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Bioware told sorc class to bend over and take it


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You know what bioware/EA, when I gave you money for the lv 60 cap you didn't say you were going to nerf my fav class. 1st force storm its always been 5 sec. now for me its 2.7 because of my alacrity. 2nd not only did u cut the channel time, but you made it so it doesn't even break over 800 damage.. 2 you nerf down the sorc and you nerf up the jugs? now they cant die. I could call your company the worst things ever but I know that wont change anything. EA you are already hated by so many player for ruining so many great games. Im not going to rant on. im just going to say that no more subscription after april. I didn't pay for lv 60 cap so my fav class can get nerf down. 1st u nerf the sentinels and now the sorc? so u know what take you that money and shuv it where the sun don't shine.. im out!
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Yes there are 6 other classes that can and will slaughter any Sage/Sorcerer they come across. Ever since they started this game they've been the whipping child of all of the other classes. It's the main reason I created other characters so that I wouldn't be frustrated when I went to play PVP. The idea is to complement one another but in PVP it's always on your own no matter how much EA wants you to group up with others it doesn't happen.


I've played other MMOs and been an active member in guilds which in other MMOs there was a great group of people across all age ranges that got together and did operations and PVP arena games, using the class system the way its supposed to be used. The downside to guilds is the DRAMA that comes with some players who don't have enough in their regular lives (not really) but want to bring that into game play as well. I guess art imitates life in that respect. Just an example of why I avoid guilds now.


All I've seen here are guilds spring up, recruit players then are dead in 3 or 4 months because the serious gamers aren't going to stay with a game that changes the stats so that any classes outweighs the other to an extreme.


Like the other poster says there are other classes that take time to level to a viable fun level, often repeating missions over and over again to have EA nerf that characters abilities to such an extent that you have to start all over again. I've been playing this game since day one. My play days for this one are coming to an end soon.

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I just returned and resubscribed to the game last week, rolled a new sorcerer, and look what happens.

Cancelling again.



I just resubbed too. Last time I resubbed the servers were very unstable. I have totally bad timing. LOL.


There goes my idea of DPSing full time on sorc. Looks like I have to heal again.

Edited by Radzkie
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yeah bioware is stupid. the only reason they nerf sorc is because a lot of people were complaining about the dps they do and the op they are, they were getting phone calls saying if they don't nerf the sorc class people wil end the subs. first thing is first. they don't understand sorc class. we have light armor so if any one focus on us were most likely dead asap. 2 we are a class that attacks multiple targets, of course force storm is going to cause a lot of dps because sorc class does dps to multiple targets. however it doesn't matter because bioware were afraid to loose subcirbers over this. well guess what u are about to loose even more when they find out what you have done to sorc/sage classes.
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and another thing, its not a classes fault that with a new lv cap we can add more powerful surge augs that will increase our damage. grow up u people who complain about sorc/sage being to powerful. u can subtract 15 dollars from your bank EA but I know that is chump change to u.. Edited by hoaxburn
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Honestly the nerf wasn't that bad. They took something that was suppose to be used for aoe dmg that was being used for single target dmg and fixed it. Other then that I'm parsing about 300dps lower now, which isn't worth crap. We were very op, some of you people just need to get over it. Aoe fights it stings a bit, I get it, but it really isn't as bad as everyone is making it out to be. Instead of reading the nerfs and acting like 12 y/o girls about it, log in a test it out. I'm honestly more upset with the 15 sec cool down on lightning flash, its makes the rotation slower paced and not as fun to play imo.
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no its not so bad. the bad thing is they nerfd up the jugs/gaurdians, now they are harder to kill . yeah its a big difference. why not nerf those scoundrel healers that never die. Edited by hoaxburn
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You know what bioware/EA, when I gave you money for the lv 60 cap you didn't say you were going to nerf my fav class. 1st force storm its always been 5 sec. now for me its 2.7 because of my alacrity. 2nd not only did u cut the channel time, but you made it so it doesn't even break over 800 damage.. 2 you nerf down the sorc and you nerf up the jugs? now they cant die. I could call your company the worst things ever but I know that wont change anything. EA you are already hated by so many player for ruining so many great games. Im not going to rant on. im just going to say that no more subscription after april. I didn't pay for lv 60 cap so my fav class can get nerf down. 1st u nerf the sentinels and now the sorc? so u know what take you that money and shuv it where the sun don't shine.. im out!


I totally agree. I am not going to pay for my subscription anymore. I am not going to pay for them screwing with the classes.

The sorce has been the same since I first started playing this game just after beta. I don't know who it is that thinks that there is a problem with the sources, but this is ridiculous. Screw over your paying customers and enjoy your free to players.

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Honestly the nerf wasn't that bad. They took something that was suppose to be used for aoe dmg that was being used for single target dmg and fixed it. Other then that I'm parsing about 300dps lower now, which isn't worth crap. We were very op, some of you people just need to get over it. Aoe fights it stings a bit, I get it, but it really isn't as bad as everyone is making it out to be. Instead of reading the nerfs and acting like 12 y/o girls about it, log in a test it out. I'm honestly more upset with the 15 sec cool down on lightning flash, its makes the rotation slower paced and not as fun to play imo.


a 300 dps loss are you just that horribly geared? i was doing 5.1k parses without force storm in my rotation as lightning and now i'm parsing 4.3k 4.4k maxed and most of my gear is 198s maybe 3 pieces are 192s and i lost that big of a % because of the nerf to single target let alone seeing my force storms only tick for 2k maybe a 2.2k on a rare sighting. yeah force storm needed a nerf thats all good but now the sorcs when from being one of the top dps to being basically nothing on the dmg meter. GG BW GG certainly lost my sub for being this dang retarded.

