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SW:Rebels - season II


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I think it is just one factor that makes it harder.


Those bugs were likely part of a hive mind of some kind, which probably would make any kind of force control harder.

Or perhaps the creatures just couldn't be controlled by a Jedi, a Sith perhaps might have been able to. Like how Ezra called upon the dark side to unleash the massive one in season 1

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That would be an interesting reunion.


I'm skeptical though that Ezra will stick around with Maul for long though. Kids TV show and all.


If time is spent it'll probably be largely off screen via time skip or something.


I suspect there might be a bit of a time skip between season 2 and 3.


Either way something big/ bad is going to happen next week. They set it up nicely now.



I bet Ezra will massacre the inquisitors, or at least the seventh sister. There was that one force choke clip awhile back with Maul standing by Ezra

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Or perhaps the creatures just couldn't be controlled by a Jedi, a Sith perhaps might have been able to. Like how Ezra called upon the dark side to unleash the massive one in season 1


I told you the official reason as stated by the creators. There is no "perhaps".


Watch Rebels Recon and they flat out tell you the reason. You're speculating over something the creators answered.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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I told you the official reason as stated by the creators. There is no "perhaps".


Watch Rebels Recon and they flat out tell you the reason. You're speculating over something the creators answered.


It's kind of a completely stupid answer though since it contradicts the creatures in season 1.

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It's kind of a completely stupid answer though since it contradicts the creatures in season 1.

I don't see how that contradicts S-1. They're different species right? Isn't that like saying the fact that a Toydarian is immune to Mind Tricks contradicts the fact that a Twi'lek is not?


"Being aggressive" might be a factor, but they're not saying it's the sole reason.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Rebels Recon said it's because not all creatures can be controlled and manipulated with the Force. The spiders are bizarre and naturally aggressive, hence Ezra can't manipulate them with the force.


Similar to how certain species are immune to mind manipulation - hutts and toydarians.

I think the emphasis was more on the fact that they are ancient and unfamiliar to Ezra in comparison to what he's before experienced, nor do I think it coincidental that Malachor is struck from the same cloth.


It's foreshadowing Ezra coming into contact with something new and dangerous, and emphasising his limitations.

I'm not sure I understood the ending though, what was with the dark side music and the creatures? Is it because Ezra is shifting towards the dark side that he can no longer make a peaceful connection with the environment? Ahsoka and perhaps Kanan seem to know something that they never revealed in the episode.
I think its intended to be reminiscent of a vulture, or just an omen in general for the fate that's about to befall them. Edited by Beniboybling
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I think the emphasis was more on the fact that they are ancient and unfamiliar to Ezra in comparison to what he's before experienced, nor do I think it coincidental that Malachor is struck from the same cloth.


It's foreshadowing Ezra coming into contact with something new and dangerous, and emphasising his limitations.I think its intended to be reminiscent of a vulture, or just an omen in general for the fate that's about to befall them.


Yeah that's what I was thinking, just trying to foreshadow that something pretty bad is going to happen soon

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Somehow, on the Rebels Facebook page on the Rebels Recon many are speculating Revan might make an appearance, even if it is just a small one. Maybe, would be interesting. Then again it is just a thought.


This season? I guess it's possible if they're going to Malachor, perhaps he is in the Sith Holocron that Ezra holds?

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I think the emphasis was more on the fact that they are ancient and unfamiliar to Ezra in comparison to what he's before experienced, nor do I think it coincidental that Malachor is struck from the same cloth.


It's foreshadowing Ezra coming into contact with something new and dangerous, and emphasising his limitations.I think its intended to be reminiscent of a vulture, or just an omen in general for the fate that's about to befall them.


I agree, much of the episode was hinting towards an other kind of fight for both Ezra and Kanaan. Ezra is showing the same inpatient, "can't you see how great I am, make me a Master already", or in this case Jedi knight attitude we saw all thru the PTs. kanaan is obviously struggling with his own uncertainty of how good he's been training Ezra, and Ezra showing signs of hybris in his newly found powers. What's ominous is the way Ezra handles his limitations.


Also another interesting thing is "attachment" it is a great part of both Ezra and Kanaans relation to each other and the rest of the group . . . I think "Balance in the Force" will have an whole new meaning in Star Wars without Lucas at the helm.


as for Ahsoka's fate, well, I'm intrigued, and curious, how will they handle it? Can't help but think about RotJ, Luke senses that there's still "Good/Light" in his father. How can there be Light still? Will Luke's sense of his father's capability for redemption somehow be mirrored in the way they handle the Anakin/Vader vs Ahsoka shootout? I'm all about speculation but I really want to experience the upcoming episode as 'Fresh' as possible . . .

