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SW:Rebels - season II


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Ah! Finally cancer free today after watching the premiere of Rebels and wiping away the corruption on my brain from watching TFA. As I suspected this version of Leia was certainly more up to par than the Leia of TFA. Can't wait for what's to come.


Reminded me of TFU Leia, bossing Galen around.

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I find it interesting in the length, oddness and venomous way fans goes to to describe what they hate about what they see!! I had a discussion with Beni the Blingboy in the beginning of season 1 of Star Wars Rebels, his argument, which I find to be correct, was that even children deserves well written characters and stories.


Here with the restart of season 2 I just can't say that SWR is up on the level with TCW and I think the 3 last episodes of season 5 of TCW offers some of the best Star Wars stories, on par with the ANH and Empire, I still feel that Rebels just reach the level of TCW in glimpses and moments.


That said I am confident that the best is yet to come when Rebels is concerned, sorry then that it then concern Vader and Ahsoka, villain/heroes of the OT and TCW. I'm sure that the kids finding their Star Wars fandom in SWR doesn't agree with me but I still having a hard time getting engage in the same level when it comes to SWRs main characters, Ezra and company.


But on the other hand that is probably as it should be, I found my fandom in the OTs, and fully respect those who finds it elsewhere in the franshise. I'm sure that Star Wars Rebels will grow over time but to what level?

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I find it interesting in the length, oddness and venomous way fans goes to to describe what they hate about what they see!! I had a discussion with Beni the Blingboy in the beginning of season 1 of Star Wars Rebels, his argument, which I find to be correct, was that even children deserves well written characters and stories.


Here with the restart of season 2 I just can't say that SWR is up on the level with TCW and I think the 3 last episodes of season 5 of TCW offers some of the best Star Wars stories, on par with the ANH and Empire, I still feel that Rebels just reach the level of TCW in glimpses and moments.


That said I am confident that the best is yet to come when Rebels is concerned, sorry then that it then concern Vader and Ahsoka, villain/heroes of the OT and TCW. I'm sure that the kids finding their Star Wars fandom in SWR doesn't agree with me but I still having a hard time getting engage in the same level when it comes to SWRs main characters, Ezra and company.


But on the other hand that is probably as it should be, I found my fandom in the OTs, and fully respect those who finds it elsewhere in the franchise. I'm sure that Star Wars Rebels will grow over time but to what level?

I don't think it's really fair to compare some of the last episodes in TCW with early episodes of Rebels though, TCW really wasn't that good in its first couple of seasons. It go really good after Season 3 mid-season.

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I don't think it's really fair to compare some of the last episodes in TCW with early episodes of Rebels though, TCW really wasn't that good in its first couple of seasons. It go really good after Season 3 mid-season.


You're right, it's not a fair comparison, but an interesting one!


Now by episode 12 and with the "Siege of Lothal" episode I think we already see a tendency of which way SW:Rebels might turn, by the latest episodes it ran in some strange darker mode but with fewer killings. Where they earlier in bright light and sparkly colors just shot any thing to death at any time, now the tone is a bit darker and ominous!!



I find it really bothersome though that Mandalore is under Imperial occupation AND that a Clan actively is choosing submission!!



Something I find rather amusing is that I really like Freddy Prinze JR s voicing of Kanaan, an actor that I always have had on my not to watch list!! Grant you I don't watch him now either but his voicing of Kanaan is so spot on that I forget that is actually Freddy doing the voice!!


But still the real episodes I'm waiting for is the Ahsoka - Vader facesdown!!

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You're right, it's not a fair comparison, but an interesting one!


Now by episode 12 and with the "Siege of Lothal" episode I think we already see a tendency of which way SW:Rebels might turn, by the latest episodes it ran in some strange darker mode but with fewer killings. Where they earlier in bright light and sparkly colors just shot any thing to death at any time, now the tone is a bit darker and ominous!!



I find it really bothersome though that Mandalore is under Imperial occupation AND that a Clan actively is choosing submission!!



Something I find rather amusing is that I really like Freddy Prinze JR s voicing of Kanaan, an actor that I always have had on my not to watch list!! Grant you I don't watch him now either but his voicing of Kanaan is so spot on that I forget that is actually Freddy doing the voice!!


But still the real episodes I'm waiting for is the Ahsoka - Vader facesdown!!


I can't wait for the Vader stuff and seeing Maul again later on, really interested in that plot line. Kanan is probably my favourite of the ghost crew for sure though.


I don't think the Mandalorians where choosing submission, it was a mutually beneficial business arrangement.

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Did anyone hear about the rumour that Thrawn may be making an appearance in Rebels? Would be awesome to bring him back into canon. Some are even saying he could be the main season 3 villain.


