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Is Commando fairing better now in Solo ranked since the AR and Diversion buffs?


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EDIT: Just realised I was confusing diversion with decoy. I haven't tried IO/Assault yet.


Anyway, decoy/chaff is a good improvement for solo fights, but barely noticeable in arenas.

Edited by Jherad
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EDIT: Just realised I was confusing diversion with decoy. I haven't tried IO/Assault yet.


Anyway, decoy/chaff is a good improvement for solo fights, but barely noticeable in arenas.


This.. in a solo or 1v1 its better, but under pressure from more than 1 its pretty meaningless.

I generally have 2-3 on me at any given time in WZs so i noticed almost no change.


What i did notice is that the buffs given to others were monstrous and game changing.. Mara can vanish anytime without penalty now... low slash... far more impactful than the pittance we got.

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This.. in a solo or 1v1 its better, but under pressure from more than 1 its pretty meaningless.

I generally have 2-3 on me at any given time in WZs so i noticed almost no change.


What i did notice is that the buffs given to others were monstrous and game changing.. Mara can vanish anytime without penalty now... low slash... far more impactful than the pittance we got.


I see that you bashed my post in the other thread. STOP CRYING and learn to play your class. Run with a guild or get a guild that will run with you. I usually pull top DPS in WZ's. Last night i had 40 kills with only 1 death. You have to know how to kite and KNOW THE CLASS (OR CLASSES) YOU ARE GOING AGAINST. Know hoe to focus target and use acquire focus target's target. Hit that Mara with Electronet when they get low and finish them off.


Too many people try to play their mercs like juggs and it wont work. Use cure for dotting classes, you can check this by seeing the assassin charge or other things. If you do not know your opponents, you will not survive. Don't waste chaff flare on a vengence jugg because pretty much the only thing you will absorb is scream. Don't damage a jugg with saber reflect on. When you have to hard cast TM because your power surge and priming shot are on cooldown use sweeping blasters to avoid getting interrupted which now procs barrage resetting the CD on Blazing bolts.


Take some time and roll the classes you are having problems with so that you know their class better.


If you want I will post screen shots of some WZ's tonight and show how little deaths I take.

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I see that you bashed my post in the other thread. STOP CRYING and learn to play your class. Run with a guild or get a guild that will run with you. I usually pull top DPS in WZ's. Last night i had 40 kills with only 1 death. You have to know how to kite and KNOW THE CLASS (OR CLASSES) YOU ARE GOING AGAINST. Know hoe to focus target and use acquire focus target's target. Hit that Mara with Electronet when they get low and finish them off.


Too many people try to play their mercs like juggs and it wont work. Use cure for dotting classes, you can check this by seeing the assassin charge or other things. If you do not know your opponents, you will not survive. Don't waste chaff flare on a vengence jugg because pretty much the only thing you will absorb is scream. Don't damage a jugg with saber reflect on. When you have to hard cast TM because your power surge and priming shot are on cooldown use sweeping blasters to avoid getting interrupted which now procs barrage resetting the CD on Blazing bolts.


Take some time and roll the classes you are having problems with so that you know their class better.


If you want I will post screen shots of some WZ's tonight and show how little deaths I take.


Well thank you Capt Obvious. You really think you just said anything I didn't already know? Hint, you didnt.


Yes, i bashed it, cause it was absurd. You lost any and all credibility saying we were fine. Were not. Not in ranked anyway and not in 4 mans in general. Why is it do you think everyone always says "target the Merc/Mando" first? Here's another hint, its because we will die the fastest.


As for me, ask anyone that plays with me, i kite like my arse is on fire, I use LOS, ... i know my class... I'm a Merc that people call for backup against... and i have one of every advanced class.


I stand by my previous statements.. its clear that while you may have a Merc, at most you've done a few reg war zones where you sat back and freecast pew pew'd and were completely ignored and though you knew something. Jump in some ranked then tell me were fine, i bet your view will change

Edited by Floplag
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I see that you bashed my post in the other thread. STOP CRYING and learn to play your class. Run with a guild or get a guild that will run with you. I usually pull top DPS in WZ's. Last night i had 40 kills with only 1 death. You have to know how to kite and KNOW THE CLASS (OR CLASSES) YOU ARE GOING AGAINST. Know hoe to focus target and use acquire focus target's target. Hit that Mara with Electronet when they get low and finish them off.


