoda refers to Ezra as Pasdawan.

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Actually that's incorrect. Yoda refers to Ezra as Pasdawan.


Yeah, but even still, before that whole thing, Ezra was able to help Kanan open the Temple the first time.


But anyway, clearly the Temple doesn't care weither someone is a Jedi or Inquisitor to open the thing. Only thing I guess is Ahsoka just didn't wanna help open it because....she didn't want to.


Anyway...so there's Chopper's episode, which seems to be a long wait time the 23rd...then another one and finally the Twilight.

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Yeah, but even still, before that whole thing, Ezra was able to help Kanan open the Temple the first time.


But anyway, clearly the Temple doesn't care weither someone is a Jedi or Inquisitor to open the thing. Only thing I guess is Ahsoka just didn't wanna help open it because....she didn't want to.


Anyway...so there's Chopper's episode, which seems to be a long wait time the 23rd...then another one and finally the Twilight.


I'm hoping the Montana Calamari come soon. Even early in the rebellion during even the battle of Yavin 4, smaller Mon Cal light cruisers were with the rebel fleets.


Also wondering if they are going to bring in dreadnaughts. Be nice to see Garmin Bell Iblis(he is cameod in the films and it's pretty much canon he's one of the founders of the rebellion). Wondering when we'll seem him and Mon Mothra finally break away in open rebellion?


Maybe next season?

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Some other things have been bothering me about Rebels, but they are minor gripes and I'm wondering about a few other things, maybe someone can enlighten me on.


1. A-wings. Originally they were supposed to have been designed by General Dodanna, variant of the A-20s. Are we using the actual A-wings as we know them from the movies and games, or is this the earlier A-20s? I am wondering because the fighters we see in the show have slanted foils, A-wings had vertical foils.


2. Complete lack of Z-95 headhunters which were heavily used by the Rebellion because they were cheap and easily found. Also missing Cloakshape fighters which were also used early on. Also missing Y-wings again, cheap, easily found and heavily used by the rebellion as bombers. Even early on.


3. The rebels we see here. Are they the beginnings of the rebels as we know them, or is this just one cell and its part of what becomes the rebel alliance?


4. If this is the main show and what becomes of the alliance, where are the early Mon Cal cruisers. Granted not the big heavy stuff like Home 1, but the lighter cruisers(what would become designated MC40s) or the MC30 frigates? Also missing ships like the Galaforee transports.


5. Still waiting for the Nebulon B frigates to appear.


6. Red squadron and General Dodanna? I know it's probably a little early for them to appear, but I think they are due up. I mean it's because of Red(Rogue) squadron we get the incom engineers and the X-Wing Fighter. I mean I know it starts 5 years before the events of Episode 4, so these fine gentlemen are due to come in. Can't wait to see Wedge Antillies(probably one of my favorite SW characters and damn it he took on 2 not 1 but 2 Death Stars, time for him to make his appearance!).


7. Mon Mothma, Garm Bel Iblis and Bail Organa. These 3 STARTED THE ALLIANCE. Where the hell are they? Sure we saw Leia pop up in one episode giving help, but if this is the cell that really begins the Alliance, it's time for the big 3 to really step into the light and start really putting in steam.


8. Kanan, Ezra, and Asooka. I'm guessing somewhere down the line they are either going to die, or go REALLY underground to set up A New Hope. Wonder how that will break down.


These are some of the early things that showed up in the Rebel Alliance, so I am hoping we start seeing some of this soon.

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Some other things have been bothering me about Rebels, but they are minor gripes and I'm wondering about a few other things, maybe someone can enlighten me on.


1. A-wings. Originally they were supposed to have been designed by General Dodanna, variant of the A-20s. Are we using the actual A-wings as we know them from the movies and games, or is this the earlier A-20s? I am wondering because the fighters we see in the show have slanted foils, A-wings had vertical foils.


2. Complete lack of Z-95 headhunters which were heavily used by the Rebellion because they were cheap and easily found. Also missing Cloakshape fighters which were also used early on. Also missing Y-wings again, cheap, easily found and heavily used by the rebellion as bombers. Even early on.


3. The rebels we see here. Are they the beginnings of the rebels as we know them, or is this just one cell and its part of what becomes the rebel alliance?


