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SW:Rebels - season II


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Either way, dead or not dead, Ezra's glowing yellow eyes, Maul doing a Vader episode 4 getaway, Kanaan blind and a whole new level of Jedi!?. Bombastic ending; that's a really decent cliffhanger if I ever saw one!!!



My first question though; " The old tongue" . . . ?

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That interview essentially confirms what I thought at the beginning of the season, Filoni wouldn't kill his pet Ahsoka.


Disappointing, but I was happy with the fight - Vader owned her.


Other than Vader, Maul was obviously the best part of the show, hands down. Sam Witwer is by far the best voice actor on the show.

Vader owned her?:rolleyes: At what point? They were quite equal and she mastered to vound him. Both are clrearly stronger than Mace and all 3 are in a total another league than Ezra and Kenan.


And indeed Sam Witwer is a great choice for the voice of Maul.


I'm very disappointed at the battle.


It should be a tragic duel with a clear result, but it showed us way too much emotion, especially from Vader. We don't even get a clear result either.

Oh, the emotion, like Vaders "I'm f***g kill ya, you unthankfull brat!" emotion outbreak?

Or Ahsokas "I won't let you pass as long as I stand!" emotion?

All those friendly emotions of happy unicorns and rainbows... Yeah those Jedi peace good ol' time reunions.:p


Did we saw the same episode? Because in the one I saw there was no friendly reunion at all.:confused: Just rigid frontlines.


Either way, dead or not dead, Ezra's glowing yellow eyes, Maul doing a Vader episode 4 getaway, Kanaan blind and a whole new level of Jedi!?. Bombastic ending; that's a really decent cliffhanger if I ever saw one!!!



My first question though; " The old tongue" . . . ?

Sith. It is also a language. Basic is just one of the main galactic languages.


Awesome episode!


So the next season, seems we might be getting lose to A New Hope and Rouge One by chance. Wouldn't surprise me if they do a time skip.

They don't have to. They actually have 6 Seasons for 6 years until A new Hope. After that there will be a bigger timelapse, like, well, 40+ years. ;)

And then Ezra will be played by Benicio del Toro. ...if you know where I'm getting at.


By now I totally have no doubt he will be the next big thing in Episode 8.

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Vader owned her?:rolleyes: At what point? They were quite equal and she mastered to vound him. Both are clrearly stronger than Mace and all 3 are in a total another league than Ezra and Kenan.



Only managing to wound her cause Vader was going for the holocron, she was kinda on the backfoot at the end and wasn't able to really do anything damage wise expect for that distracting blow she made.

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Vader owned her?:rolleyes: At what point? They were quite equal and she mastered to vound him. Both are clrearly stronger than Mace and all 3 are in a total another league than Ezra and Kenan.



No kidding, Ahsoka cut his face open and he probably wouldn;t have even walked out if that Sith Temple didn't blow up on them.

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Filoni himself has explicitly stated that Ahsoka is not a match for Vader.


Still, she had a good showing, as expected.


Of course, we likely aren't ever going to find out for certain if she's dead or alive.



My predicting going forward for Ezra:

The next season(s) will involve a great deal of his struggle with the dark side, especially with that darn holocron. However I do not think he'll actually go full dark in the end. What I think is most likely is he'll reject both Jedi and Sith, in the end going his own way (probably after Kanan inevitably dies in the series finale) separate from the Rebellion.

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Vader owned her?:rolleyes: At what point? They were quite equal and she mastered to vound him. Both are clrearly stronger than Mace and all 3 are in a total another league than Ezra and Kenan.


*Sigh*. Let me explain this.


At no point, was Vader ever going to lose to Ahsoka. She was not powerful enough.


Filoni (the CREATOR of Ahsoka) has outright stated she can't beat Vader or Anakin. The only thing that gave her a very good chance and allowed her to contend with him was the fact that Anakin/Vader taught her.


She put up a great fight - better than Obi Wan did in Episode 4 (due to the unlimited possibilities of animation), but the outcome was never in question.


Vader pressed her from the moment "Go" and then force pushes her off the temple.


He didn't even feel the need to pursue her, primarily because he was after the holocron, and because she couldn't beat him.


Vader didn't feel threatened.


That fight was Vader all the way, with Ahsoka putting up a very nice fight.


So yeah, Vader - her former master, brother, and mentor - owned her.


That's not a negative on Ahsoka mind you, but don't delude yourself.


Ahsoka was destined to fail, because only Luke Skywalker could reach Anakin and defeat Vader.


That's destiny, deal with it.