Too many people try to play their mercs like juggs and it wont work. Use cure for dotting classes, you can check this by seeing the assassin charge or other things. If you do not know your opponents, you will not survive. Don't waste chaff flare on a vengence jugg because pretty much the only thing you will absorb is scream. Don't damage a jugg with saber reflect on. When you have to hard cast TM because your power surge and priming shot are on cooldown use sweeping blasters to avoid getting interrupted which now procs barrage resetting the CD on Blazing bolts.


Take some time and roll the classes you are having problems with so that you know their class better.


If you want I will post screen shots of some WZ's tonight and show how little deaths I take.


The PvP on JC lately has been absolutely terrible with scores of bads derping around all over the place. Claiming 40 kills against these guys is not an accomplishment that I would toss around.


But back on topic, the change to Chaff Flare is barely noticeable in ranked. If, and that's still a big if, you mange to activate it you only gain a couple of seconds of life before it is burned through.


The classes that I have noticed that it works the best against are sorcs/sages but everything else I honestly can't tell a difference.


The KO buff is laughable and wasn't worth the time that they took recoding it.


I know that these are buff and I would rather have them than not but they aren't really enough to make a merc/mando really competitive in ranked PvP.

Edited by DariusCalera
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Well thank you Capt Obvious. You really think you just said anything I didn't already know? Hint, you didnt.


Yes, i bashed it, cause it was absurd. You lost any and all credibility saying we were fine. Were not. Not in ranked anyway and not in 4 mans in general. Why is it do you think everyone always says "target the Merc/Mando" first? Here's another hint, its because we will die the fastest.


As for me, ask anyone that plays with me, i kite like my arse is on fire, I use LOS, ... i know my class... I'm a Merc that people call for backup against... and i have one of every advanced class.


I stand by my previous statements.. its clear that while you may have a Merc, at most you've done a few reg war zones where you sat back and freecast pew pew'd and were completely ignored and though you knew something. Jump in some ranked then tell me were fine, i bet your view will change



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I see that you bashed my post in the other thread. STOP CRYING and learn to play your class. Run with a guild or get a guild that will run with you. I usually pull top DPS in WZ's. Last night i had 40 kills with only 1 death. You have to know how to kite and KNOW THE CLASS (OR CLASSES) YOU ARE GOING AGAINST. Know hoe to focus target and use acquire focus target's target. Hit that Mara with Electronet when they get low and finish them off.


Too many people try to play their mercs like juggs and it wont work. Use cure for dotting classes, you can check this by seeing the assassin charge or other things. If you do not know your opponents, you will not survive. Don't waste chaff flare on a vengence jugg because pretty much the only thing you will absorb is scream. Don't damage a jugg with saber reflect on. When you have to hard cast TM because your power surge and priming shot are on cooldown use sweeping blasters to avoid getting interrupted which now procs barrage resetting the CD on Blazing bolts.


Take some time and roll the classes you are having problems with so that you know their class better.


If you want I will post screen shots of some WZ's tonight and show how little deaths I take.


Hummm ....


For starters, to have 40 kills and one death (run with a healer much?) means you are refering to a 8 v 8 match. And not a 4 v 4. So stay on topic please.


Second, instead of raging on a player, try putting in something helpful. Telling people to queue with a guild doesn't help in solo 4 v 4. Either rank or reg. Which is what this thread is discussing.


Three, telling us to learn the classes doesn't help when you get double stunned and dead in 10 secs. Merc / Mandos have far too many utilities they have to activate when focused on just to survive, much less have a chance to fight back.


The initial question is do the buffs help us in arenas? My two cents is (and I have only done one arena so far) is no. Unfortunately, that one match was against a perfect group pre-made (1 tank, 1 healer, 2 DPS) and I was dead in short order. So to be honest, I need more time in arenas to be sure. But the decoy buys you at most 1 - 2 seconds. And the 5% buff to our "oh **** I'm almost dead heal" won't even generate an additional 2.2k of health on a fully PVP geared (plus augments) player.


The reality is the Merc / Mandos are in desperate need of a focus break. As they stand now (even after the changes) is that we live just a second or two longer than we did before. But because we have no way to escape or avoid the continued focus attacks, all this does is give us a second or two to put down a few more thousand points of DPS before we are dead.