4. If this is the main show and what becomes of the alliance, where are the early Mon Cal cruisers. Granted not the big heavy stuff like Home 1, but the lighter cruisers(what would become designated MC40s) or the MC30 frigates? Also missing ships like the Galaforee transports.


5. Still waiting for the Nebulon B frigates to appear.


6. Red squadron and General Dodanna? I know it's probably a little early for them to appear, but I think they are due up. I mean it's because of Red(Rogue) squadron we get the incom engineers and the X-Wing Fighter. I mean I know it starts 5 years before the events of Episode 4, so these fine gentlemen are due to come in. Can't wait to see Wedge Antillies(probably one of my favorite SW characters and damn it he took on 2 not 1 but 2 Death Stars, time for him to make his appearance!).


7. Mon Mothma, Garm Bel Iblis and Bail Organa. These 3 STARTED THE ALLIANCE. Where the hell are they? Sure we saw Leia pop up in one episode giving help, but if this is the cell that really begins the Alliance, it's time for the big 3 to really step into the light and start really putting in steam.


8. Kanan, Ezra, and Asooka. I'm guessing somewhere down the line they are either going to die, or go REALLY underground to set up A New Hope. Wonder how that will break down.


These are some of the early things that showed up in the Rebel Alliance, so I am hoping we start seeing some of this soon.


Everything from 1-7 is a simple explanation. Everything you knew about the rebellion no longer exists


Dave Filoni is harvesting the old EU for material, but he is not bound by it at all. New Canon, new rules.


As for 8, Ahsoka is almost guaranteed to die at the end of season 2 (which is to say, in a few weeks). In the end, Kanan may die as well, however this is Disney, there is no way they will kill off Ezra. Far more likely they'll shuffle him off somewhere.

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Everything from 1-7 is a simple explanation. Everything you knew about the rebellion no longer exists


Dave Filoni is harvesting the old EU for material, but he is not bound by it at all. New Canon, new rules.


As for 8, Ahsoka is almost guaranteed to die at the end of season 2 (which is to say, in a few weeks). In the end, Kanan may die as well, however this is Disney, there is no way they will kill off Ezra. Far more likely they'll shuffle him off somewhere.


Filoni can only change SO MUCH. Like Dodonna and red squadron. He really can't change those or he completely changes SW4. That's one thing even in CW even Filoni couldn't do, change the events of the movie. So certain characters HAVE to show up. Wedge Antilles, Jek Porkings, Biggs Darklighter. How the Reelbels got the X-Wings. Mon Calamari showing up.


Those are part of the MOVIES where that trumps EVERYTHING. But this is Filoni. He will rewrite minor things as he sees fit. Like Bariss Offee. *growls*

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What I don't get about the rebels that they are supposed to win their first engagement againts the empire just before the New Hope (at least the textscroll said they did :p). And i am watching and nearly every time empire is on the back foot on this show. Edited by csabszintskipp
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What I don't get about the rebels that they are supposed to win their first engagement againts the empire just before the New Hope (at least the textscroll said they did :p). And i am watching and nearly every time empire is on the back foot on this show.




The worst part is, they keep saying that "Oh boo hoo, the Empire makes things so difficult for us!" "We can't do this plan, it's impossible" Etc


Yet 5 minutes later, they are having no trouble with anything and are doing the impossible.


The Rebels haven't even lost anything of significance and what they do lose, is easily made up by the next episode.

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The worst part is, they keep saying that "Oh boo hoo, the Empire makes things so difficult for us!" "We can't do this plan, it's impossible" Etc


Yet 5 minutes later, they are having no trouble with anything and are doing the impossible.


The Rebels haven't even lost anything of significance and what they do lose, is easily made up by the next episode.


Well the Rebels don't have much to lose to begin with. But they have lost all there bases they have been trying to establish. And nearly lost the entire fleet in "Siege of Lothal" to Vader single handily.


As to the poster above me I think the text crawl refers to winning the first major battle against th empire. Ultimately what the Rebels are doing now isn't putting much of a dent into the Empire. However stealing the Death Star plans is pretty serious.