/I did want Ahoska to reach and Anakin and convert him back though. :(

Edited by CaulderBenson
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Couple of interesting things from the http://io9.gizmodo.com/the-producer-of-star-wars-rebels-answers-your-burning-q-1768048083 posted above that leap out at me.


Did Ahsoka’s battle with Darth Vader have any lasting impact on that him?


“I personally have never felt that anything changes Vader until Luke,” Filoni said. “The Vader that we encounter in Rebels was always meant to be the one devoid of emotions, except for anger, hate and suffering. That he was so trapped inside himself because of the terrible things that happened. Anakin never thinks of himself as betraying his friends. He sees it as his friends betrayed him and the Republic. He has to live on that side of the fence because the truth is just too damming.


“So he wants to destroy Ahsoka because she represents his past. She represents knowledge of who he was and he wants to wipe that out. His son represents a potential future because his son wouldn’t know who he was. So he could build a new galaxy together with his son. His apprentice is his past and he needs to destroy her.”


Filoni says he outright stated that he asked George Lucas what would have happened if Vader met Ahsoka.


The above answer at least makes it clear Filoni and Co. understand Vader quite nicely.


Vader has never been more bad *** than his two appearance in Rebels so far, in my opinion.


Is Darth Maul back?


Hell yes, he is. And in a big way, too. “We tend to lean more towards Maul being the foil on the Darker side of the Force for our heroes in the next season,” said Filoni. “You will see more of Maul, which I think is a great thing for the show.”


This is awesome. Maul is as interesting and developed as Vader psychologically. His future appearances can only enhance the stories.


Are the Inquisitors really dead and will there be more of them?



“Will there be another Inquisitor? We’ll have to wait and see,” Filoni said. “But we are getting ever closer to the time period of A New Hope, and I’ve trying to live a little bit more by the rules you see in that film. And there isn’t a mention of Inquisitors in that film. It might be something you see less and less of.”


Also good. Hopefully people understand the roles of the Inquisitors now and stop linking page long EU related Inquisitor info.


Are Ezra and Kanan alive during the time of the Star Wars movies?


We’ve written extensively about the Star Wars paradox of having more Jedi still around in the universe, as we get into a timeline where Luke Skywalker is constantly referred to as the final Jedi. Well, Filoni has heard those complaints and has some very interesting thoughts on them.


“Yoda says, ‘When gone I am, the last of the Jedi will you be.’ ‘Of the Jedi’ could be a group of Jedi. You don’t know... That’s not to say I believe there are a lot of Jedi running around by Return of the Jedi. I think there are Force-wielding people, but whether they subscribe to the Jedi philosophy of how you use the Force is another question... But fans deal in absolutes, like Sith.”


He also points out a key line in the finale where Ahsoka says “I am no Jedi”—but still uses the Force and fights with two lightsabers.


“She does say ‘I am no Jedi,’ very clearly,” Filoni explained. “So if she says that and Yoda later says ‘When gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be,’ he’s definitely not talking about her. There were so many options of lines to give in this episode, and one of them along the way of the season was that Ahsoka would mention that Yoda wouldn’t think of her as a Jedi because she’s not, necessarily, practicing that path any more. She’s still in the Light Side, for sure, but she’s not a Jedi practitioner per se.”


That is of course one of the biggest cop outs ever just to keep your pet characters alive, and I (along with others) predicted that would be the reasoning given to more than likely keep Ahsoka, Kanan, and Ezra alive if need be.


Of course there are other force users, but Kanan, Ezra, and Ahsoka clearly fit in with Jedi.


Can the good guys even be killed on a Disney XD show?


When we come down to it, Star Wars Rebels is on a cable channel meant for children. So would a show like that really even have the option to kill off its main, good guy, characters?


“If it serves the story, and the point of the story was to do that, then absolutely yes,” Filoni said. “We would have to have a really good reason for doing that. It would have to make sense and it would be something I talked about with my co-workers at Disney XD... But there has to be room for that, or we’re not being authentic to Star Wars anymore.”


I basically take from that answer that Ezra is safe. I'd take 50/50 odds that Kanan dies by the end of the show.


We'll see. Looking forward to season 3 now.

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Only managing to wound her cause Vader was going for the holocron, she was kinda on the backfoot at the end and wasn't able to really do anything damage wise expect for that distracting blow she made.

You really need to find excuses for Vader?:D


Filoni himself has explicitly stated that Ahsoka is not a match for Vader.
Indeed for different reasons. He is The ONE, she only a prodigy in the force and a master duellist. However he is The One. It's quite the thing fighting The Chosen One. Especially keeping the ground against such a adversary.


