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Best story 1st to last


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Well, order changes in my case, since it's a matter of personal taste... Of course, these below are my personal opinions, so don't use them as a reference. ;)

I find my response spoiler free, there's just a couple of hints here and htere, but... Yeah. You've been warned. :eek:


In my case, Inquisitor and Knight would have a tie at first place. The first one is the "standard" Star Wars story (which is not a bad thing, mind you :) ), the second one is perfect to gain some insight on how Imperial Society works, imo.


Warrior takes the second place. Nice character's presence, and you get to make yourself an Apprentice on your own. ;)


Third place I'd have another tie between Bounty Hunter and Agent. Both are filled with surprises and twists, but let you have a lot of freedom to pick your own path. :D


Trooper comes at fourth place to me. The story is interesting, especially after the twist on the starting planet, but... It gets very repetitive very fast. And even after you're done with the routine, another one starts. :p


Consular takes the fifth place on my chart. Sure, you get to control some powerful powers and study the rituals and story behind the Force and the Galaxy. Sure, you get to entertain some relationships with other planets' inhabitants and be a hero due to the pool of knowledge you have access to. But... The story starts very slow. And proceeds even slower. When it begins to get interesting you're already halfway through levelling, if not beyond. :o


The bottom spot for me is Smuggler. Right from the start you get to see what a smuggler should never do. Because you do it yourself, no less.

After you finally "solve" the mess you got yourself into, you're recruited by people who want to make use of your talents. And you let them or exploit them, no "Hey, I'm my own Captain" route, because otherwise you're pretty much dead meat.

Which for someone who claims his or her independence every moment is not exactly the best option, imo. Sure, you get to retain your independence, but at the expence of a loss of what you were before. Not that I dislike the character growth in itself - though sometimes I really wish my Smuggler could be serious for 5 minutes straight :rolleyes: - but I find it at odds with how the character behaves under my control, regardless of the choices I make. :(


So, give a try to them all and come up with your own rating, mate. My 2 cents. :cool:

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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I would say the best is the agent story. Some stories start strong and get progressively worse (like the bounty hunter story), while others start weak but get better over time (like the consular story). So, I have no concrete order, only one that I found the best, while every story had its moments and since they feel so different it is heavily influenced by one's taste and is not just about how the story is written... playing the Sith as dark side Characters felt very boring to me, but playing them as light side, made that quite entertaining (especially since my warrior isn't supposed to be a good person, but a rather cold an calculating schemer who just isn't into rampage which appearntly makes her light side... guess Emperor Palpatine was also quite light side if BioWare would have designed him, since that was how I played my character which lead to plenty of light side options been taken by me).
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I'm going ...


  1. Agent. Really gives off a different feel to the others. Also profoundly changes how you view the rest of the game after playing it, and sheds some much-needed light on the Empire's politics.
  2. Inquisitor. I like the personal feel of this story, that it's really just the story of one Sith's rise to power. Also has some of the best LS dialogue in my opinion. Also, the archaeology makes the historian in me squeal.
  3. Consular. I liked the whole "diplomacy" bit a lot. A bit like the agent story, the consular actually gives you a small cast of supporting characters apart from your companions.
  4. Warrior. HONOUR AND GLORY.
  5. Knight. Bog-standard. Compared to the Consular, the Knight is a brute, but it's well executed.
  6. Hunter. You hunt bounties, as the name suggests. Spot 6 because of some wonderful companions.
  7. Trooper. Get your Call of Duty out of my SWTOR.
  8. Smuggler. Oh come on, that bloke is dafter than a ... very ... daft ... person. One feels the entire storyline is just a vehicle for pithy one-liners.

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Agent: Best written, in-disputably the best, and possibly the original script for the concept of Kotor 3 (the original intent of this game), also has 5 separate endings, making it the most re-playable class ever.

Smuggler: Next best written, funny one liners, and such.

Warrior (Light): Interesting take on the classic Sith Warrior, has a tinge of morals.

Inquisitor (Light): Same as the Sith Warrior.

Knight (Dark): Really interesting concept to play a "fallen" Knight.

Consular (Dark): Funny one liners, and can be an absolute dick to people, and still becomes a Barsenthor.

Inquisitor (Dark): SHOCK EVERYONE!

Bounty Hunter (Both): Funny one liners, but doesn't hold up after chapter 2...

Warrior (Dark): Nice story, fun to betray your master, but is a bit bland, makes you look too "brutish".

Trooper (Both) I think the writers did this one last, feels the most shoehorned in and least interesting except one.

Consular (Light) THIS STORY IS BORING... Being a goodie two shoes is boring AF... Back to my Agent...


Why did I give some classes multiple things and others just one? Well, Agent is good no matter which route you pick to get to one of the 5 endings, and Smuggler is good with either side of the light/dark spectrum, along with full out neutral. and Bounty Hunter is meh with both stories...

