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*** - Getting Skipped for Matches

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So wanted to check and see if anyone else has been experiencing this. I got skipped for 6 games in a row today over the course of 2 hours!


At one point there were two games going already, I had been queued for roughly 30 mins and I got skipped for the 3rd game that was forming.


*** is with this, I been gone for like two weeks and now I cant get into a damn game, I got one today in all that two hours and there were multiple games going the whole time.


If the game won't let me play then I have no reason to sub......

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If I get skipped more than once in a row then I unqueue and queue again.

The last time this happened to me was half a year ago.


Another option is to queue as group, because groups seem to get prioritized.

Edited by Danalon
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The matchmaking algorithm is not very 'smart' even under what count for ideal conditions in GSF.


It doesn't seem to use any sort of First In First Out or weighting by wait time when it makes decisions.


So far as I can tell it has basically three design goals in picking from the queue:


1. Get a match going as soon as possible.


2. Subject to condition 1, prioritize getting all of the groups in the queue into a game.


3. Subject to conditions 1 and 2 be as stupid as possible in all other respects.


To be fair, getting a matchmaking program that is as good at balancing teams as a 5 year old child picking for games on the playground or in PE is a non-trivial programming task.


In any case, the matchmaking routine loves groups and it doesn't care much how big the group is. So if you want a fast pop, group up. You only need one other person.

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Largely agreed with Danalon. I've had it happen to me, and if it does, it seems like I ended up somehow getting out of queue, even though the UI says I'm in queue. If I unqueue, then queue again, it seems to sort it out. I kind of wonder if it's a timing thing on pops when transferring instances or such, but I've got nothing to base that on, just a kind of guy feeling, because it seems to happen only if I've been swapping around instances, like to fleet to get the daily/weekly, then to my ship, then to my stronghold, then to Alderaan, etc.


I assume if a queue pops, and I'm instancing, I'll just get a notification when I'm done transferring, but it doesn't seem to always happen that way.


EDIT - And I'm totally leaving that run on sentence.

Edited by nyghtrunner
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If I get skipped more than once in a row then I unqueue and queue again.

The last time this happened to me was half a year ago.


Another option is to queue as group, because groups seem to get prioritized.


I take an approach similar to this one. I usually re-log. Back when I played ground pvp, the re-queue did not always work. I agree this sounds like a bugged queue attempt.


Incidentally, I had a bugged queue attempt on Bastion 2 nights ago and it was the first one I have had in months. That one started when I picked up a queue but was not placed in a match, so it was more obvious.

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I've actually been getting this quite a lot in the last few days, where it was relatively uncommon previously. I have noticed a high incidence of it lately, though. Only when I am solo queued. Groups still seem to get in, but I've been skipped over for several matches in a row.


- Despon

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yeah ive been skipped before, but never with this frequency. The only game I actually got into I was in a group of 2, all the rest of the time was spent waiting and watching the games start and end (with the /who command)


The other weird thing is hardly anyone was on, mostly new players queuing (AKA no groups to contend with)


Perhaps thats just it, maybe it prefers new players and there were exactly enough of them with low / non existent hangers to fill every match. Whatever the case I can't waste my time like this, especially with other game that I have 0 issues getting into.


It appears GSF has hit a new low for me, not only is it entirely ignored by the dev's, but now I cant actually play the game anymore. Im thinking I need a break from this until Bioware pulls their head out of their ***. If they never do I guess thats it for me then (which is sad because I love GSF)


Plea to BE: I see you communicating on the PvP forums daily (and virtually every other forum as well) please don't ignore GSF like you have been, very soon you will bleed out the players that actually give a **** about GSF and you will be left with a worthless waste of time addition that no one plays. All it takes is the most basic attention like bug fixes and dev communication (which we don't even have at a basic level)

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The other weird thing is hardly anyone was on, mostly new players queuing (AKA no groups to contend with)


Perhaps thats just it, maybe it prefers new players and there were exactly enough of them with low / non existent hangers to fill every match. Whatever the case I can't waste my time like this, especially with other game that I have 0 issues getting into.

Well, not that I put much stock in the matchmaker, but I believe I remember hearing way back when (near-ish release) that it would try to match players with similar req on the hangar bar for the game. IF that is actually true, and IF it actually is working as intended™ (both are huge ifs in my book at this point), it stands to reason it may skip you here or there if there's not enough req on the other team, and a "better" match can be made.


I can't claim to know, or claim it's anything more than speculation, but I'm almost positive I remember hearing that was the INTENT of the matchmaker at launch... Oh, hell, who am I kidding. We've all been part of disgusting 40ship v 16 ship teams in wargames, which to me effectively proves that their matchmaker never worked as intended...


Regarding the rest of what you've got to say, Pincer, I largely find myself in agreement. I already rarely fly by my previous flight schedule, and am going days and weeks without really even thinking about GSF. It's kind of close to exactly the same game module we had at this point last year, and haven't really heard a peep out of devs or really BW (other than the 3-dot cluster) for... 9 months? 10?


I still LOVE the games that are competitive and fun, and I love the camaraderie with the elder pilots, etc.


But I'm tired of the same 2 game modes, the same 5 maps, the same turkey shoots... Over, and over, and over, and over... With nothing new to look forward to.


Feel a little dirty even bringing it up on this forum, but Star Citizen has largely grabbed my computer flight time, and I see myself trending further and further that way as that game gets fleshed out and GSF is left alone. Were it not for the fact I'm subbed through August, and have a regular progression raid group, I'd probably not be playing SWTOR much at all. There are just other, more interesting things to do.


I'm no longer in any position to cast judgement on the overall fate of GSF, considering I fly so rarely anymore, and am at this point, more of a bystander even to these forums, but... I will say it is finally, slowly losing me, and being replaced by other things.

Edited by nyghtrunner
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