Edited by t-darko
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I agree, much of the episode was hinting towards an other kind of fight for both Ezra and Kanaan. Ezra is showing the same inpatient, "can't you see how great I am, make me a Master already", or in this case Jedi knight attitude we saw all thru the PTs. kanaan is obviously struggling with his own uncertainty of how good he's been training Ezra, and Ezra showing signs of hybris in his newly found powers. What's ominous is the way Ezra handles his limitations.


Also another interesting thing is "attachment" it is a great part of both Ezra and Kanaans relation to each other and the rest of the group . . . I think "Balance in the Force" will have an whole new meaning in Star Wars without Lucas at the helm.


as for Ahsoka's fate, well, I'm intrigued, and curious, how will they handle it? Can't help but think about RotJ, Luke senses that there's still "Good/Light" in his father. How can there be Light still? Will Luke's sense of his father's capability for redemption somehow be mirrored in the way they handle the Anakin/Vader vs Ahsoka shootout? I'm all about speculation but I really want to experience the upcoming episode as 'Fresh' as possible . . .


I feel it may be quite a bit different for Ahsoka. She knew Anakin as a Jedi and she is probably shocked to realize what he has become, she may even blame herself for that by leaving the order and pushing Anakin closer to the dark side then he already was.


I imagine Vader may try and turn her, but unlike with Luke they wouldn't really have a good chance of overthrowing the Emperor together where as Luke and Vader could have.

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Pointed out on another board that the bird looks a lot more like an owl than a vulture.


Which are often regarded as omens of death, taken from Wikipedia:


"Among the Kikuyu of Kenya it was believed that owls were harbingers of death. If one saw an owl or heard its hoot, someone was going to die. In general, owls are viewed as harbingers of bad luck, ill health, or death. The belief is widespread even today."


Combine that with the Imperial March playing over the top, and yeah I think its clear what this is intended to mean.


@t-darko, Filoni has stated that Ahsoka is a threat to Vader because she is from his past, and could potential cause the conflict within him that he's buried deep to resurface, so yeah definitely possible.

Edited by Beniboybling
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I feel it may be quite a bit different for Ahsoka. She knew Anakin as a Jedi and she is probably shocked to realize what he has become, she may even blame herself for that by leaving the order and pushing Anakin closer to the dark side then he already was.


I imagine Vader may try and turn her, but unlike with Luke they wouldn't really have a good chance of overthrowing the Emperor together where as Luke and Vader could have.

Pity she knows so many key players in the Alliance (like the Organas) that we know the Empire doesn't conclusively learn about in this timeframe, otherwise they could have written an interesting plot where Vader succeeded in turning her -- we know the Ghost crew aren't the ones to ultimately overthrow the Empire or defeat Vader, but Grand Inquisitor Ahsoka could have provided an interesting Big Bad for the series that the heroes could ultimately overcome.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I think the emphasis was more on the fact that they are ancient and unfamiliar to Ezra in comparison to what he's before experienced, nor do I think it coincidental that Malachor is struck from the same cloth.




If it was explained any more for you, the writers would have to come to your house and yell it in your face. Ahsoka tells you in the show, and the writers specifically told you why afterwards on Rebels Recap.


It's a kid's show, the story telling isn't that subtle.


Someone mentioned that Anakin had this exact problem with a creature in the current Obi-Wan/Anakin comic mini series. I haven't read that one yet, so I'm not 100% sure.


This is not a problem. You can't control everything, nor does it contradict anything that's come before.


I don't know why some people are having an issue with this (not you Beni).

Edited by CaulderBenson
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Maul revealed.


Maul is so freaking cool. I hope he sticks around. He has potential based on how much he's been through and what he's lost - everything.


Also...I love that he's using his lightsaber as a cane.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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Maul revealed.


Maul is so freaking cool. I hope he sticks around. He has so much potential based on how much he's been through and what he's lost - everything.


Wow there's more of an emotional connection with Maul and all his loss in that one clip than there has been for Ahsoka in the entire show.

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I read an article earlier this season that Ahsoka was supposed to become like the Gandalf in this show. The only time she did any Gandalfing was when she handed those two Inquisitors a beatdown. Other than that they really haven't done a whole lot with her which is why I hope there is more.


Well I wonder if the riots will start next week. The riot police are probably too busy monitoring the "Who is Negan gonna kill in TWD" situation than this.

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Maul revealed.