Edited by Kaos_KidSWTOR
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1) Agent: Best story hands-down. Gives you a lot of freedom to play LS, DS, or neutral, gives valuable insight into Imperial politics, has some of the best story twists I can remember, and your decisions actually matter in the long run. Another minor plus for me is that both voice actors are great.


2) Warrior: This one also makes allowances for a LS/DS/Neutral Sith, and in fact the first act is remarkably different if you're LS--enough that I'd recommend being LS for the novelty of it. The plot is solid all throughout, no low points, though it doesn't have as many memorable twists as the Agent. Like the Agent, it has two talented voice actors.


3) Knight: I hear this one gets railed on for being ye olde "hero saving the world" story, but that's what I like about it. It has a very "A New Hope" feel, very classic Star Wars,, and it can be very nice to switch to a story where I'm a genuine good guy after the "anti-hero"/"villain protagonist" nature of the Imperial classes. You can play DS yourself in an Anakin Skywalker way, too, but it really shines as LS.


4) Inquisitor: I love this one solely because the Inquisitor is such a character I can't even. The plot isn't particularly interesting until Acts II and III, but the Inquisitor gets the best dialogue in the game and works the Force out of it. Some people like the Inquisitor LS, but for me they were born to be DS, between the sneering, mocking, Force Lightning, and oh-so-high superiority. The ending cinematics are another high point for me.


5) Hunter: Another class with an okay-ish plot, the Hunter's saving grace is the characters. Your crew is really very tight, very likeable (excluding one jerk, who's the last to join anyway), and the Hunter themselves has some good flexibility in alignment. The plot isn't great, like I said, but it does pick up in Act III, where it introduces one of the most hateable villains of the game.


Also, the Hunter kills the most Force-users out of the non-Force Sensitive classes, which has to count for something.


6) Smuggler: It's around this point the classes start to lose my interest. The Smuggler, like the Inquisitor, is a very fun character, but the plot isn't really smuggler-ish. I kind of enjoyed the recurring DS actions you could take in Acts II and III (being deliberately vague to avoid spoilers), but I felt they could have done a lot more with the plot. I didn't like many of the companions outside of two.


7) Consular: Slow, slow, sloooooooooooooooow. Everything everyone says about the class stories picking up steam in Acts II and III, goes double for the Consular--the class quest on Corellia was so amazing I wondered if I was playing a different character, but getting there is difficult because of how boring the class is. The voice acting is flat-out horrible; the Consular sounds like a droid if LS and laughably "trying to be EVIL" if DS. Shadows and Sages are fun to play, though, and the twist at the end of the story is really damn good, and those things alone save it from being last.


8) Trooper: It improves later on, going from "dull" to "mediocre". I really like the Act II and III villain, but they're not enough to salvage this story. The companions are boring, Commandos and Vanguards are boring (which is weird, since I enjoy Powertechs and Mercs), the voice acting is slightly better than the Consular's, and the plot makes me go "what" at worst and "whatever" at best. It took me ages to finish this because there was nothing I enjoyed about it.

Edited by Abvora
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For me:


1: Agent

2: Knight

3: Smuggler

4: Inquisitor

5: Trooper

6: Bounty Hunter

7: Consular

8: Warrior


...but that's a bit simplistic for me. The thing is that all the stories have this clear split between the act 1 and act 2/3 stuff, sometimes with very heavily varying quality, and usually with only a barebones connection between the two, so I like to compare the 16 self-contained stories...


Some spoilers, btw...


01: Agent 1 (Best story period, took some great chances with everything)

02: Smuggler 1 (Just joyously hilarious, tightly written and incredible fun)

03: Knight 1 (Mostly because of Master Orgus Din, but I like how much it pushes the Knight and how strong and imposing the Sith come off)

04: Agent 2/3 (The Star Cabal stuff weighs it down a bit, even as excellent as Act 2 was)

05: Inquisitor 1 (...Inquisitor be CRAZY, yo. There's enough comedic sociopathy to make everything work)

06: Consular 2/3 (The Consular hits his stride here, dealing with diplomacy and having to deal with some truly interesting situations. But as great as Zenith is, Nadia kinda weights things down too much)

07: Knight 2/3 (It chickens out a few times, and it really hurts the story, but it has a nicely epic climax)

08: Trooper 1 (Nothing fantastic, but never really bad either, and being able to focus on chasing down the traitors provides a strong theme for it. And has M1-4X.)

09: Bounty Hunter 2/3 (I don't really care for Act 2 too much, but the fact that Act 3 has you going against the Republic, unlike all the other Imperial stories, brings it up a lot.

10: Inquisitor 2/3 (Never terrible, and Thanaton is an impressive villain, just didn't have any real fantastic moments either. Focusing on fighting other Sith, instead of the Republic, hurt it too.)