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7. Mon Mothma, Garm Bel Iblis and Bail Organa. These 3 STARTED THE ALLIANCE. Where the hell are they? Sure we saw Leia pop up in one episode giving help, but if this is the cell that really begins the Alliance, it's time for the big 3 to really step into the light and start really putting in steam.

Season 1 episode 1 (or 2 if we count the pilot episode), I believe.


Ezra and the gang plan to intercept and smuggle some cargo from the Empire. They do so by forcing an official's interpret droid to be stocked during a shuttle flight, and using Sabine as an impromptu interpret. The protocol droid happens to be C-3PO accompanied by R2-D2.


During the episode R2-D2 makes C-3PO boarding into the Ghost, and mentions being on a secret mission that C-3PO doesn't know of, and says there's someone who would pay sustantially for their retrieval. The secret mission was that to make so the cargo doesn't remains in the Empire's hands, hence why R2-D2 make itself and its companion board.

As they are retrieved on a ship looking exactly as the Tantive IV, a certain someone asks the droids if his identity has been mentionned, to which C-3PO answers it did not even once. The man appears to be Bail Organa.


As the episode ends, he expresses his interest about this group of "rebels".

Edited by Altheran
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I tend to view the Rebels show as just being one small cell of rebels operating in a different part of the galaxy away from the larger, more organized cells with the major players that we're all familiar with, with occasional appearances by that group just to bring everything more together.


My reasoning for this is that basically the galaxy is too large and the Empire too massive for one group to be able to take them all on, and the wider the rebellion is spread the harder it is for the Empire to target them all. Sure they may have main bases here and there, like the Yavin IV base in Episode 4, but it just makes sense to keep other forces spread out through the galaxy to keep the pressure on in other areas.

Edited by MongooseRaider
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Well the Rebels don't have much to lose to begin with. But they have lost all there bases they have been trying to establish. And nearly lost the entire fleet in "Siege of Lothal" to Vader single handily.


As to the poster above me I think the text crawl refers to winning the first major battle against th empire. Ultimately what the Rebels are doing now isn't putting much of a dent into the Empire. However stealing the Death Star plans is pretty serious.


Yeah they nearly lost their fleet....oh wait, a couple of episodes later none of that matters, cause they get new pilots and a new command ship + 3 new larger cruisers that were quoted as "being impossible, we can't get all 3" when they...oh look! Got all 3 of them!


Then they get the B-wing prototype and put that into production, then they take a cruiser which could hold many more fighters.

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Filoni can only change SO MUCH. Like Dodonna and red squadron. He really can't change those or he completely changes SW4. That's one thing even in CW even Filoni couldn't do, change the events of the movie. So certain characters HAVE to show up. Wedge Antilles, Jek Porkings, Biggs Darklighter. How the Reelbels got the X-Wings. Mon Calamari showing up.


Those are part of the MOVIES where that trumps EVERYTHING. But this is Filoni. He will rewrite minor things as he sees fit. Like Bariss Offee. *growls*


This is true. That being said:


Is Dodonna in Ep 4? I honestly can't remember him

Red Squadron: While this has to show up eventually, it doesn't have to show up in this particular cell of rebels

Also, pretty sure the Mon Cals weren't in Ep 4 either. Though considering they got a Mon Cal making the B-wing, good chance we'll see more of them.

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This is true. That being said:


Is Dodonna in Ep 4? I honestly can't remember him

Red Squadron: While this has to show up eventually, it doesn't have to show up in this particular cell of rebels

Also, pretty sure the Mon Cals weren't in Ep 4 either. Though considering they got a Mon Cal making the B-wing, good chance we'll see more of them.


Dodonna was the old man in operations standing next to Leia. He was the one who gave the orders to Red 1 to hold half his squad out of the Death star run, which is why luke, Biggs and Wedge were hanging around for that second run.


Far as the rest, my understanding is that this cell forms the basis of the Rebel fleet. Example, the carrier they captured, same type used by Luke Skywalker at Bakura after Endor. Curious they ha e it wouldn't ya say?


Also wonder if we're going to see if this show fills in events between 4 5 and 6.

