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SW:Rebels - season II


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Its been a while since I glanced at this thread. I also apologize if this comment isn't new. However, considering the construction of the temple and its two-person key system, it would imply the temple is after the establishment of the Rule of Two, and similarly imply that the Sith presence there would be one from after that point in time. Perhaps Darth Zannah? In any event, the fact that the temple's security features implicitly acknowledge the Rule of Two seems to make it less likely it would be Darth Traya's spirit residing there, regardless of whether Hidalgo or Filoni respect the old republic Legends material.


One could counter-argue that Darth Traya's spirit was drawn to that temple/battleship simply because of its strength in the Dark Side, not because she was privy to the Rule of Two. But in Legends we've seen far more evidence of Sith spirits being tied to certain planets (usually their last ones), rather than being able to freely wander like the Light Side Force Ghosts. That being said, I haven't finished the Bane trilogy, but apparently he died on Ambria, yet, his canonical appearance is on Moraband/Korriban. Is that more of a testament to Bane's power in the Dark Side, or more of a testament to the lack of our understanding of how Force Ghosts are bound?

EDIT: or, is it merely a construct of Yoda's vision, rather than Darth Bane's presence, and more related to the strength of Moraband in the dark side as a dark side temptation for Yoda, rather than the power of Bane's spirit or where its bound?


What we see on Moraband/Korriban is merely an illusion, not Bane's ghost.

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Its been a while since I glanced at this thread. I also apologize if this comment isn't new. However, considering the construction of the temple and its two-person key system, it would imply the temple is after the establishment of the Rule of Two, and similarly imply that the Sith presence there would be one from after that point in time. Perhaps Darth Zannah? In any event, the fact that the temple's security features implicitly acknowledge the Rule of Two seems to make it less likely it would be Darth Traya's spirit residing there, regardless of whether Hidalgo or Filoni respect the old republic Legends material.


One could counter-argue that Darth Traya's spirit was drawn to that temple/battleship simply because of its strength in the Dark Side, not because she was privy to the Rule of Two. But in Legends we've seen far more evidence of Sith spirits being tied to certain planets (usually their last ones), rather than being able to freely wander like the Light Side Force Ghosts. That being said, I haven't finished the Bane trilogy, but apparently he died on Ambria, yet, his canonical appearance is on Moraband/Korriban. Is that more of a testament to Bane's power in the Dark Side, or more of a testament to the lack of our understanding of how Force Ghosts are bound?

EDIT: or, is it merely a construct of Yoda's vision, rather than Darth Bane's presence, and more related to the strength of Moraband in the dark side as a dark side temptation for Yoda, rather than the power of Bane's spirit or where its bound?


Sadly, unless this changes, in the new canon there are no sith force spirits. The bane appearance is stated to be an illusion. Merely a vision of Yoda's.

Edited by Rhyltran
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