11: Trooper 2/3 (Nothing fantastic, and meanders a bit too much, but its bouyed up by the single hardest choice in probably the entire game)

12: Smuggler 2/3 (It's not terrible exactly, but the comedy falls flatter, the stakes are too high, and you kinda get shoehorned into the war.)

13: Warrior 1 (It's fine for the most part, really. Corrupting Jaesa is a strong theme... but the story just feels too weak, and really insulting towards Jedi. In the space of 1 hour, you can cause four different Jedi to slip to the dark side. Weaaaak.)

14: Bounty Hunter 1 (...this is mainly personal taste, but the whole thing falls apart at the finale when you're railroaded into killing a Jedi. My Bounty Hunter would've killed the ******e and just left. Dead men spend no credits, after all, and a Jedi Master? Hell no...)

15: Warrior 2/3 (Act 2 was okay, but Act 3... making Baras the antagonist was a bad idea. Body Type 4 means you can't take him seriously as a threat, it turns the Jedi, the enemy of the Sith, into something of an annoying obstacle, and just portrays the Warrior as a dim thug bouncing from leader to leader.)

16: Consular 1 (Ugh. It had a few bright spots, but only a few. The secret identity of the villain was obvious halfway through, Qyzen's completely unlikeable, and the focus on healing masters with a half-baked moral choice thrown in with no consequences just ruined it.)

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1. Warrior - Fat man Baras, the humourous dark side killing and the amount of surprise in how the Warrior acts and reacts to his enemies and allies alike.

2. Bounty Hunter - Solid storyline, you get to grind a gun into Tarro's face, then face off Jedi, including a setup. always got something to offer in the storyline. Shame about the only female companion on your crew though.

3. Sith Inquisitor - humorous one liners when looking for a bloodbath, the deliberate pacing and mysteries of the dark side. Thanaton and Zash prove to be interesting but petty characters.

4. Jedi Knight - Solid but unspectacular. A typical Jedi storyline which makes it just average across the board. The only real bright spot in it is Kira because she likes to cross the rules a bit more casually then she should, but has strength.

5. Trooper - A Typical solider and the moral choices that comes with, pulled around on a lead by Garza who has her own agenda and motivations she constantly tries to assert. the opening storyline was fine when Jorgan was CO.

6. Smuggler - Attempted use of humor to cover situations, i honestly didnt care for it, difference type of humor i dont care for. but the storyline isn't that great either, moving from one disaster to the next.

7. Jedi Consular - Not interesting at all as a class, the storyline is just average, and presented poorly. the companions just stand there and look at you. the boss enemies are completely forgettable as well as the whole alliance business.

8. Agent - i could never get into it, its all about control and domination after act 1, at that point i just lost interest in the storyline and no matter how hard i try, i just cant find the interest in going back to it. i liked Kaliyo though.

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Agent: Best written, in-disputably the best, and possibly the original script for the concept of Kotor 3 (the original intent of this game)


First let me agree... the best written of them all BUT...


Ummm no that was NOT the original intent of this game. KOTOR III was going to finish the story of Revan. You would be unraveling a "conspiracy" but the conspiracy was going to be the fact that the Sith Empire is out there building it's strength and infiltrating Republic institutions in preparation of an inevitable invasion. In essence you would have been following in Revan's footsteps to the "heart of darkness.


Now this does not mean that elements of some of the other "force user" stories would not have taken elements from THAT game BUT the Agent's story was entirely created for the game. They wanted to have a Class that represented the Empire like the Trooper did for the Republic BUT without basically being a copy of it AND they wanted to have a Character like Tarkin who could stare down Vader. Originally they were thinking 007... but then went "grittier" and kinda went the direction of say "24."


The writer of the Storyline, Alexander Freed, even had each chapter cover a different aspect of the "spy" genre. Chapter 1 the "terrorist plot", Chapter 2 a combination of the Bond-esque "Specter Super-weapon" plot and The Prisoner (if you haven't watched it and you liked the Agent story... WATCH IT!!!!!) then in Chapter 3 concluding with the global (galactic) conspiracy.

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I am 7/8 now, but I am pretty sure on what my least fav story is so…


1. Consular: loved the growth and the feel of the character, loved the Diplomacy and alliance-making, and, yes, Zenith! Rishi quest, so atmospheric.

2. Trooper: loved that it was a story without false grandeur and that it questioned the nature of patriotism, heroism, sacrifice and larger issues rather than the usual self-centred: “am I a good guy or a bad guy?” thing. The Rishi quest was poignant.

3. Warrior: It was fun. Hard to say why, as full of clichés as it was, but they just hit the right buttons there for me. The story treats a female toon really badly though. Rishi quest… nah.

4. Smuggler: Dialogue! Dialogue! More dialogue! Did I mention the fun dialogue? And best out of party romances for a female PC. In fact the only enjoyable romances for a F!PC in the game for me and the only other class save for Consular where I truly enjoyed playing a female toon. Rishi quest – the reason I liked the Warrior more.