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a 300 dps loss are you just that horribly geared? i was doing 5.1k parses without force storm in my rotation as lightning and now i'm parsing 4.3k 4.4k maxed and most of my gear is 198s maybe 3 pieces are 192s and i lost that big of a % because of the nerf to single target let alone seeing my force storms only tick for 2k maybe a 2.2k on a rare sighting. yeah force storm needed a nerf thats all good but now the sorcs when from being one of the top dps to being basically nothing on the dmg meter. GG BW GG certainly lost my sub for being this dang retarded.


I'm BiS and lost ~300 dps. How did you lose 700 dps? :eek:

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a 300 dps loss are you just that horribly geared? i was doing 5.1k parses without force storm in my rotation as lightning and now i'm parsing 4.3k 4.4k maxed and most of my gear is 198s maybe 3 pieces are 192s and i lost that big of a % because of the nerf to single target let alone seeing my force storms only tick for 2k maybe a 2.2k on a rare sighting. yeah force storm needed a nerf thats all good but now the sorcs when from being one of the top dps to being basically nothing on the dmg meter. GG BW GG certainly lost my sub for being this dang retarded.


Are you still using force storm in your rotation or something? I don't get how you have lost 800 dps. I've been parsing all day and its somewhere between 200-400 lose for me depending on RNG. I really don't think thats too bad.

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Honestly the nerf wasn't that bad. They took something that was suppose to be used for aoe dmg that was being used for single target dmg and fixed it. Other then that I'm parsing about 300dps lower now, which isn't worth crap. We were very op, some of you people just need to get over it. Aoe fights it stings a bit, I get it, but it really isn't as bad as everyone is making it out to be. Instead of reading the nerfs and acting like 12 y/o girls about it, log in a test it out. I'm honestly more upset with the 15 sec cool down on lightning flash, its makes the rotation slower paced and not as fun to play imo.


You have no earthly idea what you are talking about. Balance sage was already down around a thousand DPS and then with this nerf they are down another 500 dps. They are no longer a viable dps class at all period. and now, because of some meta groups being OP in PvP no sage type is worth a **** in any facet of the game except ERP I guess. The fact that you say they were very OP clearly shows your ignorance.

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there are 6 other classes and a double xp weekend soon, this is the kind of things that happen in a mmo.


Wrong. This is not just what happens. I've been around a long time, and this is by quite a margin the biggest and most unjustified nerf in the entire history of MMORPGs. We went from medium-high power (who could murder anyone dumb enough to stand in Force Storm/Forcequake) to the bottom class. We have the lowest single target damage and the lowest AoE damage in the game now.


Nothing was broken before. Heck, getting rid of the snare alone would have solved and and all problems. Dropping the damage per tick by 50%. It's ridiculous. It's unnecessary. And yes, we will complain and gripe until it changes. And no, there's nothing anyone can do to stop it.

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So, I had been playing as a Shadow with a friend of mine. He decided not to do a stealth class, so it kind of made me being a shadow pointless. Nevertheless, I gave it a try. The entire time we were playing I kept thinking "I miss forcequake". At about level 40, I decided "screw it, Sage is so much more fun". I deleted a level 55 character to make room for a new Sage (whom i named rocksolid). I just (finally) got to level 40 ... literally a few days ago... and this crap happens. :mad:


I have been a loyal subscriber for almost the entire time SWTOR has been out. Before it was F2P i bought several copies so my friends could play with me. It would not be a lie to say that I have spent nearly $500 on this game.


Forcequake was the only decent wave-clear Sages had. Now how am I supposed to clear mobs in PVE? If this nerf isn't fixed within the next patch, I am canceling my subscription and this game will never get another dime from me. I am that pissed

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ive been a loyal subcriber to this game for just under 3 years now and i just logged into day did this patch i just want to say WHAT THE ****????? BioWare i forgave you for the mass effect ****up i for gave you for the dragon age inquisistion dlc that came out 2 weeks ago but this is the last bloody straw i will no longer give you any more money you screw us players over and over and over agane and most of us players stay loyal but no more this just take the sodding piss well you lost a sub here i cant take this **** no more



yes i know my spelling crap but i dont give a **** i wont be making no more comments im outa here!!

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Well I was doing 1million+ dps in war zones last week... now the only ones does 1m are the powertechs.

I ran warzones all night and was consistently getting 500k, broke 600k once. LAME.

I think I'm done here, time to find a new game.

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I'm BiS and lost ~300 dps. How did you lose 700 dps? :eek:

oh yeah.. that's nice. yeah. ultimate gear uh huh. just one problem we pvp'ers cant use ultimate gear in pvp, in warzones when I use a force storms I don't know if I want to cry, by how fast its end, I just click and force storm is over? im like what the? or cry on how much wack dps it does? bioware you completely killed off the lightning/telekinesis spec. I was force to go to madness. I wonder how long it will be till you complete mest that one up too because if you do I tell you this don't expect anymore of my money. don't pay to get nerf you know. A-holes....

Edited by hoaxburn
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So yeah we did a lot of damage before the patch but that's what our class was good for plus we were glass cannons... Easy to kill... Now we are just easy to kill... Ridiculous and I for one will be cancelling my subscription based on these changes...
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