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Considering a server transfer/leveling new toon


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Jedi Covenant server has ****** matches constantly, virtually every single one of them (in the last two months since I resubbed) has been just Bomber/GS stacking. Winning/losing is not an issue as I do well regardless of this situation and I have mastered ships on both sides, I just don't find any fun trying to LOS from obstacle to obstacle to kill a silly GS that is bothering me while I try to dogfight the 2-3 enemy ships that are not Bomber/GS. I prefer matches where I'm actually dogfighting most of the time as opposed to hunting virtually stationary targets.


Can anyone recommend a server where the situation is not as bad as it is in JC?

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To some degree, all of the servers I've flown on seem to have this problem (JC, TEH, Bastion, and... I forget server 4, but it's been a long time since I flew that toon anyway).


That said, I feel like I've noticed a similar trend on JC. I don't really see many of the best scouts since starting to fly a bit again on a regular basis (What happened to Keenz?!), and I'll admit, I've been part of the gunship bomber problem since I'm working on forcing myself to truly learn them. I see Nameless running around, and I'sys here and there, but I haven't seen Buggles for a while, nor Choque, nor Keenz, nor Jaineh... Maybe I'm just missing them?


Anyway, I'll leave others to comment on other servers, since I only really know the 3, but the bomberball is a pretty prevalent strategy on any server with good pilots I've been to. Of the 3 above, maybe Bastion is the one I run into that style the least?

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Was going to make a new thread, but I would like to know the best place to transfer to as well. I've been thinking about coming back for a while now, and since I've realized that I have no use for my VG tank, I can fly once again on him.


Anything is better than the lack of queues on BC.

If it isn't worth it, I'll just stick with Fractured Space as it develops. :D

Edited by Camelpockets
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Was going to make a new thread, but I would like to know the best place to transfer to as well. I've been thinking about coming back for a while now, and since I've realized that I have no use for my VG tank, I can fly once again on him.


Anything is better than the lack of queues on BC.

If it isn't worth it, I'll just stick with Fractured Space as it develops. :D

Harbinger probably has the most matches going at any given time of day, Ebon Hawk is pretty active primetime EST. I haven't flown elsewhere all that much lately except for POT5 which is pretty empty except for when the handful of regulars are flying.


A lot of pretty good pilots fly on Harbinger, too, or pass through for matches now and then like me.


- Despon

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It;s because T2 scouts are totally overpowered, people don't want to fly those ships - they want to give opponents a chance :)


And seriously - this is a sickness on every server, so don't count that switching server will change it.

Edited by Bolo_Yeung
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It;s because T2 scouts are totally overpowered, people don't want to fly those ships - they want to give opponents a chance :)


And seriously - this is a sickness on every server, so don't count that switching server will change it.


This is what I feared, I guess no more flying until Battlefront. :l

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This is what I feared, I guess no more flying until Battlefront. :l

I recommend you try flying on Ebon Hawk or Harbinger a bit, maybe make a new alt there before you transfer. The larger populations on those servers means you'll see a greater variety of tactics due to varying experience levels and preferences of the pilots involved. Yes, you'll see gunships. And bombers. And scouts. And even sometimes strike fighters, believe it or not. When there are more pilots involved, it's less likely that you'll keep running into the same people who use the same tactics time and again.


And btw it was announced that there are no space battles in Battlefront.


- Despon

Edited by caederon
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I moved from JC to Harbinger and the queue pops are more frequent. I have had even matches and unbalanced matches. Last night was maybe the worst, looked like possibly two premade imp teams vs pubs a few of which where two-shippers. I think that the fact that GSF is the focus of this week's conquest is making any mismatches all the more magnified. I just shrug my shoulders and try to move on.
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And seriously - this is a sickness on every server, so don't count that switching server will change it.


"Sickness" may depend on one's point of view... but I expect the behavior to eventually spread to any servers that don't already have it.


A gunship/bomber ball is currently the optimum team build, or at least close enough. The bombers counter the scouts, and the gunships counter everything else. The enemy team composition may dictate how many bombers or scouts are fielded, but the general composition can be fairly static and still be effective. (And there's no counter that will marginalize the gunships in this team build as long as there are a couple of players that can swing between bomber and scout as needed.)

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Red Eclipse is probbaly the most active GSF server there is.

It is very dominated by the Reps.

Specificly the guild Unrelenting.

There is a fair bit of the Bomber / GS ball.

A couple guilds has it as thier tacitc to counter us.

It is normaly not very succesful, and we do prefer to fly fighter, and yes, we normaly win.

We have a number of American players already in our guild.

If you would want to join us as a GSF Pilot, contact a member of Unrelenting, and they'll refer you to one of our officers., and we'll happily have you in ur squadron.

Edited by Keaper
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The GS/bomber combination works because it is easy to set up without VOIP.


However, a balanced team with VOIP coordination can easily take out the bomber ball. You need gunships to shoot seeker mines and railgun drones, quickly followed up by a few evasion scouts to bother the gunships. You could also use a Clarion to help kill the railgun drones.

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The GS/bomber combination works because it is easy to set up without VOIP.


However, a balanced team with VOIP coordination can easily take out the bomber ball. You need gunships to shoot seeker mines and railgun drones, quickly followed up by a few evasion scouts to bother the gunships. You could also use a Clarion to help kill the railgun drones.


I can do that by myself on my Star Guard, the problem is that its boring because there is no dogfighting.

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Harbinger is full of bombers. It does have one of the higher GSF populations so at least you will see different bombers :) The Ebon Hawk and the Bastion have more dogfighting. If you also want to help the weaker faction, consider Red Eclipse Empire or Shadowlands Empire. Shadowlands Empire is usually weak because of those bots which have been queuing on the Empire side for months and have driven away some of the Empire veterans.
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