Let's be honest what's the chances that Kallus actually survives this season? If the Rebels don't kill him then Vader probably will. There's only so many times you can fail miserably.

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I think my primary issue is honestly how the series is as a whole being handled. It honestly is being handled TO close to TCW in my opinion. The Clone wars was about a lot of things, and a lot of different groups and jumped around in time a lot. It was ok to have episode after episode be mostly standalone episodes where the lessons learned arent neccisarilly reflected in later episodes, but this is being told in order with the same cast in every episode, where continuity is definately a major factor, and aside from an episode here or there its still mostly stand alone episodes, where the characters make progress in the episode, but then go right back to what they were before hand. That is not a well handled show when we get things being told in order, and I honestly blame the fact that they gave it over to the same people who did TCW, but a lot of shows are doing this these days. I like my continuity shows, those that make progress and each episode we see clear character development that lasts through whole seasons. Where each season actually has a story arc, and this show has so much potential its just not tapping into that.


Ultimately the latest episodes are still good, and in my opinion mostly are getting better (there is an odd one here or there that are just BAD) but the crew being used to working on standalone episodes or episodes that at best have 2-3 parts and then are never really thought of again, is really working against the show that has a much easier to follow continuity then clone wars had.

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So, just watched episode 13 and am a bit torn really! - there were some canon revelations here . . .


Gonna put my thought into spoiler tags and recommend to watch the episode first, if you haven't all ready, then come back and discuss.


Thought 1


So the Lasat was by rebels introduced as a "new" species into the star wars universe that now counts as canon, here in episode 13 they confirm "The Ashla - Mother/Spirit of the Galaxy". Kanaan immediately recognize it as the Force!! This is not a so tiny bit of the EU that finds it way back in from the cold that is known as Legend now!! And I do not submit to canon by association here just the trem "The Ashla - Mother/Spirit of the Galaxy".



Thought 2


Wild Space, and a legend of the lost origin world of the Lasat. The Lasat female priest was, as far as I could see, Force sensitive, and by this episode it looks like Zeb also is Force sensitive! This together with the note from the "Aftermath" novel hinting that the Darkside may have a significant tie to Wild Space as well, really puts the Lasat species at the epicentrum of the Force in the New canon!! I will not at this time speculate but it's a real twist and turn of events!!

(Crap can't help it - but as we all know - Our latest expansion take place in Wild Space - there - that sad, and yes I seem to lack any kind of self discipline!:eek:)



And what did I think of the episode? well - it was another decent episode but brought to its end a bit abruptly, there really were things I would like to have seen that was left out. It would seem that the writers did actually have a moment of flow and had more to tell but someone seems to pull the handbrake on hard!!! And obviously they didn't have the time, space or will to make it into a 2 part episode, though it would seem the most logical! Don't know what to make of the revelations in this episode either, waiting for more input here from you guys really.

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That latest episode was very disappointing. They either ran out of budget, or forgot that it wasn't a 2-part story, and tried to cram it all in one episode.


That ending was a load of crap. "Oh yeah, we found the origins of my people. Let's go now."


I'm just hoping Hondo makes at least one more cameo in a future episode, so they don't leave his character looking like an ******e, instead of someone who is generally self-preserving, but also good natured like he has been shown in TCW, and previously in SW:R.

Edited by Eillack
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That latest episode was very disappointing. They either ran out of budget, or forgot that it wasn't a 2-part story, and tried to cram it all in one episode.


That ending was a load of crap. "Oh yeah, we found the origins of my people. Let's go now."


I'm just hoping Hondo makes at least one more cameo in a future episode, so they don't leave his character looking like an ******e, instead of someone who is generally self-preserving, but also good natured like he has been shown in TCW, and previously in SW:R.


You expect a pirate to be good natured? :p

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I actually like how they did Hondo, Greedy, self-preserving but not cruel.


Really got to wonder about the bowrifle, it is obviously a much more versatile, and important, tool than originally shown. Wonder if you cracked one open if you'd find a lightsaber crystal...

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I actually like how they did Hondo, Greedy, self-preserving but not cruel.


It seems that the storyline merge between TCW and SW:R is continuing, I got nothing against it really. But it keeps me wondering about the tie in between the movies and the cartoons though, so far the c-3po. artoo-detoo, calrissian and lea appearances haven't really done it for me, guess I'm still working on it.


The Vader/Ahsoka thing then!!? Well, still working on that aswell, but feel it more appealing both as an idea and phenomenon. Also I like the TCW Anakin more than the PT Anakin.


Really got to wonder about the bowrifle, it is obviously a much more versatile, and important, tool than originally shown. Wonder if you cracked one open if you'd find a lightsaber crystal...


that thought haven't even crossed my mind, but man, now you got my head spinning . . .