Edited by TalonVII
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as for where the alliance founders are, the answer is "away" the show makes it very clear they're out there, but they're going to be keeping things at arms length. right now even if one of the characters in SW rebels was interrogated and broke, they could not pin point with any garentee Bail Organa's DIRECT involvement in the rebellion
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TalonVII and others,


"…we're going to really show the origins of the rebellion. When our series begins, it's not the Rebel Alliance yet; we start with a group of rebels. It'll be really interesting to show the progress of the Alliance forming…"

―Executive producer Greg Weisman, Star Wars Insider


Talon all your questions revolve more around the Rebel Alliance, which does not exist yet.


Yes, The Organa family (we have seen Bail and Leia, as well as Captain Antilles and Threepio and Artoo) is indirectly involved with Hera and Kanan and the rest. And I am sure Dodonna and Bel Iblis and Mothma are doing there parts elsewhere. Lothal is in the outer rim and the Rebels we see are operating in that section of the galaxy. There is a LOT more galaxy out there.


The rebellion as we know it from A New Hope and beyond is at best in its infancy.

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Here's the thing. Might be in it's infancy, but it's got a lot to cover before the actual formation. I'm not saying it's a bad show. Far from it. It's interesting to see how the rebel alliance came to be. It's just I'm chomping at the bit to see some iconic stuff come in.


And wondering how it will be handled.

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I just want the Empire to stop being such bumbling fools, the Chopper centric episode doesn't look promising and I'm kinda sick they keep trying to push him to be likeable as R2, it's not working for me.


I also to a point want them to introduce some Imperial SpecForce(Crix Madine + Storm Commandos?), but at the same time I don't because I know they'll just ruin them too.

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Here's the thing. Might be in it's infancy, but it's got a lot to cover before the actual formation. I'm not saying it's a bad show. Far from it. It's interesting to see how the rebel alliance came to be. It's just I'm chomping at the bit to see some iconic stuff come in.


And wondering how it will be handled.


The real alliance is sort of founded, it's just that they probably don't want to be seen together too much to avoid raising eyebrows from the Empire. The cell we see is ultimately backed by Bail Organa however Mothma may be funding a different large cell somewhere else.

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I just want the Empire to stop being such bumbling fools, the Chopper centric episode doesn't look promising and I'm kinda sick they keep trying to push him to be likeable as R2, it's not working for me.


I also to a point want them to introduce some Imperial SpecForce(Crix Madine + Storm Commandos?), but at the same time I don't because I know they'll just ruin them too.


Yeah just saw the trailer, doesn't look too good especially how awesome these last two episodes have been. But I think season 2 was largely meant to be about character back stories, I don't think season 3 will have a big focus on that.

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Yeah just saw the trailer, doesn't look too good especially how awesome these last two episodes have been. But I think season 2 was largely meant to be about character back stories, I don't think season 3 will have a big focus on that.


I wasn't too big on the whole character centric episodes either...I mean aside from like, I guess the last Hera one, the Zeb one. The rest were just soo....forgettable really. Best episodes seem to be the one that throws in the TCW/OT characters, which looking at it just shows that's the only reason the Rebels show can really stand, that it can't hold on its own 2 feet which is rather disappointing.


Rebels was suppose to be about this new group and yet, the far more interesting episodes are with TCW/OT characters involved.


It also doesn't help that Rebels has streamlined the Inquisitorious, which makes them lack any depth as far as creativity is concerned. Legends Inquisitors, you had diversity in what one was capable of and how powerful they were.


Rebels just turned the Inquisitors into some organization, where they are given these double bladed lightsabers and just sent off with basic TK ability.

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I wasn't too big on the whole character centric episodes either...I mean aside from like, I guess the last Hera one, the Zeb one. The rest were just soo....forgettable really. Best episodes seem to be the one that throws in the TCW/OT characters, which looking at it just shows that's the only reason the Rebels show can really stand, that it can't hold on its own 2 feet which is rather disappointing.


Rebels was suppose to be about this new group and yet, the far more interesting episodes are with TCW/OT characters involved.


It also doesn't help that Rebels has streamlined the Inquisitorious, which makes them lack any depth as far as creativity is concerned. Legends Inquisitors, you had diversity in what one was capable of and how powerful they were.