5. Inquisitor: there is a disconnect between the character and the backstory. They should have highlighted from the start that the Inq was a noble only recently taken a slave on the battlefield, otherwise the dialogue writing and delivery makes absolutely no sense to me. Female voice-over + Ashara made the class unplayable to me as a female toon. Rishi quest – interesting.

6. Knight: I can’t stay on the heroic high for that long. Really sucks as a female toon compared to a male one. It’s fine. But not as fun as the Warrior. Did not yet get to Rishi quest.

7. BH – I did not play far into it, but the dialogue is fun, companions are interesting and the male voice is great. I just did not feel compelled to play on with the Mandalorians being front and centre as I dislike the Mandalorians. I am going to try to get through a lot of it during the 2xXP week and finish it soonish.


And anything is better than…


8. The vaunted Imperial Agent. Discontinuous mess, jumping from one subplot to another dropping the previous one unresolved, or over-riding the choices. Really, really heavy-handed writer. To add to cringe worthy voice-over of the humorless over-drawn dialogues (female, at least). And if that’s not enough, all these unlikable NPCs. The companions, the superiors, the scenery… ouch. I liked Aristocra and I liked Lokin. That’s about that. And then they are forced on you as people you like even if you hate them (Rishi, that was just… awful!). It’s also unfair to a female PC in the romantic department – one really great but too easy to miss out of party option (Aristocra), and another one that’s even better, but is stolen from you in favor of a male PC (who, to add insult to injury can flirt with everything in skirts). And the in-party romance… ouch.

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How was the story any more discontinuous than others? If you pay attention it all does work. The ground work for each chapter is laid in the chapter before...it actually is more connected than the consular (which is in my top 3). Cliff notes... Go against a Darth and you get mind screwed because regardless of the reason the Sith do not stand for a "mere force blind 'servant'" taking down one of their leaders. Throughout both chapter 2 and 3, Keeper is struggling to maintain independence which he finally loses at the end of Chapter 3.


Conversely the consular jumps from being a force researcher to a diplomat to essentially a general with no real transition or build up beyond a vague idea of "you have proven your wisdom..." How in the world did my tracking down noeticons and getting g them to teach me a force technique illustrate I would be capable of not only successfully holding the contentious Rift Alliance together but getting them to join the Republic. How does my success there show I would be capable of leading an Army of Droids, Commandos and an ancient alien warrior culture into one of the bloodiest battles of the War? I liked the story but the criticism you level at the agent seems for appropriate for the Consular.


The "heavy handed" elements are very common in the genre. The most heavy handed of course being the mind control bit. Jason Bourne comes immediately to mind on that one. The Keeper is the pro-typical "M". Think Dame Judi Dench in Skyfall. She orders Bond to leave a fellow agent when she knows that will mean the agent dies then orders a shot be taken even though it is likely, and does, result in Bond being shot. AND she has no regrets. Then we see this is not new as the antagonist is an agent who was her " favorite" but she turned him over to the Chinese to ensure a peaceful transition of HK to Chinese control.


The next thing...the hammy dialogue of some of the Sith NPCs is intended. One of the points of the story is to show that the Imperial "every man" can not only stand up to the Sith but be better than them, and not just in terms of a fight.


I would say, from your description of the story overall, that your issue seems more to be with the modern spy/psychological drama.

Edited by Ghisallo
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How was the story any more discontinuous than others? If you pay attention it all does work. The ground work for each chapter is laid in the chapter before...it actually is more connected than the consular (which is in my top 3). Cliff notes... Go against a Darth and you get mind screwed because regardless of the reason the Sith do not stand for a "mere force blind 'servant'" taking down one of their leaders. Throughout both chapter 2 and 3, Keeper is struggling to maintain independence which he finally loses at the end of Chapter 3.


Conversely the consular jumps from being a force researcher to a diplomat to essentially a general with no real transition or build up beyond a vague idea of "you have proven your wisdom..." How in the world did my tracking down noeticons and getting g them to teach me a force technique illustrate I would be capable of not only successfully holding the contentious Rift Alliance together but getting them to join the Republic. How does my success there show I would be capable of leading an Army of Droids, Commandos and an ancient alien warrior culture into one of the bloodiest battles of the War? I liked the story but the criticism you level at the agent seems for appropriate for the Consular.


The "heavy handed" elements are very common in the genre. The most heavy handed of course being the mind control bit. Jason Bourne comes immediately to mind on that one. The Keeper is the pro-typical "M". Think Dame Judi Dench in Skyfall. She orders Bond to leave a fellow agent when she knows that will mean the agent dies then orders a shot be taken even though it is likely, and does, result in Bond being shot. AND she has no regrets. Then we see this is not new as the antagonist is an agent who was her " favorite" but she turned him over to the Chinese to ensure a peaceful transition of HK to Chinese control.