Still, she had a good showing, as expected.


Of course, we likely aren't ever going to find out for certain if she's dead or alive.

After reading the interview from Filoni on IGN, I am quite sure she is dead. Well at least that is planned for her by him, even if it is clearly he doesn't want her killed. But to make the story work, she has to be killed by Vader. By their both speeches, there is quite clear none of them will go peacefully. And her last scene, leaving the stage, was too much of a cowboy riding into the sunset.


My predicting going forward for Ezra:

The next season(s) will involve a great deal of his struggle with the dark side, especially with that darn holocron. However I do not think he'll actually go full dark in the end. What I think is most likely is he'll reject both Jedi and Sith, in the end going his own way (probably after Kanan inevitably dies in the series finale) separate from the Rebellion.

I assume the same thing. Ahsoka and Mace have shown him there is a third way. You don't have to be neither Jedi nor Sith to play the game.


*Sigh*. Let me explain this.
You don't have to explain to me anything. I am quite sure Ahsoka was doomed from the first time she was meant to be Anakin’s Padawan. At some point, if she ever had survived the Clone Wars it'll come to a final showdown. And as Vader is seen in the Movies which are later in the timeline we have the answer to this clash. Ahsoka has to be destroyed.


At no point, was Vader ever going to lose to Ahsoka. She was not powerful enough.

I'm not so sure the power level is the point here, but destiny. Sidious himself is not as strong as Vader, still he is the master. While Vader hast the destiny to fulfil being the Chosen one, Ahsoka, even as being a prodigy, her destiny is to fight Vader and loose.


Filoni (the CREATOR of Ahsoka) has outright stated she can't beat Vader or Anakin. The only thing that gave her a very good chance and allowed her to contend with him was the fact that Anakin/Vader taught her.

Again; there is no contradiction in what you argument and what I say. She is simply destined to be a great protagonist, but a tragic one at the end. She loses for good. End of Ahsoka Tanos story.


She put up a great fight - better than Obi Wan did in Episode 4 (due to the unlimited possibilities of animation), but the outcome was never in question.

beside that she was a better duellist at this point Obi Wan ever was. And yes, because of Anakin’s teachings, his attitude and her encounters.


Vader pressed her from the moment "Go" and then force pushes her off the temple.

Here we differ. Where you saw that pressing I saw a quite equal duel. There was a fair giving and taking and using of all of the possibilities to bring the other down. No quarter was given. As a spectator, I never got the impression she was losing, neither Vader was. If we wouldn't know she will lose, we'd might think, maybe she could somehow win. But there was no choice.


He didn't even feel the need to pursue her, primarily because he was after the holocron, and because she couldn't beat him.


Vader didn't feel threatened.

But this was only the subjective impression. There was no upper hand, not even at the end. Only after the temple closed she died and Vader won.


That fight was Vader all the way, with Ahsoka putting up a very nice fight.


So yeah, Vader - her former master, brother, and mentor - owned her.

Nope, only subjective impression and nothing else


That's not a negative on Ahsoka mind you, but don't delude yourself.


Ahsoka was destined to fail, because only Luke Skywalker could reach Anakin and defeat Vader.


That's destiny, deal with it.


/I did want Ahsoka to reach and Anakin and convert him back though. :(

I never did. And I am fine with that and how it came to an end of her. At some point even the greatest sympathy carrier has to pass.


All I am saying was, It was a good fight between the two, and exactly something like this I wanted from the first she was mentioned in Clone Wars beeing his Padawan. It was at the end not the "Vaders whipping arse show", but a duel between some powerfull adversaries. Ahsoka went down with a stif uper lip. Vader went out with a stif upper lip. The story that has to come was not changed.

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Thought that whole episode was better than the newest film.


Ha, no I'm being cruel


Was a fantastic episode


Um no you were right the first time.


Also about Ahsoka vs Vader. Kanan and the others survived a run in with Vader earlier in this season. If Vader was really all that powerful he should have been able to kill all off them there, particularly Sabine. Then we also got treated later to Ahsoka taking apart two Inquisitors easily which even Kanan and Ezra had a hell of a time with dealing with even one of them individually.

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Also about Ahsoka vs Vader. Kanan and the others survived a run in with Vader earlier in this season. If Vader was really all that powerful he should have been able to kill all off them there, particularly Sabine.


He could have. His goal was to draw out the Rebels entire force and drive them off Lothal, which he did.


There's also creator intent, Filoni and the entire cast of actors all outright state they couldn't beat Vader in a million years.