Found it...eh, was ok, better than the last one I guess. But honestly, the trailer really spoiled the good stuff too early so to me these episodes won't be all that until those ones appear tbh.


I feel your sentiment I really do, even agree with you on the fact that we're waiting on the same thing to happen. But then on the other hand I have an academic interest in what they let through from the EU as Canon. the fact that they recognize Ashla in it origin form as an Idea(Mother/Spirit of the Galaxy) presented in 'The Dawn of the Jedi' feels very satisfying from a lore/canon standpoint. Also the further acknowledgement of Wild Space, the surprisingly Force sensitive Lasants and the placing of their homeworld in said Wild Space. And knowing that the "Aftermath" novels hints that Wild Space holds secrets concerning the dark side of the Force!

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But then on the other hand I have an academic interest in what they let through from the EU as Canon. the fact that they recognize Ashla in it origin form as an Idea(Mother/Spirit of the Galaxy) presented in 'The Dawn of the Jedi' feels very satisfying from a lore/canon standpoint.


From the Star Wars official site:


Chava refers to her belief in the "Ashla". In George Lucas' early story treatments for the original Star Wars, the dark and light aspects of the Force were given proper names: the Bogan and the Ashla. In fact Ahsoka's early name during the development of the Clone Wars was "Ashla."



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You expect a pirate to be good natured? :p


After his entire TCW run / what we've seen from Rebels - yes. And like I aid, he's in it for himself, but he's shown to have morals, etc. How this episode ended just made him look like a dick.

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After his entire TCW run / what we've seen from Rebels - yes. And like I aid, he's in it for himself, but he's shown to have morals, etc. How this episode ended just made him look like a dick.


really? someone who tortures people for fun, threatens the lives of children and bullies and extorts farmers has morals?


twisted code of honour maybe. Morals? not so much. This was very much in character for him.

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In one of the arcs during TCW I think they really messed up Hondo's character by having him wanting to kill kids for crystals, I like how they're portraying him in Rebels.



Well judging by wookiepedia descriptions we won't see the cool stuff with Vader, Maul, etc until episodes 16-20. The next episode is about defending animals from a Techno Union mining operation, sounds like something the Jedi would do before TPM.

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From the Star Wars official site:


Chava refers to her belief in the "Ashla". In George Lucas' early story treatments for the original Star Wars, the dark and light aspects of the Force were given proper names: the Bogan and the Ashla. In fact Ahsoka's early name during the development of the Clone Wars was "Ashla."





Glad we at least got that bit sorted, and as I suspected two minds or more work better together then one alone!!;)


Just finished watching episode 14 and was pleasingly surprised!! I was getting ready to do a rant around US-sci-fi not being able to think outside the box when I saw those whale-octos, but as the episode continued they managed to sell the concept quite well I think, with a core idea surrounding the mythos of our own earthly whales.


At some level I'm ready to call this the best episode yet, wait, let me explain; there were a conflict with in the ghost crew, on a surface level the conflict was about logistics, organisations and actions on how the mission was to be carried out; Which in turn showed us the usual bickering amongst our heroes. BUT, and here it is; on a deeper level Hera's view and beliefs was challenged by Ezra's search of the same, The Purgill(Whale-Octos) being the subject of their conflict, of course should this been done in a even more deeper way, but I think this was something we haven't seen quite yet. Sure we had Kanaan's disbelief towards Rex but I think they did a much better job here in episode 14.


I did get a feeling of growth amongst the Ghost crew, but also a seed planted in a conflict further down the line. Ezra came across as more vulnerable and open to outside impressions, this time it turned out well between Hera and him. But as Ezra grows as a person, and in his beliefs i wonder where that seed of conflict will take them eventually.


But sure. we're still waiting for the "Good Stuff" but I think this episode was a step up . . .

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Ezra should have died tbh, they aren't even hiding the fact they are blatantly saving their characters from what should be death. He inhailed for X amount of time fuel fumes that power starships, yet somehow survives because....even before he woke up and yet when he did he was clearly taking in lungfulls of the **** trying to breath.


At the very least something should happen to his body...but nope, no death or consequences from sucking in dangerous fuel.

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Ezra should have died tbh, they aren't even hiding the fact they are blatantly saving their characters from what should be death. He inhailed for X amount of time fuel fumes that power starships, yet somehow survives because....even before he woke up and yet when he did he was clearly taking in lungfulls of the **** trying to breath.


At the very least something should happen to his body...but nope, no death or consequences from sucking in dangerous fuel.


I see your point, but, what was the unrefined fume, that apparently the whale-octos were eating to get the power to move on on their journey?!

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