Rebels just turned the Inquisitors into some organization, where they are given these double bladed lightsabers and just sent off with basic TK ability.


I got to admit I really liked the Grand Inquisitor but these new guys just really suck... And I don't like this whole power vacuum thing of everyone trying to take his place. The Grand inquisitor should have been "The First Brother" right? So "The First Sister" should take over automatically.


These inquisitors can't even stand up to Ezra how are they supposed to deal with any real Jedi? I know it's more so Vaders job but overall these guys are useless.


I don't like all TCW characters that much, Ahsoka and Maul I just don't think they're needed. There was a few episodes I really like last season "Path of the Jedi", the one where Ezra infiltrates the academy and the ones with Tarkin. I don't fault Rebels for using guys like Tarkin and Vader because they actually fit the era, Lando as well I guess. But Hondo not really his time is past.


Originally The Clone Wars was supposed to be about two new characters a Jedi Master and his Apprentice who would go on adventures during the war, the Prequel characters where supposed to be cameo only. Personally that sounds like it would have absolutely sucked without the established characters. So Rebels like TCW has to being in these faces we already know of

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I got to admit I really liked the Grand Inquisitor but these new guys just really suck... And I don't like this whole power vacuum thing of everyone trying to take his place. The Grand inquisitor should have been "The First Brother" right? So "The First Sister" should take over automatically.


These inquisitors can't even stand up to Ezra how are they supposed to deal with any real Jedi? I know it's more so Vaders job but overall these guys are useless.


I don't like all TCW characters that much, Ahsoka and Maul I just don't think they're needed. There was a few episodes I really like last season "Path of the Jedi", the one where Ezra infiltrates the academy and the ones with Tarkin. I don't fault Rebels for using guys like Tarkin and Vader because they actually fit the era, Lando as well I guess. But Hondo not really his time is past.


Originally The Clone Wars was supposed to be about two new characters a Jedi Master and his Apprentice who would go on adventures during the war, the Prequel characters where supposed to be cameo only. Personally that sounds like it would have absolutely sucked without the established characters. So Rebels like TCW has to being in these faces we already know of


Oh by far the Grand Inquisitor was waaay more interesting than....pretty much the entire Rebels cast, with the exception of Kanan I do like his characterization to a point(Ezra is starting to warm up but only because he's actually developing and the whole dark side angle on him). But yeah, out of all the new ones, the GI just had much better character, especially with the latest episode and him being a former Temple Guard. As far as S1 goes, this Season, Kanan/Ezra are getting some good development so they are starting to grow on me bit by bit.


The New Inquis just.....there's no depth to them.


I'll agree with the TCW not really being needed, but their stories do kinda have to wrap up.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Oh by far the Grand Inquisitor was waaay more interesting than....pretty much the entire Rebels cast, with the exception of Kanan I do like his characterization to a point(Ezra is starting to warm up but only because he's actually developing and the whole dark side angle on him). But yeah, out of all the new ones, the GI just had much better character, especially with the latest episode and him being a former Temple Guard. As far as S1 goes, this Season, Kanan/Ezra are getting some good development so they are starting to grow on me bit by bit.


The New Inquis just.....there's no depth to them.


I'll agree with the TCW not really being needed, but their stories do kinda have to wrap up.


Apparently the entire vision was orchestrated by Yoda so Yoda was the one who knighted Kanan, I wonder why he thought he was ready. I understand coming back at him as an old enemy who was once an ally to give him some perspective similar to Vader and Ahsoka



I don't feel TCW stories need to be wrapped up here though, comics and books are fine like "Son of Dathomir" and "Dark Disciple" we learn a lot more with those as well I feel since they take place in the actual Clone Wars. Rex's story makes sense to wrap up here as I doubt he was going to die in TCW anyways. But then again I was against Maul somehow surviving a huge drop with no legs...


I agree I really like Kanan and unlike the rest he doesn't have a weird model, I guess Sabine doesn't either really though. At least Ezra is supposed to get a new model next season and his actor said he started doing the voice deeper as well. But out of the entire ghost crew I really only like Kanan and Sabine. Ezra is alright I guess, I hated Zeb but I like him more after his episode with Kallus. Hera doesn't do anything.

Edited by Newyankalt
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