Edited by ForceWelder
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Well in solo que we get facerolled especially if there is more then 1 sin on the other team. But if you have good team composition *cough* *cough* a tank with you, you will survive even in 4v4. and then if they try to switch to healer your tank should be good enough to guard hop and guess what you are burning their team down during this period. But yes a solo team with 4 dps v 4 dps and they got stealthers you will die. The only buff i think our mercs need is some awesome stealth detection. Some of the buffs you guys ask for will make the merc op and flavor of the month. you can kill every class it is possible, its just not as easy as playing a jugg. i feel maraders and mercs are in the same boat if you dont use them right you die. if you use them right you can wreck people.


edit: also i get marked at the start of alot of my games and still find way to get top dps. just read one of the post you sit and free cast not true. Alot of people who are good with mercs just dont come and complain on these forums. It is just that we need to manage our dcd alot better then the other classes do.

Edited by steveerkcanjerk
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Well in solo que we get facerolled especially if there is more then 1 sin on the other team. But if you have good team composition *cough* *cough* a tank with you, you will survive even in 4v4. and then if they try to switch to healer your tank should be good enough to guard hop and guess what you are burning their team down during this period. But yes a solo team with 4 dps v 4 dps and they got stealthers you will die. The only buff i think our mercs need is some awesome stealth detection. Some of the buffs you guys ask for will make the merc op and flavor of the month. you can kill every class it is possible, its just not as easy as playing a jugg. i feel maraders and mercs are in the same boat if you dont use them right you die. if you use them right you can wreck people.


edit: also i get marked at the start of alot of my games and still find way to get top dps. just read one of the post you sit and free cast not true. Alot of people who are good with mercs just dont come and complain on these forums. It is just that we need to manage our dcd alot better then the other classes do.


i don't know you to know if you are any good or not, but i know im not terrible... and i know im under constant pressure from more than 1 enemy. Enough so that even if i do everything right in terms of using my DCDs, the odds are im still going to die, its only a matter of time.


The ego in me says it because they know if they leave me free i will blow them up.

The practicalist in me tells me it because they know i will probably die quickly, which i do, my goal is usually just to make sure i take at least 1 with me.

The realist in me says its because i'm a bit of an opinionated jerk.

The truth is probably a bit of all of the above.

The end result is the same... most of the time in 4s or 8s i draw a crowd.


Even with all this I still typically am among the leaders of my team in objectives and damage, and often damage taken and deaths, lol.


I guess what im getting at is that if you are good at your class, to me that means you should be under pressure. If you are topping the damage charts and not dying it tells me the opposition isnt giving you much thought and/or you got carried by a healer which obviously also makes things kinda of easy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's "better" but no really good tbh. Pretty much what you hope for is for the other team to have amerc or sniper. Then you try to live longer till one is dead. Then best thing is distract the other dps long enough for your team to hurt the next target. I'm assuming it's gonna be DPS vs dps. If you have healz and no tank then your the healers best friend. The decoy helps a lot but it's burned thu easy and still lives you open when (cuZ they are always there) juggs/sins are on your ***.
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  • 2 weeks later...

The reality is the Merc / Mandos are in desperate need of a focus break. As they stand now (even after the changes) is that we live just a second or two longer than we did before. But because we have no way to escape or avoid the continued focus attacks, all this does is give us a second or two to put down a few more thousand points of DPS before we are dead.


What about healing mercs/mandos? That's what I wonder. Why do commando healers get ZERO attention when they suffer the same fate in ranked as the dps? They have NO focus break as the other two healers do. They are utterly destroyed in arena pvp!


It's very frustrating as a healing mando/merc to unload all medpacks, instant heals, knockbacks, etc., only to die 5 secs later EVERY time as a healing merc. And if you are in a solo ranked it's really magnefied just how ill-equipped a healing merc is for said venue.


Commando/mercs are totally useless in solo ranked because you get zero peels, zero guard, and end up focused dead while your team couldn't care less, and you have zero way to break focus for even a split second.

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What about healing mercs/mandos? That's what I wonder. Why do commando healers get ZERO attention when they suffer the same fate in ranked as the dps? They have NO focus break as the other two healers do. They are utterly destroyed in arena pvp!


It's very frustrating as a healing mando/merc to unload all medpacks, instant heals, knockbacks, etc., only to die 5 secs later EVERY time as a healing merc. And if you are in a solo ranked it's really magnefied just how ill-equipped a healing merc is for said venue.


Commando/mercs are totally useless in solo ranked because you get zero peels, zero guard, and end up focused dead while your team couldn't care less, and you have zero way to break focus for even a split second.


They have good potential to be fair. A merc heal can take about 200k+ damage if he can roll his CDs right, but it's way easier for a sorc to do the same. Our only true value, once again, is electro net.

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