The next thing...the hammy dialogue of some of the Sith NPCs is intended. One of the points of the story is to show that the Imperial "every man" can not only stand up to the Sith but be better than them, and not just in terms of a fight.


I would say, from your description of the story overall, that your issue seems more to be with the modern spy/psychological drama.


I have a suspicion that the real reason DomiSotto hates the Imperial Agent is something to the effect of "they killed the mentor of my husbandu Zenith and because of this they deserve to die slowly and painfully!"

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I've played most of the story long after I cooled down after Balmorra. It took me few months to restart after that, but by then I let go of the gripe that it revised someone else's story in a nasty, gotcha way. (And, Zenith is a companion. I've been married for 16 years to someone else.)


It has more to do with that rp'ing a Consular, and the choices offered to Consular appealed to me, and the choices offered to the IA did not, and that I loved the characters in the Consular's story, the ones I cooperated with, and the enemies were good as well. I wanted to work with the folks I was offered to work with, and wanted to kill the ones I was offered to kill, or to spare, and the options were satisfying, alignining with the choices I wanted to make. I wanted to heal the Order, I wanted to build the Alliance, and it all was working out smoothly.


With the IA, save for a few satisfying kills (like the traitor on Tattoine), when I supported Jadus, I got nothing for it, and it was very awkward in how they tried to rail it back. Just as I got invested in the terrorist subplot, I got the Republic subplot and just as I was fully invested to betray the Empire, nothing came out of it. And I got the Big Mystery Bad thing... and that was even more pointless, 'cause yeah, again, I could have went along, but no. In the end it was always back to where we started. Heck, on Rishi they call me a Commander, while as far as I understand I ended up a fugitive with no rank or connection to the darned Intelligence. So they took away one choice that they allowed me.


I also go for personalities, and a few NPCs that I really love or love to hate and the story makes either my friend or conversely the enemy I can best make the story for me. It did not happen in the IA story. Neither the 3 characters I liked became anything special in the story, nor did I get to kill the ones I hated the most. In fact, the game did the opposite and forced the Rishi on me where I had to have a whole deep and wonderful friendship with Watcher 2, the character that I was teased numerous times would finally die a painful death, and gods, how I hoped. She did not. The characters I wanted to see more of , and liked, died or disappeared.


So, it just felt that every time I wanted something and started to get enthusiastic about something or someone the author took it away and did not give me the satisfaction of seeing it through. Down to something as silly as saying 'thank you' when complimented took away the FtB with Aristocra.


I have not seen many JB's movies, I don't think I have seen the Skyfall, and I am not sure who Bourne is. I am not a movie person, really. I am not a big fan of Flemmings, I read one of the books back when I was young, and did not feel like another one. What I got out of the saga was fast cars, gadgets, hair-raising adventure and lots of brief love affairs. IA was nothing like that. The Smuggler was.


So, in the end of the day, I think I do not like the IA story because I simply do not want to role-play an Imperial Agent. And that is why it's my least favorite story. I just don't buy into the concept.

Edited by DomiSotto
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The problem you have is the problem people have with all the stories at some point though... If they look beyond light side and dark side choices... The limited options. There is a reason you are mind controlled during the phase betraying the Empire is an option...your character, in their world, would NEVER betray the empire any more than the Trooper would betray the Republic.


This is no different than the fact that I had NO interest in a relationship with Nadia on my consular but the game basically forces it on you. I went so far as to give the least "will you marry me option" on my second run through on a Consular...I still got all the emails from her that say we are getting hitched.


Thing is your kinda moved goal posts. There is a difference between not liking response options and seeing discontinuity. The agent story is very well connected...the double agent story line a direct consequence of the Terrorist plot. The Star Cabal only became known to you because of your infiltration of the SiS. You might not like the options... I mean let's be honest...any way chapter 1 ends Jadus lives...if you side with him it is not back pedaling. I mean what are you going to say "hey Mr. Marr...yeah Jadus went into hiding to work on his master plan... I triggered the eradicators, had Watcher 2 captured and let Jadus go so I could be his right hand. You're gonna let me live right?"

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Lets ease up a bit, guys?


DomiSotto: Your attitude towads the Imperial Agent story sounds a lot like my attitude towards the Bounty Hunter story: You approached the character in a considerably different way than the story author expected, and thus beats that resonated with a lot of people clanged uncomfortably for you.


Its not that everyone else is wrong about the Agent story, its a difference of opinion based on your own personal experience and based on your own investment in the character.


And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.


Ghisallo: DomiSotto dislikes something that you like. Different people have different tastes, and that's completely fine! Telling him that he's wrong is not going to change his mind, because he's not wrong: He didn't like the story.


