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Republic: Guild merging <Crossfire>


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Our guild <Crossfire> currently consists of a hardmode raiding team and a few others. We lack the people for other operations besides the team ones. Our guild members should be given a chance to participate in current and old operations content which we simply cannot provide.

Nearly every player with a high level character is already in a guild and not willing to change theirs. We know that we currently cannot offer much for players in terms of raiding (hm team is fixed) and are therefore willing to merge into another guild with all our members and our hm team.


To our current status:

- 4/5 Ravagers hm

- 4/5 Temple of Sacrifice hm

- weekly repair funds for members and raid group

- all 192 Mainhand schematics

- Guildship

- Teamspeak 3 server


What sort of guild we are looking for:

- Guildship

- a decent amount of players online

- optionally: already having a raid group (We don't want to steal from you. Having 2 teams would open up possibilities of decent 16m hm operations.)


What do we need from you:

- min. 3 "officer" positions that can use Guildship transport with no limits

- a special rank for our raid group


What we offer you:

- a hard mode raid group

- expertise in current and old content operations

- help with filling the guildbank (credits and items)

- experienced raiders that currently have not much chance in doing hard mode content


If you're interested just answer this post or write a personal message to me.

In game you can whisper me on following characters on republic side:

- blinkér

- blinker'smug

- blínx

- blinxette

- tahoshab

- meretríx

- leblinko



officer of Crossfire

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