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Legitimate marriage


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Many of my characters have been married on the game to their companions but I was wondering how legitimate some of these are (especially for what you are). For example when the sith warrior gets a marriage to Vette you get a Twi'lek marriage (or at least my warrior did). I can understand that this marriage would be legitimate for Twi'lek and for the Republic but is it still legitimate in the empire considering their racism to species that aren't human, pure blood and maybe a few others. I was also wondering about the smugglers marriage to Corso Riggs considering you administer the marriage yourself supposedly because captains can do this but can they. Also my imperial agent got married twice but could have got married for a third time I think (first to Kaliyo then to the girl on Voss and could have been married to Raina) is the second one counted as a legitimate marriage as well? I may have missed some due to not completing every romance but I would like to know others opinions on this
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The marriage to the Voss was purely to accomplish the mission. Think the marriage James Bond had to the Japanese female agent in "You only live twice." So while to the Voss it was legitimate for the Agent it was purely a rather mercenary means to an end.


As for the Sith, I would say it is "legitimate" under the law. If there was a law against such "mixing" you would not have the option on korriban to check Sith Lords for the purity of their bloodline and the quest giver telling you he is going to RECOMMEND to the Dark Council they institute racial purity laws. That said it would be something that would be seen a against the "natural" order. The only species not looked down upon in the Sith Empire are humans and "pure blood" Sith. Thing is there re no 100% pure bloods left. They all have some element of human blood in them.

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Random Sith: "Bah, Darth Stabbywonker's marriage isn't real! It was just a dumb Twi'lek cerimony, not a r- GURK!"


Darth Stabbywonkers: "...does anyone else have an opinion?"


Other Sith: *throws rice into the air and runs away*

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Random Sith: "Bah, Darth Stabbywonker's marriage isn't real! It was just a dumb Twi'lek cerimony, not a r- GURK!"


Darth Stabbywonkers: "...does anyone else have an opinion?"


Other Sith: *throws rice into the air and runs away*


Well done sir! I literally laughed out loud :D

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I was also wondering about the smugglers marriage to Corso Riggs considering you administer the marriage yourself supposedly because captains can do this but can they.


Ship Captains performing marriages is mostly a myth on Earth, except if the Captain is otherwise qualified to do it by being a priest or civil servant empowered to do so. Many countries have even seen it necessary to mention that the Captain can't do it in their naval laws just because people assume they can. Some jurisdictions do allow it though - Japanese Captains on Japanese vessels can do it for Japanese citizens, and some of the popular homes of cruise lines allow it (the lines even use it as a selling point). Filipino law lets the Captain (ship or airplane) handle it if a person expecting to die soon absolutely wants to marry before dying. The paperwork will ofc still have to be brought to the proper authorities for recognition.


Who knows about Star Wars? Maybe every Captain can, or perhaps only some jurisdictions allow it. Obviously the smuggler is registered somewhere that recognizes it.

Edited by Spetulhu
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Who knows about Star Wars? Maybe every Captain can, or perhaps only some jurisdictions allow it. Obviously the smuggler is registered somewhere that recognizes it.


That's one possibility. I think its more just that the scenes are written for a sense of romance and/or amusement. Its not like paperwork is particularly romantic or sexy...


*Elara Dorne clears her throat*


......in most of the romances, at least.

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As far as the Sith go, I don't believe they care so much about the ceremony that they had when they were married as they do about producing children. Since Sith marriages seem to be all about producing children strong in the Force, weddings probably aren't as big a deal as having a child. The other Sith probably don't care about the validity of the marriage of a Sith to a slave-race (in their minds). As for the other non-Sith Imperials... they'll call Vette whatever the heck you want them to, especially after you become

the Emperor's Wrath.



Andronikus and the Sorcerer probably had a civil marriage somewhere. No fuss, no frills.


The Smuggler's marriage is... yeah, that's somewhat iffy. However, a ship's captain can indeed perform a wedding ceremony, and there's nothing saying they can't perform their own. They'd probably want to sign something official at some point, however.


The Voss marriage was purely for purposes of accomplishing the goals of the Agent. A marriage held on Voss would likely not apply on other worlds as Voss is an exceedingly isolationist planet and therefore the marriage procedures would not be legally recognized outside of Voss short of physical proof of marriage.


I wonder about the validity of Doc's marriage to my Jedi Knight. The droid that marries them is legally authorized to perform marriage rites, but it deletes its memory banks of the events very shortly afterwards, leaving only Doc and my Knight with the knowledge that they were, in fact, married. Unless the information was uploaded to some secure database that no one looks at, it seems to me like it's questionable.


All of the marriages in SWTOR are probably very small informal things- it's implied a few times that the couples simply got off on the next planet, performed a rush ceremony, and consider themselves now married. The exceptions to that are the Male Sorcerer's romance with Ashara (who chooses not to marry out of respect for the Order), Corso and Lady Smuggler (who performs the marriage herself), and Doc and Lady Knight (who have a droid perform it for them). I've only experienced the female romances myself- I can't speak for how the male romances go.


I wouldn't worry about the legalities of it too much. As far as the game is concerned, the marriage is legal and binding, leaving your PC in a state of blissful matrimony... hopefully.

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Random Sith: "Bah, Darth Stabbywonker's marriage isn't real! It was just a dumb Twi'lek cerimony, not a r- GURK!"


Darth Stabbywonkers: "...does anyone else have an opinion?"


Other Sith: *throws rice into the air and runs away*


Well done sir! I literally laughed out loud :D


Haha, indeed! :D

And so very true as well!

Edited by Callaron
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Somehow if I remember, the marriage between the male smuggler and Akaavi is a simple one. All it takes is a few words and are married. Unless I'm missing something since it's bit of a Mandalorian marriage.


For a Mandalorian marriage they have a vow that is said:


“Mhi solus tome, Mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde”

We are one when together, we are one when parted, we share all, we will raise warriors.


I remember this because my boyfriend and I did this on our characters when our characters got married.

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