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MMO - not so sure


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I'm trying my best to promote the game to friends and I myself stay interested, and I will for sure give bioware/ea time because things can't be fixed over night when it comes to bugs and such, but unfortunately a problem I don't see being fixed is how this is NOT an MMO. It's more of a M/SM/SO.


What that stands for is Massive but small Multiplayer but Single Player Online.


The non-stop cut scenes were cool at first but by level 10 I was getting slightly bored, nonetheless overall I like them. It really lets me get into the story but the problem is this is annoying as multiplayer. When I try to run with a friend we're constantly waiting on eachother and then for some reason you add Single Player only story lines. So if I go into a chamber on a certain quest only I can go. How much fun is that to be the other guy just sitting around outside alone in this MMO? Like I said unfortunately I don't see this changing because it's what this game is sold on and it's deeply integrated so will either have to get used to it or get bored with constantly standing around waiting on someone unless I want to play single player my whole Sith life.


As far as "massive" I wouldn't go that far. I've been in dungeons or raids in Warcraft that are bigger than the "start" zones on here. This is not a "WoW" promotion, I despise WoW because of how they treat customers but when the only option is to play WoW and actually be able to do stuff with friends and explore something huge or play single player and explore a miniature planet I'd have to say I'm leaning back towards WoW.


As stated though, and I recommend everyone do this, I will be giving ToR time. I myself plan on hanging around a minimum of 6 months and as long as it shows that they are trying to address things in the game and listening to the players I will stick around to keep trying until they, like others, start ignoring the players.


I love Bioware and was EXCITED to hear they were going to be part of this, but I fear they have made this too much like a console single player game and without some adjustments it will grow old to pay $15 a month to play by myself or wait around for non-stop cut scenes.


As I will state in all my posts: ALLOW ADDONS


There are certain things I can't stand about the UI and all I can blame is horrible planning by bioware. In bg's I can't see part of my right quickslot bar because of the retarded map placement covering it. On the left I have a chat box and pet avatar taking up space. With an addon I could make it my own and if it looks bad it's my fault, but right now it's absolutely Biowares fault and there's nothing I can do because I'm locked in to this lack of customization.

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I never had so much fun levelling together with friends in WoW as I have in TOR. This, and the fact that planets are packed full of people, I can't move anywhere without seeing another player questing.


For now it really feels like an MMO to me.

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MMO = Massively Multiplayer Online.


With around 1m subs so far I'd say that qualifies for Massive.


It's Multiplayer.


It's Online.




This population is split up in servers, and their populations needs to be massive. A single server may have around 10k. You also have the design of the world. I haven't seen a single encounter with lots of players. The RvR in Warhammer gave you the feeling that you were actually playing an mmo. A keep siege with balanced sides could be quite epic.

Edited by Immoral_Atheist
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When I promote this game to my friends, I ask them, do you like Bioware games, did you play kotor, and of course being a Star Wars fan is a given for most of the people I know, I have a couple of die hard EQ fan friends, that I know would not like TOR, it's just different enough, to turn them off, unless they come to the game with an open mind, and give something new a chance..:)
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You can set it in preferences to allow others to go into your class quest zones, they just cannot progress their own story in there.


Also, I am not sure the starter areas are bigger in wow...are you tackling all the elite/champion bosses on your way through, checking out all the datacrons (for the nice buff to stats from the color matrices) etc etc.


The 1-10 zones in wow take 5 mins to run from one end to the other, but then, I try not to make wow comparisons in SWTOR, anymore than I compare any other game I play to each other...they are different.

Edited by Rhiaden
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have any of you thought that maybe you're leveling faster than everyone else?


I'm on belsavis with a local chat of 6 players, I thought "WOW this game is dead" I then went back to some of the lower level planets and had 50 people on a planet.


people level at dif speeds, not to mention most of us got to play before the masses so we are a week ahead of everyone.

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Seeing these "It's not an MMO" threads is really starting to get old. Let's see what makes a game an MMO. We're aware of the definition, so I'll look at industry standard.


Grouping - Yep. In fact, TOR is one of the few MMOs that actually incentivizes grouping without punishing solo play. You can choose to do it, but you don't suffer if you don't. You get increased XP in a group (an extreme rarity in MMOs). You get increased drop rates. You get social points for multiplayer convos, with it's own reward structure. Plus, there are PLENTY of group oriented things to do.


Raiding - yep, that's there


PVP - yep, that's there


crafting/auction house - yep


guilds - yep

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have any of you thought that maybe you're leveling faster than everyone else?


I'm on belsavis with a local chat of 6 players, I thought "WOW this game is dead" I then went back to some of the lower level planets and had 50 people on a planet.


people level at dif speeds, not to mention most of us got to play before the masses so we are a week ahead of everyone.


I agree...the only time I have seen 35 on a planet has been at 5am, usually its 100-120 or so, but then, I am only on the first 3 planets with my chars.

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If SWTOR is considered an MMO then COD has to be considered one as well. I wonder why COD doesn't charge $15 a month?


Because COD doesn't have the qualities that define an MMO, such as an economy and of course the whole persistent online world bit. That's just a horrible comparison dude.

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Your teamate can go in into your stuff if you both select some option which i forgot, and you have to go in first. And most wow dungeons are not bigger than the starting zones. Do you count just what is on the surface? how about the caves, etc..



I will agree this game does need a bit more multiplayer.

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If SWTOR is considered an MMO then COD has to be considered one as well. I wonder why COD doesn't charge $15 a month?


Another post from Anarcho, the full-time TOR hater who chooses to sit in front of his monitor on Christmas Day and take every chance he can to post how much he dislikes this game.


(shakes head)

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