That doesn't change how you experienced the story and what you liked about it. Its important to realize that we all approach fiction in our own unique ways, and rather than trying to prove who is 'right', its far more fun to look at the what they're saying and trying to understanding why they feel the way that they do.




Now kiss and make up :D.

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Lets ease up a bit, guys?



Ghisallo: DomiSotto dislikes something that you like. Different people have different tastes, and that's completely fine! Telling him that he's wrong is not going to change his mind, because he's not wrong: He didn't like the story.




I have NO problem with someone not liking the story. My issue is they original said that the story lacked continuity... which is not true at all... each chapter has a direct tie in to the next... as a matter of fact the Agent story is one of the few with this kind of direct tie in...most solidly going from Chapter 2 to 3 as you discover the conspiracy in chapter two and pursue it in chapter 3.


Now when they said "I don't like the options." I get this. I didn't like some of the options I have had in other class stories. I get that. I am just the kind of anal retentive guy that cares not only about what you conclusion is... in this case "I no like this", but also the why of it.

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1.) Knight - The true "hero" and the most powerful class if a class had to be chosen as the canon hero. You truly feel like a Jedi Knight, fighting the forces of darkness and protecting your allies in the honor of all that is good and right. You command the armies of the republic against the empire, not from a chair in an office, but on the front lines leading the charge. Dark side puts an "Anakin" twist on it that is also great. You wind up defeating the Emperor in head to head combat, destroying his physical form, and before Shadow of Revan expansion the Emperor is thought to be dead. After the Emperor's destruction at your hands, he is now in a corporeal form that wants to get back into a physical form so that he can overthrow the entire galaxy, both republic and empire. The mere fact that the Knight is the only being capable of destroying a seemingly indestructible being further pushes the point that the Knight is the strongest character. We will see how this plays out leading into Ziost and beyond.


2.) Inquisitor - Unraveling the mysteries of the force, all the while rising to power from a mere slave, to a member of the dark council. The story puts you in the middle of the conflict of powerful individuals, and takes you through your rise to power as those around you try to take you out. You learn many ancient secrets of the force that were long thought gone, and with this knowledge you ascend from slave to Darth.


3.) Warrior - Light side makes you feel exactly like Anakin, wanting the power but always being held back by your good morals. You give into your hate and rage when necessary, and for the greater good, where as dark side just makes you feel like a pure brute. It takes an emphasis on the "rule of two" between master and apprentice, although it takes a plot twist towards the end. Your power allows you to overthrow your master and assume your place on the dark council.


4.) Consular - The story of the Consular is surrounded with gathering knowledge of the force. This takes you through the other side of the Knight's life. Story starts off with you searching for a force technique that will allow you to cure your master, and in the process you begin to unravel one of the emperor's plots to destroy the republic. You will fight some of the Emperor's most powerful disciples, and even the "Voice of the Emperor" himself. Though you do not bring down the Emperor directly, you do weaken his influence. Also has a nice touch of commanding allies to victory, though not as potent as the Knight story was in this regard.


5.) Trooper - Puts you into the boots of a Special Operations soldier, portraying what its like to be a republic trooper. You take orders from General Garza who is a hardass, and you are sent out on top priority missions that are vital to the continuation of the republic war effort.


6.) Bounty Hunter - You are a hired mercenary, and light side/dark side chooses what type of mercenary you are altogether. Light side makes you a mercenary with honor, while Dark side makes you at the beck and call of the highest bidder. Had an overall good story, and in the end you have some pretty cool options to choose from.


7.) Smuggler - The story was full of humor, and catchy lines. Always flirting with women, and just being a Han Solo. You are out for yourself mostly but if you go Light Side you do have a goodness about you. Dark side just had a lot of unnecessary "evil" thrown in just for the hell of it. The "rebel" who wants them credits.


8.) Agent - Overall this was my least favorite story, which is directly contradictory to popular opinion. The Agent story makes you feel like a helpless agent of the empire, just a pawn to play with nothing of true importance to do considering the greater scheme of things.You are slam deep in the middle of imperial politics, along with the subversion and treachery included with it. It finally got better around Act III but it just wasn't my type of story. If you prefer to be a follower, instead of a leader, then this story will be perfect for you. After all, you can't be a chief without there being Indians.



Opinions in spoiler above.

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8.) Agent - Overall this was my least favorite story, which is directly contradictory to popular opinion. The Agent story makes you feel like a helpless agent of the empire, just a pawn to play with nothing of true importance to do considering the greater scheme of things.You are slam deep in the middle of imperial politics, along with the subversion and treachery included with it. It finally got better around Act III but it just wasn't my type of story. If you prefer to be a follower, instead of a leader, then this story will be perfect for you. After all, you can't be a chief without there being Indians



Opinions in spoiler above.