This has been definitively answered by the creators. There is no room for interpretation.


Um no you were right the first time.


Yeah, I'll agree. I loved the Force Awakens, but I enjoyed that Finale more than the movie.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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Um no you were right the first time.


Also about Ahsoka vs Vader. Kanan and the others survived a run in with Vader earlier in this season. If Vader was really all that powerful he should have been able to kill all off them there, particularly Sabine. Then we also got treated later to Ahsoka taking apart two Inquisitors easily which even Kanan and Ezra had a hell of a time with dealing with even one of them individually.

Do not forget this is only a Space Opera. No real villian would play so foollish with its prey. There have to be that suspanse moment. Vader has to track them down for the whole series. If Vader would use his mentioned skills, he would have killed those band of Rebels quite easily and wouldn't talk to much, or just letting them flee. But where would the dramatics be then? ;)

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If we wouldn't know she will lose, we'd might think, maybe she could somehow win. But there was no choice.But this was only the subjective impression. There was no upper hand, not even at the end.


:rolleyes: Uh no. 30 years of history tell us all we need to know about Vader. There wasn't a jedi alive who was going to beat him until Luke.


The creators of the show outright state she couldn't beat him.


It's not subjective at that point. Their job was to give us an emotionally satisfying fight, and they did. Vader easily won the duel, though he was putting forth effort.


Like the duels in ANH, ESB, and ROTJ, it's not about the fight itself, but the exchange Ahsoka had with Vader at the end.


All I am saying was, It was a good fight between the two, and exactly something like this I wanted from the first she was mentioned in Clone Wars beeing his Padawan.


No, you're backpedaling and moving the goalposts from your previous statement to me.


No one is denying it was a great fight. But Vader decisively defeated her, as we all knew he would.


But there are some fans trying argue Ahsoka could actually have won.


She's not skilled or powerful enough to beat him.


You're trying argue interpretation with definitive creator statements, and that's ridiculous.


beside that she was a better duellist at this point Obi Wan ever was. And yes, because of Anakin’s teachings, his attitude and her encounters.


That's one of the most absurd things I've read in a long time. And I don't like Obi Wan Kenobi.


It's not worth the time to responding to you if that's where your head's at.


I'm done with this conversation. You have a good day.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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Um no you were right the first time.


Also about Ahsoka vs Vader. Kanan and the others survived a run in with Vader earlier in this season. If Vader was really all that powerful he should have been able to kill all off them there, particularly Sabine. Then we also got treated later to Ahsoka taking apart two Inquisitors easily which even Kanan and Ezra had a hell of a time with dealing with even one of them individually.


That was not the goal, it was too break the spirit of the Rebels and also show the public that assisting Rebels will result in consequences... How they burned down the entire refugee village. They also wanted to use Jedi to lead them back to more lost Jedi.



Ahsoka can never stand up to Vader, he threw her off the edge and went for the Holocron as it is more important than Ansoka. She only injured him due to him focusing on Ezra and Kanan. They would have died if Ahsoka hadn't stepped in and sacrificed herself.

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Filoni himself has explicitly stated that Ahsoka is not a match for Vader.


Still, she had a good showing, as expected.


Of course, we likely aren't ever going to find out for certain if she's dead or alive.



My predicting going forward for Ezra:

The next season(s) will involve a great deal of his struggle with the dark side, especially with that darn holocron. However I do not think he'll actually go full dark in the end. What I think is most likely is he'll reject both Jedi and Sith, in the end going his own way (probably after Kanan inevitably dies in the series finale) separate from the Rebellion.

I think Ezras new lightsaber will likely be a crossguard blade.

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Really, seemed like something he would do...


Filoni stated that his old lightsaber was his "training wheels" lightsaber, the blaster making up for his lack of dueling ability. Now that he is proficient in that regard, he'll likely create a more classical design.


Ezra's saber was pretty iconic though, so they may just have him rebuild it, though I doubt it and personally hope not.


EDIT: the bigger question is, what colour would it be?

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Some more random thoughts about the finale:


1. The sith temple belonged to an as yet unnamed female sith. So we have our first official female sith - kind of.

And yeah, that was Nika Futterman - the voice of Asajj Ventress.


2. Darth Maul reciting the Sith Code was epic. That was made canon in the Clone Wars with a few lines, but we got even more of it here. Thank you Sam Witwer.


3. Maul and Ahsoka have fought before in an unproduced story arc of the Clone Wars.


4. Maul admits he can't defeat Vader.


5. I loved the moment when Maul sensed Vader's approach. That was such a cool touch.

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