Maul is so freaking cool. I hope he sticks around. He has potential based on how much he's been through and what he's lost - everything.


Also...I love that he's using his lightsaber as a cane.


woah, now I actually want him to survive for a time. He doesn't seem to be the complete douche he was in TCW, and will provide an interesting conundrum for Ezra I think.

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I read an article earlier this season that Ahsoka was supposed to become like the Gandalf in this show. The only time she did any Gandalfing was when she handed those two Inquisitors a beatdown. Other than that they really haven't done a whole lot with her which is why I hope there is more.


Well I wonder if the riots will start next week. The riot police are probably too busy monitoring the "Who is Negan gonna kill in TWD" situation than this.


Well people didn't really riot when Han died, and he has a much larger fan base over Ahsoka.

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Wow there's more of an emotional connection with Maul and all his loss in that one clip than there has been for Ahsoka in the entire show.


Yeah, and it's been there ever since the Clone Wars.


Maul is the most interesting and well developed Sith in the entire franchise after Darth Vader.


He was taken as an infant by Palpatine and tortured and trained as a sith. His childhood was stolen.


He was trained to be Palpatine's successor with all the potential on the world, then it's taken away by Kenobi in TPM by one instant of arrogance and over confidence.


He spends 10 years living on a junk planet mostly mad.


He comes back, finds out he has a brother, creates a criminal short lived criminal empire that was so dangerous Palpatine himself had to stop it.


His brother is murdered, and then he finds out he has a mother, who is promptly killed and taken away from him too.


Maul is a perfect Darkside example - it takes everything from you.


Maul is arguably more tragic than Darth Vader, and he certainly has as much pathos and depth as Vader.


Think about it. Darth Maul starts where Vader ends in the franchise. Palpatine's apprentice and his weapon. Maul is now in an arguably more interesting place than Vader.


I'm excited to see him back. I'm always up for more Darth Maul.


It was also obvious in that short clip (and then reading the interview confirms it), Maul is being sincere but he's also completely manipulating Ezra.


If Maul survives into Season 3, it's going to lot of fun.

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Yeah, and it's been there ever since the Clone Wars.


Maul is the most interesting and well developed Sith in the entire franchise after Darth Vader.


He was taken as an infant by Palpatine and tortured and trained as a sith. His childhood was stolen.


He was trained to be Palpatine's successor with all the potential on the world, then it's taken away by Kenobi in TPM by one instant of arrogance and over confidence.


He spends 10 years living on a junk planet mostly mad.


He comes back, finds out he has a brother, creates a criminal short lived criminal empire that was so dangerous Palpatine himself had to stop it.


His brother is murdered, and then he finds out he has a mother, who is promptly killed and taken away from him too.


Maul the ultimate Darkside example - it takes everything from you.


Maul is arguably more tragic than Darth Vader, and he certainly has as much pathos and depth as Vader.


I'm excited to see him back now.


Because it was obvious in that short clip (and then reading the interview confirms it), Maul is being sincere but he's also manipulating Ezra.


If Maul survives into Season 3, it's going to lot of fun.

I feel almost certain that Maul will survive. Under the circumstances of next weeks two part finale Maul isn't really the apparentice. Sidious isn't present so it just doesn't make sense to assume he will die. Ahsoka however likely will and Ezra, another apprentice will likely slip away from Kanan and be with Maul.


I was expecting Maul to be a bit more deceptive but he's being really direct, however yes you can tell he's manipulating Ezra at the same time. So I guess he's just taking an approach that I didn't expect him to, not trying to fool him really but playing at his sympathies from Ezra's own loss (his parents).

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I was expecting Maul to be a bit more deceptive but he's being really direct, however yes you can tell he's manipulating Ezra at the same time. So I guess he's just taking an approach that I didn't expect him to, not trying to fool him really but playing at his sympathies from Ezra's own loss (his parents).


Yeah, the interview even spoils the episode a little.



Maul is using Ezra to get to the Sith Holocron. Palpatine and Maul tried to get it earlier and failed because it requires teamwork.



Maul is totally being deceptive, but we don't know exactly how much because we don't know the full context of the scene or what his goal (if any) with Ezra is after getting the Holorcon.

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The interaction with Maul will be really interesting I think, but I seriously doubt Ezra will go with him into Season 3.


I suspect Maul will successfully manipulate Ezra into getting him to the Sith Holocron, and probably tempt him a fair amount with the dark side, but I'm pretty sure at some point Ezra will realize Maul is being a dick and confront him/leave.


Maul makes off with the Holocron and plots further revenge on Sidious.

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