Whil I of course like the story I also totally understand your reason. That is actually a point of the story. The Pub Trooper has brief flashes of it... like when you have to chose...sacrifice your friend or not... but the Agent brings it on full force. When you are a soldier or an "Agent" you are indeed a pawn to someone else...even more so as a "spy" because you are a disposable asset when plausible deniability is requied. Now you didn't see that back in the "classic" James Bond days... BUT



in the end...if you make the right story choices the fact that went through all of that had a pay off. Arguably you are then the MOST powerful of the Imp characters. You are the Imperial Ghost. You are erased from every data, you chose when and how to help the Empire, even Darth Marr at the end of SoR "blesses" your independent status because while the "Sith" in him made it clear at Makeb that he doesn't like the fact you have removed yourself largely from the influence of the Sith, by the end of SoR the "empire" in him sees you as not only a necessary but a vital asset because of the fact that you act outside all standard channels and command structures. The fact you are accountable to no one means you are not part of the petty internal politics he sees as weakening the Empire.


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I think I can see where our PoV divert.


For you, the presence of a plot tie to go from point A to point B means the plot progression is continuous.


For me, not staying at point A long enough to explore and complete the plot satisfactorily before moving to point B feels like a disconnect because I get an impression that plot was ‘dropped’ in favor of a different plot.


I used the word ‘discontinuous’ because it did not continue the story-line I was just starting to enjoy. While maybe nominally the every next group was introduced by dealing with a previous group, it really had very little to do with one another and the story direction, story feel, story emphasis and the characters changed too much for me to enjoy.


I would have wished that the whole story was about the Terrorist Cells and its various leaders. This was the subplot and antagonists that I liked the most and found the most fresh.


I would have preferred that Jadus involvement did not get revealed till the very end because for me that was a better culmination than the Star Cabal. The other stories I liked had a recurring love-to-hate character like that, whom I’ve eventually outplayed (Barras, Zash, Garza, Pollaran).


Switches between the antagonists and subplots occurred too fast for me to adapt, and felt much less interesting than the beginning of the story.


Take it for what it is....

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I have a suspicion that the real reason DomiSotto hates the Imperial Agent is something to the effect of "they killed the mentor of my husbandu Zenith and because of this they deserve to die slowly and painfully!"


Rashencyberspeed nailed it. This post is correct. :D

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My problem was not with killing the Gray Star, but with the presentation of the character that made revisions to the other story and the protagonist to begin with. Zenith is my favorite companion, he's very cool and less of a stock item than a lot of them.


Frankly in the past half a year, I grew more and more disinterested in the story portions of the game, and more interested in the battle mechanics and trying to figure out how to do more than level solo. The first few stories I was really invested in the dialogues, relationships, crew building etc, now, I just sort of pick the companion I like the most in the crew, run with it, and do a dialogue once in a while. So, yes, I remember Zenith or Quinn better than I remember Kira.


To be honest, 8 stories in the same game is proving to be just too many for me to be able to keep track of the alts and play them. Between the repetitive and long leveling process, and problem with finding time to play the "finished" characters, I simply stick to the ones who I like both from gameplay perspective and from what I remember of them from the playthrough, and those are only the most memorable scenes and lines.


I started the Imperial Agent at the same time as my Consular, my first two characters, and I started out a couple months before I got to Republic Balmorra. Because of my friends I was very excited about playing it; they both highly recommended it as the best of the best. But it just lagged for me at the end of Dromund Kaas. I tried to look for what I like, and highlight it, because I wanted to finish it, of course. I just have never had any luck with the character, and the story did not have the same magical appeal it had for a lot of people.


I am trying to decide if I am done with the game after the last story or if I want to make efforts and see the things I have not had a chance to see because it took me so long to learn the basics of a MMO and combat system.


(Shrug) I don't t really think any of it matters, really.

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Sith Warrior - Incredible when played as a mixture of Light and Dark with much dead-pan humor, insults, ******ery, and Darth Vaderness. Companions are incredible, Vette is so good, as well as Jaesa and Quinn. And let's not forget the best line ever, "You're an imbecile."


Jedi Consular - If you ever wanted to be Obi-Wan Kenobi, this is the story of a true, classic Jedi.


Sith Inquisitor - I don't understand why so many people hate this class, I've run it through thrice! The fact that it can be played as a lunatic with a great female actress is so much fun as Dark Side. I really like Khem Val's arc as well as the underdog feel.


Smuggler - I couldn't help but get attached to my smuggler after this story, seeing her and all her friends lined up at the end with that beautiful, resolution soundtrack gave me the biggest chills. The story itself isn't incredible, but depending on how you play your smuggler you can end up falling in love with them. I loved the Corso and Risha romance, it definitely feels like you're Han Solo.


Jedi Knight - Luke Skywalker-esque. Very good, very classic, cape and sword story. I love me some great hero moments, of course, but I ranked this story so low because neither of the voice actors appeal much to me :/ Scourge and Kira were pretty interesting, though. Best played as an Anakin/Luke hybrid, personality wise.


Agent - Hard to follow if you're not paying attention, did a good job in making the agent feel like a part of Star Wars swimmingly. Fantastic story, though I think lacking much of the Warrior's epicness. Imperial Intelligence and all that arc is increasingly intriguing. SCORPIO is kinda scary, but I loved her... Now that I think about it, I never really felt at home in my ship as the agent, I felt as if I was about to get shot or eaten.


Bounty Hunter - Not played yet, but it'll probably be above the Agent.


Trooper - Haven't finished, but will probably be at the very bottom after Agent.

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Here's how I'd rank them, with my reasoning in the various spoiler blurbs:


1. Agent


The traditional pick for best story, but for a good reason, IMO. An extremely versatile story that covers a wide variety of arcs and plot points and can fit a similarly wide variety of characters. Both the overarching stories and the individual planet segments are all quite strong, and every act reaches an appropriately intense climax, as well. If I have one complaint, it's that the Companion cast is pretty weak (except for Lokin, who's fun, and intriguing, and makes me laugh).



2. Inquisitor


A rise-to-power story that is fun in part because, sort of like the Agent, it does a good job of letting you get there "your way". The story does drag at points, particularly late chapter 2/early chapter 3, but that doesn't bring it down too badly. I think it's interesting, too, that I see a lot of complaints about the Inquisitor feeling like a "lackey" from other people at times...the Inquisitor felt like one of the most self-propelling of all the classes to me, generally carrying out their own plans (albeit the ones railroaded by the story still...but that's the case for every class).



3. Consular


The strongest Republic story as far as I'm concerned, the Consular's counterpart, the Knight, might be the big famous hero, but the Consular feels like the one who really gets things done. Whether it's putting down a shadow vendetta that could have erased the Jedi without an single blaster fired, or assembling and leading an unstoppable ragtag bunch of misfits, the Consular speaks softly, but carries a big stick, and I thoroughly enjoy that. I do feel like the story is a little biased towards the Light though...many of the dark decisions felt poorly implemented, and it's a shame that the whole Rajivari thread from the prologue is just dropped considering it could have really made a difference in this aspect.



4. Warrior


The Warrior is another strong story, and it feels like the most cohesive of all the classes in terms of how it flows from Acts 1-3. To top it off, there's plenty of opportunity to be a real bad emmereffer as well. It has a similar, if opposite to the problem to the Consular, though: it's definitely a "villain" story, and though some of the Light choices fit that mold if you want to be a bit cunning in your actions, many of the choices feel a little unwieldy in the narrative, as do a lot of the assumptions the plot seems to make about the character if you dip too heavily into those LS points. Not a problem when you want to be a big bad wolf, though, whether it's more the brute or the mastermind.



5. Smuggler


There's just a real charm to the Smuggler story. It's fun, the cast of both major and supporting characters are utterly entertaining, and though it's not class-specific in terms of story, I think it deserves extra points since there aren't any other classes that let you finish off the villain of SoR with a kick to the jimmies (yes, others can do it with Heroic Moment, no, that doesn't count). It does stumble a bit in terms of overarching plot, and the final twist makes a lot of your work pointless, and leaves you feeling like a buffoon...however, the entertainment factor makes those things pretty easy to ignore.



6. Hunter


Now we hit the weakest story, Imperial-wise, but still strong in its own right. It's hard to take an archetype like the Hunter who is supposed to be "freelance", and keep it going into a cohesive story, but I think the writers gave it the best they could. The personal nature of the story may make the story feel a little less "epic", but it makes up for that, IMO, by making the individuals involved both loveable and worthy of hate, as appropriate. And despite being personal, it still ends up creating some pretty impressive shakeups.



7. Knight


The classic hero, I kind of talked the Knight down during my writeup of the Consular story, but the Knight's story still has its strong points. Chapter 1 felt like the best part for me; it gets a little...generic...in the latter parts, and I really wish the game had dealt with the ramifications of the end of Chapter 2 better than it actually did (really...just a single short cutscene was all that was worth?). But much like its Imperial mirror, sometimes there's a charm in that simplicity.



8. Trooper


If it seems like I've mostly stuck to positive things to say about every story no matter how far they get down the list, that's because I really enjoyed them all...except this one. The Trooper story has promise, but that's about all I can give it, as it never fully delivers on its potential. Up through the end of Coruscant it was one of my favorites, but Chapter 1 never really does anything interesting with the plot threads that are laid, and then they're all just forgotten anyway by the start of Chapter 2. Chapters 2 and 3 also had some impressive and well-implemented climaxes, but everything else was such drudge work that the exciting finales just made them feel that much more lacking. Finally, I felt like they tried too much to work in "tough" choices and no-win scenarios. I guess those interest some people, but I prefer my heroes (and anti-heroes) more...capable.


Edited by JLazarillo
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